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S2 licensed
I miss ramming other drivers off the track as well , trying a new sim ATM where I can ram with impunity.

Hows it going Sidi you old wrecker
S2 licensed
Staying alive and being happy ,taking care of my family and friends.
In LFS to see a busy race start and everyone finishes on the same lap.
S2 licensed
The SRF was the car I tried first when I got the demo Struan, felt really good to drive, nimble and positive with wicked oversteer if you were not smooth with the control inputs.
After one of the updates the handling seemed to change though?, TBH I can't seem to tear myself away from the friendly marsupial at the moment, Tried a few laps in the Radical at Silverstone very fast and exciting to drive but lacks 'something' in comparison to the Skippy, I think I prefer the Slower ,softer and less advanced cars but maybe this will change with more time driving the other cars.
S2 licensed
The Skippy is so rewarding to drive, predictable and when you get it wrong It shouts ...NO. my opinion is based only on driving other Sims so take what I say with a pinch of salt. Initially I thought the FF felt very twitchy when driving in a straight line I found the culprit was bumps in the road.

For me its in another league, the attitude of the other drivers plays a major part in this.

Learning Road Atlanta this week, Mosport's with attitude
S2 licensed
I spent many holidays there as I grew up, He was much admired not just me but by his neighbours for the man he was not for the accent he had.
S2 licensed
My Uncle left Scotland when he was 18 and moved to Deal in Kent where he lived a long life and died an old man ,with his Scottish accent intact.
S2 licensed
Quote from JeffR :Dual view video of the GPL version of Mosport (Greger Huttu replay), with graphic updates from GPLPS installation pack:

Great lap..track looks much improved from my time in gpl, I always thought calling it the 'mini ring' was very apt.
S2 licensed
I bought the Skippy today, driving it at Limerock It seems stable and predictable as long as you watch what you doing with the right foot, Initially I was a little disappointed with the FF, the car feels like it wants to steer all by Itself ( using corrent polarity in FF settings) but at Mosport even on lap one it was being five again at Xmas.

It maybe partly nostalgia for GPL , but one thing I do know the track is in another league since I drove it In GPL ,combined with this car driving the same corner always feel that little bit different each time, the Solstice is the same.I think thats whats makes you want to try one more lap.
S2 licensed
Quote from Storm_Cloud :You can't expect league racing behaviour on a pickup server. CTRA tried, but it was too much effort. Just take it as it is, don't expect the world and it won't be annoyed when things happen. It's not important, just a way to waste some time.

Sorry But I couldn't disagree more, pickup racing is lfs for me,I think people expect far too little from there races rather not too much,Therein lies the problem.
S2 licensed
Looking forward to buying Mosport, will be like visiting an old friend .
S2 licensed
Not going to comment on the replay the people involved know the answers anyway.
I see too many people not just on this server but on many others trying to make passing moves that don't exist ,over and over again, guys how many times do you need to keep hitting your head against the wall until you realise that it hurts?, If overtaking looks too risky get back on opponents tail and try again, do it the smart way.

I see drivers showing zero tolerance to others who make mistakes, then use there car to 'teach them a lesson', accidents will always happen, but many like this one are 100% avoidable.

LFS is going through a bit of drought at the moment perhaps we shouldn't be urinating in the fresh water pools that are left.

Want respect from others online? earn it on the track by deed and action
S2 licensed
Quote from tristancliffe :My point is proven. Only geeks get upset about Hackers != Crackers. In the real world they are the same. Lifeless nerds that break into systems they shouldn't, whether it be games, OS's, office suites or the Pentagon website etc. If they were doing it for personal improvement then they wouldn't need to brag. But they are doing it to try and get respect or to look cool. And the only people that like them for it are fellow spotty, pale nerds.

Then again, Shadowwwww, you've always struck me as the hacking/cracking sort of person. Should I type this without consonants for you?

Tried the Solstice yet?
S2 licensed
I got hit from behind at t1 under a yellow flag in the rookie Solstice race and one of those numbers actually went down, life will never be the same again.

Car was so damaged I thought it best to pit to avoid problems for others I was then towed to the pits by Superman who must have just had a Kryptonite kebab... 60 seconds never felt so long ... rejoined race... finshed 3rd.... and a lap down!.

ps still like it
S2 licensed
Quote from SilverArrows77 :Dale Earnhardt JR is PRO and was racing Rookie Solstice at Lime Rock the other week, though i think he is only PRO ive seen in rookie field, certainly see many A Class drivers in rookie races though, good fun beating them too - I think its not so bad or uncommon really, they stand to lose more in a rookie race than a lower classed driver.

Actually i think we were in a practice session together yesterday John?

Hi Ken Limerock late last night GMT?, what an amazing car ehh, was trying it at Laguna last week, first few laps I hated the combo then it grows on you a little then it becomes an addictive obsession, the way the car reacts when you start to push it especially at the left hander after the corkscrew is simracing heaven.
S2 licensed
Quote from Crommi :License level determines what series you're eligible to run, not what you need to run.

Got the impression from reading the forums that racing in rookie servers is frowned upon if you have a better 'license' which would be a shame if you really like the car/ track combo.

Saying that if the Skippy is as much fun to drive as the Solstice I can't wait
S2 licensed
Looks like the honeymoon is over , for me I'm still head over heels.
The more I drive the GTI of Iracing the more it blows me away.The ever present stats,SR..etc.. pidgeonholing people into where they should race depending on the colour of there 'license' is a bit sad TBH

I now return to my mistress
S2 licensed
Not so happy about the down time the sim experiences, this is the third time in 2 weeks, and TBO not a great fan of the web based structure for starting the sim, very clunky and slow,I seem to spend so much time just waiting for the web page to refresh.
S2 licensed
Great song but the solo does nothing for me,Sounds like Stairway to Heaven at the start, then decends into the same old same old.

But music is in the ear of the beholder If it gives you pleasure ...enjoy.
Have a listen to this guitarist and see what you think. ... Pwn58&feature=related
S2 licensed
Solstice + Limerock is pure enjoyment , Its the most compelling and exhilarating experience I've ever had on a computer simulation/game.

I'm no petrol head but there is something fundamentally right going on with this combo, Its like 1998 with GPL all over again ...but much better.
S2 licensed
I'm in my first week with Iracing driving the 'rookie' Solstice car, I could happily drive that car for the rest of my life, the feeling of weight transfer when you start to push it is beyond words, combined with tracks that have bumps and cambers that seem to mimic closely the real life track( lime rock) is a potent combination.

It seems very quiet though , not many races happening? but the races I've had have been 100% clean and positive , a very pleasant experience.

The only thing I don't like is the exaggerated tyre noise ,wish I could calm that down a little.
S2 licensed
I take it that many reports have been submitted?, stop biting the hand's that feed us all and get involved.
Seen the same complaints for 5years + but nothing changes...wonder why?.
S2 licensed
Longer races are better, makes it more of an event rather than the same old thrash and dash.
S2 licensed
Mosport.. love that track worth checking out, Time to move I think
S2 licensed
I think he sounds like a plonker, funny no....annoying...yes