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S3 licensed
ah, Sorry, must have mis-read that.

I will throw together a quick insim app for the client tonight, and see if it stays connected while doing it .

Sorry once again. will post in abuot.. 5-6hrs when I get home from work >.<
S3 licensed
I presume that you have a knowledge of how the insim protocol works, right?
S3 licensed
the insim does not die when I load/unload layouts on the LTC server.

Can even do it while drivers are on the track.

Maybe you have a syntax error somewhere along the line.

What language are you writing your insim in?
Last edited by Krammeh, .
S3 licensed

thats the new connection packet (I think).

whenever that packet is received, send a MST with the data "/msg $username has connected."
S3 licensed
you would need to use the insim for this (of course).

You would need to store all of the split times, and keep a list of connections of who is in the server.

Then, use the BTN packets, to make the buttons . With click ID's . When you get the click Id come through, clear the buttons, and add the user specifiic ones!
S3 licensed
maybe the LFS devs should add a packet IS_COL or something, whenever the LFS knows its made contact, it says info

unique_id - obvious
conn_num - obvious
power - how hard it hit
object - what it hit (wall, fence, object, car)
InSim Feature Request: Ping
S3 licensed
As far as I know, this is not yet available.

I would like to see a way of checking the ping of players, eg 40ms. or soemthing.

People with very high latency/Ping do cause problems when it comes to pitting and such.
S3 licensed
have you tried making the anti-virus program, exclude the LFS folder.

As if LFS requires to load a file, then the anti virus will go "hold on mate, I need to check that file first", which could cause a hell of a lot of issues.

Also, generally while on LFS, you're not going to contract any virus' so why not just disable it while you're playing LFS (make sure that you're not auto receiving emails via outloook though). Also, try just turning off the "realtime" virus check .

Try close any other software down that could be causing it, messengers, other apps that are in the task bar.

Also, do you use xfire? I found that sometimes xfire causes games to lag, specially LFS!

Hope this helps!
S3 licensed
is there no official list of these anyway? lol
S3 licensed
so, if I was to make some kind of "user bar" for LTC, and then asked victor to make it an "authorised" one, it could be used?
S3 licensed
but you have a picture in your signature :P...
and whats wrong with sigs anyway? I've made some nice LTC sigs with the players stats. was just wondering if I had to make some smaller ones for the LFS forum
S3 licensed
why are picture sigs not allowed, thats a bit silly.
Maximum Signature Size
S3 licensed
What is the max signature size, that is allowed here?
S3 licensed
are they uppercase, or lowercase?
S3 licensed
thanks for that

you're very helpful, you have helped so many times, haha
a list of ^# codes
S3 licensed
I would like a list of ^# codes, with the meaning of each one.

I cannot find this anywhere.



^v - |
^a - *
^c - :
^d - \
^s - /
^q - ?
^t - "
^l - <
^r - >

^: return to original colour and Latin-1
^^ - ^

^L = Latin 1
^G = Greek
^C = Cyrillic
^J = Japanese
^E = Central Europe
^T = Turkish
^B = Baltic

^0 - Black
^1 - Red
^2 - Light green
^3 - Yellow
^4 - Blue
^5 - Purple
^6 - Light blue
^7 - White
^8 - Dark green (default)
^9 - Original text colour and codepage.
Last edited by Krammeh, .
S3 licensed
I am coding the safe zones, on my cruise server for a second map, but the pit box lane is not "straight", it has a stupid curve in it.

So while I am coding the X and Y co-ordinates, I have to do it in lots of little boxes. Now, this is VERY frustrating to have to drive the car about, and finding them, using a command to show my current XYZ position.

I want there to put a function, so that I can click my mouse on a picture, and it shows me the xyz variables where the mouse is.
co-ords [track XY coordinates]
S3 licensed
Is there some way, to get the co-ords, like, using mouse, and it shows x,y?
S3 licensed
what kind of features are you planning on adding?

What language are you wanting to program it in?

I might be able to help
S3 licensed
Quote from dmwright :Hi,

Ive just spent 3 hours making an City Driving Server Layout which i think looks pretty fantastic. Although im a complete noob at programming and dont have a clue what to do. Except hosting servers and LFSLapper and insim. Thats all i know, i don't know the coding or anything. To get to the point is there a file or something like CLC or LTC which i could download and put on my server. You know, Drive and earn money with speed cameras and lotto. Could anybody help? I know this is asking alot but would be appreciated!

Many Thanks,

Looking forward to ALL of your replies!


I COULD, but I dont think I will .

Good luck though
LFS Server Name Abuse
S3 licensed
I was trying to load [LTC] Live To Cruise 2 earlier tonight, and found that someone was abusing it (in the way that someone was loading with the same game name).

The LFS licence "fthsjustin" was the only person that was in the server, and nobody else could join this server.

If you ask me, he was TRYING to steal the name/game, and I think there should be some kind of way of "registering" server names.
Last edited by SamH, . Reason : Oversized image changed to link
S3 licensed
Right, sorted that now!

Thanks for the help everybody .

Monk - we should exhange MSN Handles or something!
S3 licensed
Quote from MonkOnHotTinRoof :I know that problem, that is why I recommend using heading, not directon.

thing is Monk, BOTH of them are going all over the damn place. Sigh.
S3 licensed
Quote from sdether :That seems to happen only if the car is not moving. Once moving the direction stays solid and if you are not slipping it's the same as Heading for forward or -180 of Heading for reverse. So, just check speed. If it's zero, ignore direction.

The constant fluctuation of direction maybe a side-effect to Direction being defined as the direction of the car's motion and so it's not properly defined if there is no motion (or it's a bug)

So basically, look at speed and direction and you should be fine for detecting people driving the wrong way. Looking at the rate of change in heading might be useful to determine if someone is spinning.

the numbers are NOT staying the same. not at all. This is REALLY starting to annoy me now.
S3 licensed
thing is, the variables never seem to stay the same (like, within a close area).

ie, if direction is


next time the SAME way, would be 4000 or something stupid.