If by "dealing with" you mean being representations of them, then yes, personally I'm only really involved (and not much by that) in anime-style representations. I personally have no idea why it's anime-style as the main form and as such I can't really explain.
The furry subculture tends to only deal with anthropomorphic creatures. They do tend to be in an anime style, though.
NO! Zoophilia is a sexual attraction to animals. Even yiffing (sexual acts between furries) is different to that. I would hate to be even associated with anyone that is a zoophile, even more than I would dislike being associated with yiffers.
I've just looked at the WikiFur, and found that some of my SL friends are in there. I also noticed that most of my SL furry friends aren't in there, possible because they're not really within the main furry communities.
If you do look at the Second Life characters section on there, you'll see the names Jaycatt Nico and Frogg Marlowe. They're amazing guys, and rather handy when it comes to music too
Not quite. Furries are specifically people that dress up as animals in one way or another, be it virtually or getting themselves a suit made. The Trekkie you're describing is just that - a trekkie. Rather large difference between dressing up as Kirk and dressing up as an animal
During the time I've spent on Second Life (well over a year now) I've been in contact with a lot of people that describe themselves as furries. The vast majority of these have been what you describe as "Category 1" furries, with a handful of "Category 2" ones and the very occasional "Category 3" one.
The Category 1 ones (that is, the ones with just furry avatars) are a generally nice bunch. I enjoy hanging around with them. They don't mind that others aren't furries or anything, they have no general hatred of furry haters either. They just get along with day to day stuff like the average person.
The Category 2 ones are much the same. Again I enjoy chatting with them. They don't try to force anything on people so all is good. These appear to be the ones that get annoyed at those that don't like furries themselves, however I've not personally seen them doing anything *to* said people.
The Category 3 ones are a sick bunch. While I've been in a furry avatar (consider me slightly Category 1, I have a couple of avatars I wear occasionally) all that I have heard from them is requests for some sort of sex/bondage etc. Totally disgusting, and I don't wish to have any Category 1 or 2 furry associated with them at all. Hence me voting for the 3rd option
When the front wheels skid in reality (I'm on about while understeering here) the tyres still generate grip. Go try it out on an airfield or something, You'll find you still turn, just not as much as you would when you don't turn the wheel too much
EDIT: Go take a look into slip angles and stuff in tyres. Will come in very useful
Ghostcar is an external add-on, not part of LFS itself. If Kegetys hasn't coded it for Y yet, it's no fault of the LFS devs
Because the car you are driving doesn't have one. Try the FBM if you *really* want a digital speedo.
That's a server option. Go find a different server.
The physics changed, of course records are gonna be removed!
No it doesn't. Patch Y added things that if anything will make arcade drivers more annoyed than they already were at LFS.
If you turn the wheel too much the front wheels will understeer. Too much throttle in a high powered car will cause the drive wheels to slip. If the drive wheels are the rear ones then yes, the car will start to slide and (in the case of too much slipping) spin out.
And 2 things about the forces stuff:
1. In the application of a car turning a corner centrifugal force *does not exist*. You're looking at centripetal force there.
2. If you don't start sliding you have rolling friction between the road and the road. If you *do* start sliding then it is dynamic friction. Where does static friction come into this? Does a car magically turn a corner while not moving?
3.1 states 2 locations only. 3.3 states that you may unlock after a format etc with the spare unlocks. Nowhere is it stated that more than 2 PCs may be unlocked. Having a quick read would be good
IMO 7 year olds should not be allowed to drive quad bikes at all. In fact, if I go down that line, I think they should be banned totally, various incidents have shown that they're not safe.
The 7 year old was involved in a head-on collision with a Range Rover, so what hope did she have of survival? Totally ridiculous that they're still allowed if you ask me.
He means would you rather lock yourself outside your car but be able to get in the house, or lock yourself out of your house but have access to the car.