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S3 licensed
no no, I'm not saying that we are stealing them.

you do realise, that im the owner of LTC, right? haha!

Personally, I go between CTRA, CLC and LTC
Pitlane co-ordinates [x,y]
S3 licensed
Is there any tool, where I can see what the XY co-ordinates are, that surround the pits/garages?
S3 licensed
Quote from MyBoss :Just me that thinks it weird that this guys is selling his account but still wants insim programmers?

haha, very true. Did not even link the two things together!

Maybe, nobody said they would do the insim app, so he thought "f*** that game then"
S3 licensed
I think that so many people are being completly idiotic about this.

Cruise servers, are quite good fun. The only reason why I wanted to create one, was because I loved CLC's CC (still do, well now called Aston Cruise). There was a few things, that I wanted to add and a few thigns that I wanted to remove.

So, I made one, with the things that I thought were important. Hense LTC.

As for the "its a race sim, not a cruise sim". Its also not a Drift Sim, but you guys dont seem to complain about them. There are a hell of a lot more Drift servers, than there are Cruise servers.

At the end of the day, if the Cruise servers "steal" so many players, then its not so much of a bad thing? is it? It must be good, if there are that many players "stuck" into it, then they cannot be that "boring" and a "waste of time".
S3 licensed
nope, does not use java actually.

its a PHP InSim app, using a UDP connection, and a MySQL database backbone.
S3 licensed
LTC have actually had over 7,000 unique visitors.

Normal active amount at any one time ranges from 30connections to 70.

oh, and by the way, LTC is 4months old

and I have to ask, if you can't write an insim app, why on earth would you start a cruise server? lol
S3 licensed
Actually, LTC is only about 3months old. Maybe 4.

It is a private mod, sorry.
S3 licensed
why not give them a stop go, once they stop, log their XYZ co-ords.

put up a BTN on screen, and say "dont move: 9" dont move 8, or however long you want.

however, if they move spectate them
S3 licensed
meh, not moved. unless this is an old post.

the server has had a massive problem.

I have moved the LTC blog over to a temp server, and made everything point to that.

There is currently not ETA as to when the server will be up and running again.

Just glad that the main LTC servers dont run of that machine *whew*
S3 licensed
Quote from harjun :and he goes straight on LTC

Have mercy!


whats wrong with LTC?

thats a bit offensive tbh.
S3 licensed
back ontopic: anything in the near future, going to be implimented?
A few InSim suggestions
S3 licensed
Okay, as I'm sure that you all know, I run LTC. Although, I'm sure many of you are going to say "omg, its not meant to be a cruise game", if that is the case, then there shouldn't really be ANY kind of InSim protocol, because it runs just fine as a race sim :P.

Anyway, now that I've got that out of the way, there's a few things that I would like to be added to the InSim protocol (maybe, also with general LFS as well), to make things a little nicer over at LTC.

Here goes!

* I would like some kind of way, that I can send a command/packet, that repairs a vehicle. like, "/repair krammeh". or something. would be nice (and not move the car, just, repair it).

* Very similar here, but for a fuel refil.

* Another simple command "/reset krammeh". Regardless of canreset option.

* Addition to the BTN packets - maybe have the ability, to do more than just text fields. maybe have something, like radio buttons, check boxes, the standard HTML INPUT types, would be wonderful!

That is all that I can think of for now, I'll try and think of some more!
S3 licensed
Quote from geeman1 :You need to calm down. This is what the server name stealer person was trying to do, annoy people and get attention and seems like he has been succesful in doing that. Just act calmly and maturely now. Put a notice on your website that the server 4 is not run by you and don't give this guy any more attention and the problem will eventually sort itself out.

I'm not GOING to run the servers, it was just an example.

It was just another reason, why there should be some kind of way to authenticate server prefix, that has to be allowed by the dev's first.
S3 licensed
okay, so in the days of Patch X beta testing, I should have made a server the same as the 500 test server, just to make people join that instead of the proper one?

Should I also make a server called CTRA - New system testing.

How about if I "stole" things like, a team server, i'm sure something better would happen tbh
S3 licensed
Quote from STF :IMO it`s pretty messy.. to see "hundreds" of thanks on a page.. . it would be better IMO, to have another button, left of "Quote" or the other buttons in whatever order they are, displaying "[url="http://collapse%20list"]%[/url][url=""]X users said thanks to this post[/url]" with a link, that once clicked, would collapse a list with those usernames (maybe a generated .png image with the no. of "Thanks"). i think a javascript programmer would find this pretty easy to do. (i`m not one )

Or, just have it within the signature, or just underneath it.

I think with the new table area, with a title zone, really does make it look mess.
S3 licensed
Have you ever had that issue Becky, with the CTRA servers?
S3 licensed
because they fill up, and people ask for more spaces... So, I give them more.

Is there anyway that I can request servers starting with [LTC] to only be able to be loaded, from a single IP address? As I run them all from a dedicated server.
S3 licensed
he has just unloaded the server.
S3 licensed
the reason that he gave, for doing that, is because LTC takes too many players up, and none of left for his servers.
S3 licensed
Anybody can download the dedicated software and run it.

[LTC] Live To Cruise
[LTC] Live TO Cruise 2
[LTC] Live To Cruise 3

those three are mine, and im running atm

the [LTC] Live To Cruise 4 is the only server, that is stolen
Server name stolen [imitation]
S3 licensed
SOmeone has stolen my server name again for heaven sake.

[LTC] Live To Cruise 4 - is NOT run by me, can you please terminate this server?

There really needs something to be sorted about this, its getting rediculous.

The person talking as "host" under the console, is saying that "soon LTC will be off the map, i will own all of the server names".

Is there not some kind of way, to solve it?
S3 licensed
what exactly do you want the insim to do? cash?
S3 licensed
ah, okay thanks.

The only reason why this was an issue for me, is because im doing map/car rotation to make a little bit more fun *nods*

Although, I still think that this seriously needs to be looked at, and fixed!
Allowed car list
S3 licensed
Well its not really a MAJOR problem, but its a problem none the less.

Okay, I'll try and explain this the best that I can, with stages

- Server loaded with the following cars: XFG+XRG
- Race end, people ask for a GTR race
- Admin types /end
- Admin types /cars XFR+FXR+FZR
- Half of the people changes to a GTR (half stay in XFG or XRG)
- People join
- People ready up
- Race starts
- Half of the racers are in GTR and the other half are still in the XFG/XRG and ALLOWED to race.

Unless there's a command that I need to run, that I'm not, then I think this is a bug that needs fixing.

For the LTC race server, it spec's anybody that is not in the cars that its set to use (on rotation and such), maybe LFS should check to see if the car can be used when they click "join"?
S3 licensed
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