48 hour UF1 race...night stints would not be a problem...you could hit the longest straight on the track and take a nap for a few minutes and wake up before the next corner
Take a read through that and try the suggestions in that thread. In my case, it turned out that my new motherboard was flawed and required replacement.
The problem is that the manufacturer of my motherboard had no interest in helping me or providing a replacement regardless of how much evidance I provided that their brand new MoBo was bad. I ended up buying a different board and changed my LFS forum avatar
the fact that we are looking for a driver 6 days before the race may suggest that we are a disorganised cluster %^$@ ... not the case, just trying to assure an in-coming driver that we are prepared, we had 3 guys lined up and ready to go, the 3 of us agreed on a setup and strategy then school stuff came up for one of the guys and he is no longer available.
an incoming driver is not going to walk into this race with us to find he has been paired with two unprepared fools. We have 2 guys ready to go but the 45% rule for this race requires 3 drivers.
Suddenly most of my drivers figured out that they have university exams coming up.
Goal is to finish and have fun
We have a setup and a teamspeak, and a practice server. Group practice Tuesday night, free driving advice from Concept Racing guys who are driving our FZR.
Please PM, would need to be Am rated driver, we already have a Pro on the lineup.
Have you re-logged into the game: On the main menu, the last option at the bottom of the list would say "Demo Racer: Awerdas" then there should be an unlock button near by (I forget the exact location of the unlock button). You need to click that unlock button, enter the user name and password you chose when buying the game, and click "enter" or "select" or Submit" (I forget what the button says)