I would just like to take the time to write a little reply in this post.
I think that LFS development is huge. I myself am a programmer/developer in a few languages and I can tell that the changes that they have done in the last year since I have had an S2 licence has been tremendous.
I bet none of you school runners or self building teenagers have worked that much in the last year.
How about you cut them a break, and actually congratulate them on the work that they have done.
Try suggesting a few things (other than more track and cars), and then you can possibly move LFS in a way that you may like more.
I personally think that LFS is a brilliant simulator and an AWESOME peice of programming and development. Yes there are things that could be added and improved upon, BUT THEY ARE! Things are getting better. The simulator is getting much more powerful.
With the items that they have made public info that are being added after this patch I think will make it a lot better.
The sheer amount of hours that I have played LFS is quite immense.
Thank you Scawen, Eric & Victor, for the brilliant all round experience that you have created and given us. You should hold your heads VERY high right now as you have brought us a brilliant gaming/simulation experience - and you keep delivering!
Thank you! I know I appriciate it, shame not all do.