Hyperactive: Great post, funny is that what you have said was repeated in this thread several times already.. Guys saying "no 45 degrees" seem to ignore this argument..
The problem is that to do this you have to use all 36 degrees - a TINY mistake and you lose the control(90 Degree angle drift actually often feels like out of control thing in LFS nowadays). Additional 14 degrees would make us more experienced drifters do manners like that more often - it really is fun.
And besides, bigger max lock would make my DFP live longer. :P Nowadays to do high angle/high speed agressive drifting I have to throw my DFP hard from one side to another.
Adding a 45 degree steering lock would make LFS totally unrealistic, I truly mean it. And yes, current possibilites with suspension, brakes, gearbox etc settings are 100% realistic.
p.s.: Guys! Keep on rockin! Don't stop ignoring Toni's arguments! Way to go!
If you guys are so much into realism then let's ask Scawen to block all the setup settings in road cars.. Keep them stock. Really, most of the racers just get setups from others or team inferno site without even checking how it's been set under the hood. Why? Because they don't care if the setup is 100% realistic, or actually they wouldn't even be able to understand when it becomes unrealistic - I wouldn't too.
The only argument behind "No 45 degrees steering lock" is - Screw Drifters. Imo.
BlakjeKaas: Did you read Matrixi's post? How the hell would it be an advantage for other racers? How the hell would it make LFS not realistic? The change would affect only street cars and would be usefull ONLY for drifting(like in real life). When you race, you don't need much steering lock to catch a slide.. illepall You don't even see many racing sets using more than 30 degrees nowadays.
Tristan - So true, so true. :banghead: Based on my experience from today.. But even then, I still think 13th friday is nonsense, let's see what will happen next year.
- Exactly, and I'm really sorry for that. I guess we all expected nKP to be the "Big Thing", what it is, we all know - thanks Kunos, ASS previews and all the hyping. I guess LFS and RBR are the only sims that did/do stand to the "hype" they made.
I guess that's because most of the fast people are there in front fighting for the box and each second lost behind a driver getting a blue flag lowers their chance of winning. It really is iritating for me when I(for example) catch up to the leader and am slowed down in a corner by someone who gets a blue flag - as if all the effort and increased tire wear went to waste.
I think that what jtw says makes sense. And he has proven many times that he knows what he's talking about. If I had to trust someone about physics, that would be him. Enjoyable posts to read as always.
Sorry for dragging the topic, but mattlikespeoples - don't you think that you are not able to load skins from skins_x folder in a game for some reason?
Toni, just call Logitech.. Say about the problem with gear flaps and then mention that your pedals are having a serious problem.. You will have to colorize a bit.. But that's how the deal is. 10-15 minutes of talking made Logitech send to me brand new DFP revB(took 1-2 weeks), all I had to do is - send usb and pedals cables back to them(After I have received a new wheel ofcourse).