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S2 licensed
Slightly slower lap time ,around 0.10 sec on average with it enabled, But I have a feeling if and When engine damage gets worked in future patches having it enabled will give you MUCH faster lap times .

And yes it does sound better.
S2 licensed
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A) go with the pros and come last most of the time

Racing with faster drivers will make you faster as well, watching the car in front disapearing into the sunset is a great motivator
S2 licensed
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I don't think it can be that hard to implement a simple restriction for licensed drivers on CD1.

SO go and setup your own server and see how much work is involved to give others FREE racing on your server and while your at It make sure you please everyone all the time
S2 licensed
Quote :the single best piece of advice whilst racing IMO is "stay in the present" I wish I could

So true ,don't think about that great split you just wasted or what could happen next lap..... focus 100% on the next corner, not that easy though.
PMA is far more important in LFS than even the best setup IMO,Very interesting broadcast SD thanks for link

GTG and taunt fellow drivers of being in boy band's
S2 licensed
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Ugly, unforgiving and laggy. Those are the reasons to use it.

My favorite GTR, smoothness and delicate control input always pays off with the XRR... a great drive.
S2 licensed
The genuine people in LFS out way the negative elements by a large margin.
Over the years I've had so many good experiences and great races in LFS and lots and lots of laughs , had skins painted for me, when I started in LFS I got offered setups and advice from day one.

So I dont have a blue flag!! macro I have a Thanks one instead,and you know something it seems to work better.
S2 licensed
Just tried the CD3 server what a cracking car/track combo very enjoyable
S2 licensed
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Schumacher is also driving in regular open roads. Does it means that that Paris Hilton is as much a real racer as Ayrton Senna ?

not for the next few weeks
S2 licensed
I have been following this thread with interest some good points have been made, I think the subject has been well covered.

What I have noticed that there have been posts from a few about hard clean racing all very true wish there was more racing like this in LFS, but the problem is SOME don't practice what they post.
S2 licensed
Had many great races on the CD servers in the past, all the best for your new CD2 server hope it brings better racing for all.
S2 licensed
I've seen Drivers take the easy route and gently bump the driver ahead of them off the track before the turn gain a place...result.

To the OP of course its not right if both cars are level at turn in point the inside driver should not run another car off the track, but many drivers have an real advantage its called not giving a shit.
S2 licensed
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the morons that disobey blue flag all the time or crash you before even first turn

Funny you should say that I was watching you earlier on the Redline BL server and you did all of above and a lot more all in technicolour MPR.
S2 licensed
I TRY and avoid all contact for the reasons mentioned but mainly because 5 years of GPL has hardwired my brain in this way .

Driving with this mindset is what makes LFS fun for me and is the main reason for me having "just one more race".

A little rub here and there is fine, but tapping other's off track at t1 and moving on up or making a heroic inside move when you 5 car lengths behind at the corner.... not acceptable.
S2 licensed
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Unfortunately the biggest idiots also usually have the biggest mouths and
the shortest tempers

Yes I Agree but nature in its wisdom gives them an attention span to match there temper, racing becomes boring much quicker for them.
S2 licensed
Hotlapping in GPL offline, Far too dangerous ATM to race online.

Mosport+ Ferrari... still amazing.
S2 licensed
ST is a great film some of the scenes are still visually amazing.

I'm a big fan also of the Late Carl Sagan his Cosmos series in the late 70's really struck a chord with me ,so although many people hate it, CONTACT is also one of my favorite SCI FI films, the opening sequence still gives me goosebumps everytime I watch it.
S2 licensed
Ahhh good old GPL, loaded it up again a few days ago, can't believe I used to be able to drive these monsters

GPL still has it checked GPL rank and my rank is still there after all these years. ... .php?showDetail=1,1,13664

Where do the years go?.
S2 licensed
You do get what you pay for, If you like racing on demo, good for you enjoy, race it for the next 10 years if you like , but you will not get what LFS is really about .
Its been posted many times how much better the racing experience is in the full version.

To answer the OP question, No of course not.. have you seen the mess the world is in ATM that is Tension, I come here for fun and relaxation.

Buy a licence or stick with the demo makes no difference to me I judge others by how fair and clean they race, demo or s2.

I know demo users are getting about 1% of what the licenced version offers and I'm not just talking about more cars and tracks it's even better than that .

You choose.
S2 licensed
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@John Penn: For three years I took the bus to work passing by James's Gate Brewery and oh boy' that smell of hops

Should have took the 59 it had AC not like the smell of hops? its up there with freshly baked bread for me.

Must go on a pilgrimage to Chiswick some day , mmm free samples.
S2 licensed
I would never chill My 2 favorite beers Fullers London pride and Fullers ESB ,room temperature every time pour it into a glass, leave it for 20minutes then drink and enjoy, its not gassy its not chilled but the taste OHHH BOY like fine wine
S2 licensed
In the long term the g25 is probably the cheapest wheel you could buy.

Hopefully it will last for at least the 5 years+ that my momo force did, how many cheap wheels will you have to replace in the time?.

Saying that If the Momo Red Force was still on sale I would have bought it ahead of the g25 in a heartbeat, IMO it had a better feel around the centre of the steering and had a smooth frictionless action that makes the g25 feel slightly "sticky" in comparison, and its whisper quiet compared to the g25.

But I also like the Idea of not having to open up the G25 every few months to change or clean the analogue pot.. swings and roundabouts
With what on the market just now the G25 is light years ahead of the DFP
I think the pedals will outlive me
S2 licensed
I went from a momo force wheel to the g25 and thought I was driving another sim for 2 weeks.

Give it time ,driving with a wheel is the way to go,try using your mouse again in a few weeks, bet you cant drive with it
S2 licensed
Fern bay Gold reverse in the XRT, infuriating and addictive in equal measures
S2 licensed
1 g25 @£169, the other £ 1000 went on trying to feed the monster that is FSX,, and It's still hungry.
S2 licensed
Setups do make a difference when you know the track well, but a bigger influence IMO is If you won the race before, or you got a really smooth fast lap and dropped a second or so in your lap time, something changes in the way you drive that track.. Lets call It Confidence.

I have in the past sent setups to other drivers saying they are the best thing since slice bread and only noticed at the end of the race I had selected the wrong setup at the start.

Funny thing is these drivers get pb's .