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S3 licensed
I went a slightly different way than ClickID+1 - as I find it important that you can pre-define a ClickID for each button - especially if a user has more than one insim app running on the same server/client. They end up overriding each other.

I simply have an array for of button IDs linked to friendly names $this->button['ui1_back']; for example is ID: 6. I can then always use ui1_back as its ID, rather than having to remember it is 6.

Within menus there is (100 I think) menu_1, menu_2. which I use dynamically while building each menu.

I should really clean the code and make that public
S3 licensed
Quote from Myffe :I miss the old LTC...I dont like any of those new things in the server...

What is it that you dont like about it? there is everything that the old LTC had, but more features. you don't have to use the new features.

There are also some more amazing features coming soon
S3 licensed
not to mention it would be great for 24hour enduros
S3 licensed
Quote from DavidTiger :Great to see you back Kram
Hopefully get on the server this weekend, won't be as good without the wheel but it broke so my gamepad will have to do...

glad to BE back .

Hope to see you on there
S3 licensed
new servers seems amazingly better, give it a go
S3 licensed
Quote from Scawen :I think that is my fault, because I didn't do a reset on the version after uploading a new A4 (having already uploaded one previously).

It might have been all the people joining with A4 that got banned, if your host has not been restarted.

If that is the case, it should work now.

I'm sorry about that, I realise you will need to unban people now.

not a problem! I just updated to the latest dedi exe :P. I was unbanning as they were coming in :P
S3 licensed
server is full of CPWs
S3 licensed
we never said cargame had a problem.
S3 licensed
put a network monitor on my machine, and when I join track on any host there is a BIG spike of network usage
S3 licensed
sent one of them to go test it. Where about's is it hosted?
Users losing connection upon join track
S3 licensed
Hey guys,

Running on a friends server while waiting for my new one (worryingly in the same datacentre) in germany.

We have a few aussies that play on our server, and they were able to connect fine on plenty of our other servers (london, france and such).

But as of late, the aussies (and a few others) have just been losing connection the second they join track. They can stay connected as a spectator without any problem.

It isn't an issue with the InSim application, as I have made sure it doesn't send anything to the client for at least 5 seconds after they join the track.

Other users are not having issues either - able to stay connected for days at a time.

Any ideas? worth trying different server game ports?

edit: one user said it was '›after I upgraded to 0.6A3', '›0.6A1 was fine'
Last edited by Krammeh, .
S3 licensed
I'm not sure I like the idea of modders.

in a way, InSim allows for modding of the multiplayer experience.
S3 licensed
Quote from Dygear :Kinda like a Time to Live? Interesting.

That does bring up a good point ... Timed buttons. Where a button must only display for some time, the delete it's self. This comes to a point where I must think how to setup the API to allow for buttons to have their own callbacks within plugins, so things like a count down clock could be done easily.

not quite, it doesn't ever remove itself - it just allows PRISM to send the same button.

Imagine a distance counting in how many feet that you have done, you dont wanna send a button every single MCI that you receive - you only wanna update it every 3 seconds for instance.
S3 licensed
each button in mine has a life expectancy, no matter how many times you ask the button to update it wont update until that expectancy has passed.

That way, each user can !setting uispeed 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 - 0 being instant, 10 being 10 seconds.

Of course some buttons need to be updated upon request (menus and suchlike) - so those have 0 as the expectancy!

Hope this idea helps you, Dygear.
S3 licensed
Quote :Aussie for 3 hops
Los Angeles for 3 hops
Sanjose for 1 hop
New York for 3 hops
London for 1 hop
Amsterdam for 3 hops
then into the datacentre LTC is hosted in atm

that will be the problem. I would speak to your ISP and mention your connection to Germany is dreadful mate.
S3 licensed
even a DEMO/Licensed would be enough.
S3 licensed
gotta love minecraft :P
S3 licensed
you refused to listen to me.

if there are users being able to connect to the server, for over a week without a single time out, that means that ti is not the server directly having the issues.

it ***COULD*** mean its YOUR connection having the issue.
it ***COULD*** be your ISP having an issue
it ***COULD*** be your country having an issue (3 of the 4 in the server having the issue was from Aus)
it ***COULD*** be an international link having the issue.

I will send you some comands to run in CMD via PM on this forum, and then reply back with the results from that, and I will try and diagnose your problem.
S3 licensed
its not 40 separate parts of metal though is it. if you showed the same one piece to 10 clients, and 2 of them said "its not right", and the rest said "its perfect". you would blame the client, not the goods.

The reason why I swore at you, is because you would NOT listen. I don't expect you to know everything about everything, I was TRYING to explain it. which I am pretty good at doing in ways that just about everybody can understand.
S3 licensed
Quote from wolfshark :You guys have just too much free time.

yup we do.but you dont have enough spare cash. :P
S3 licensed
Quote from FPVaaron :Got banned due to asking for a better explanation of why I lose connection on only LTC when I join the race.

I apologize krammeh, I had no idea you were on your period.

I am a tad disappointed I put in about 600km into LTC and actually thought LTC was good for a cruise server, but again this just proves that cruise server admins are big headed ego trippers.

Every single time I started to explain, you just threw down the gauntlet and blaming other stuff. What do you expect if you wind me up so much?

I am only a human being, I can only put up with so much before cracking. Unbanned your account. Dont moan about losing connection anymore. I refuse to explain
S3 licensed
*whew*. Written my own button management system, that allows me to use named buttons, send updates (and only sends if previous send is different)
S3 licensed
can you still use $... = new IS_BTN?
S3 licensed
Quote from Dygear :It was the only packet that I did not check. Sorry all.

you should have said you gave it to us as a task, to find it :P - I could have actually won something in my life
S3 licensed
Anytime, Thought I was just being a douche :P