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S2 licensed
What Constitutes a wrecker?

A person who's aim is not to race but to wreck others peoples race.
Waiting on the track blocking the racing line for example.

Judging a driver's "race craft" based on lap times is in many cases flawed
PBittis has put paid to that,I have seen this week a lot of new drivers who despite being slow are a pleasure to race with, that is what still give's me the buzz

I remember my first days with with LFS, lots of fun, and not a clue what was doing I Quickly added a sorry macro.

Damn nothing's changed

S2 licensed
passing the drivers who are busy with other things.....

Hey carefull you nearly made me spill my soup
S2 licensed
Eat chicken noodle soup
S2 licensed
Hi JD good to see you
Hope Dik is doing ok , see you on the track, try the XRR ,its a bit nice

S2 licensed
Yes some of the deliberate wreckers can actually drive, or should I say hot lap.

IMO after replay evidence showing these gentlemen wrecking for fun there names should be passed to other server's.

After turning a blind Eye for the last few months, its zero tolerance time
Witch hunt no ... good for LFS yes.

S2 licensed
New drivers are always welcome , so join races and enjoy.

BYW getting fast laps are (in some cases) no indication of a drivers abilty to race with others.I have had the best races on LFS with poor lap times, dont get obsessed with the PB

Just keep an eye on the map if someone is closing quick, and you don't feel in control of the car, ease off then get back on there tail, great way to learn .

Best advice don't overdrive the car ( lots of tyres noise , massive steering correction is a giveaway) It should feel smooth and the best laps actually feel slow .

S2 licensed
Its the human condition ,wish we could evolve a bit quicker
Now back to our regular program.

S2 licensed
No problems, and I much prefer it switched on.


S2 licensed
How to pull a girl racer?

I want to pull a 42 at as Nat

S2 licensed
"Ok, I hear this BS every time and I'm really sick of it... There is no such thing as a "right" to a line"

I'm sick of driver's who try and pass on the inside who are "WAY" behind at turn-in and find out they dont have the grip to carry it off and use my car to hold the inside line.

This issue goes to the heart of racing in LFS, If my opponent is even slightly ahead, and I'm on the inside,I pull over and get back on his tail, and begin the hunt againSmile.

I expect him to use the raceline and act accordingly, yes there are grey areas but I drive with the "car infront has the line" mentality.

Worked for me since 1998 Smile

S2 licensed
Have a look on Ebay for a wheel you can buy them for less than s2 costs.

Driving with a wheel is not about better laps times, greater splits, its just a LOT more fun driving with a wheel .
Cars have steering wheels, LFS is a racing car simulation, get a wheel

I know many fast and clean KB and mouse driver's, but I really believe they are missing out on a tacticle experience that can only come from a FF wheel.

All the best
S2 licensed

I drive by these rules,what do you think?

S2 licensed
This text should be added to the term's and agreement's before buying LFS

S2 licensed
Yes I remember reading this when I got GPL.
And yes these cornering rules would help avoid so many crashes,and arguments.

S2 licensed
Nice work Fordman
I have a feeling you have made someone's day.

Charge him like a Bull

S2 licensed
I blame the whole mess on DGBVIPER
I just want to say that I did not encourage Cropsy to open the pedals up
and i,m sticking with that statement.

Cropsy hope you get the pedals back from Fordman soon ( nice one Fordman), and who says we have no sense of community .

S2 licensed
Bumpdrafting don't like it, and react badly when its forced upon me

Never used it because no matter how good the result, race win, some new amazing pb, I would know I how I got the result.

Just don't get it?.

S2 licensed
All the best Fordman the big 30 I remember it well .
to celebrate you should take us all on a nice weekend break( Amsterdam would be nice)

Enjoy mate

S2 licensed
At the braking /turn-in point for a corner the car in front has the right to the raceline, I try to drive with this is mind, always look across if the car is ahead of me the line is his enjoy

S2 licensed
Line: dictated by the driver in front or behind
Consistency: All over the shop
Race craft: I use mirrors all the time and act accordingly.
Spelling: very bad

S2 licensed
He who lives past T1 is wise and good or caused a pileup)
LFS: when the fastest laps feel's like the slowest you know you've got it.

S2 licensed
Quote :I'd like the screen names to be compeltely REMOVED, and only the S2 registered names to be shown

Completly agree on that one,sick of using CTRL SHIFT to see who behind the name on screen.
Would be great if this change could be made in future patches

All the best
S2 licensed
Hi Al

Quote :

guess this is what the name-thief wreckers depend on for their kicks, getting someone innocent blamed for their misdemeanours; thats why I ask people don't vote blindly or as a knee-jerk reaction, as does sometimes happen

Yes bad news those thiefs I probably have an evil twin on S2, always check the LFS name before voting and Only vote after I have no other options, this is after counting to 10 10 times.

I will only add to a vote when I know the person who started it and trust them, or I see the incident myself.

S2 licensed
The Last thing I want to do Is vote to kick/ban someone, I join LFS races to race and have fun, BUT I think the banning option is sadly even more needed in S2 very suprised at the deliberate wrecking that goes on, It's sometimes worse than s1 demo used to be.

Wreckers have no place in LFS Period!!.

The gray area is accidents or mistakes If you crash into someone or ruin there race just say sorry and let the offended driver pass you if possible.

Say nothing ,act as if you did nothing wrong and your heading for trouble and a bad reputation, And your reputation sticks like mud here.

S2 licensed
Yep its getting worse not better.

I had this happen to me in demo as well, and its probably happening in s2.

Also had a Nutter who drives for a team ( no name's ATM) try to ban me from a race and I was not even racing !!, found him in team server and got a torrent of swearing , abuse then voted to ban me and some of his team mates voted as well.

What we out up with for our racing.. ehhh..
