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S3 licensed
If its a problem with Airio servers, press shift+i and make sure that all of the options are gray'd out.

The mouse only shows when a Clickable InSim button is on screen. Most of Airio's onscreen buttons are not clickable and will not cause the mouse to show.

Also ensure that the connection list isn't open (pressing N), if it is shown the mouse cursor will also show!
S3 licensed
I was actually looking for something that done exactly this! Excellent!

It'd be nice if it somehow distinguished between possible classes? I think if that is taken into account it may react better.

Also spend less time on cashed out cars.

Also, it might be a good idea to totally ignore cars that are finished as with LFS many pull over to the side, which is going to cause a crash detection.

Custom views may also be nice, rather than just the default tv view for LFS.

I did wonder why you wasn't replying to me during that race :P - and I'm in the video rather a lot, thankfully I didn't crash that race :P
S3 licensed
Quote from Dygear :Is there something wrong with IS_HLV?

Does the $Time continue to count up, the longer they're off for?
S3 licensed
Nah, for the race server im working on . I thought about reading the PTH files.

Shame there isn't a packet for that kinda of thing!
InSim: Detect "Retired"
S3 licensed
Is there a way to detect if a player goes off track and is set as "Retired"?

If so, HOW!!! :P (please?
if not, can there be? :P
S3 licensed
More to the point, that isn't my forum account.
S3 licensed
ha, I thought it was an error in my coding causing the timers to do that.

I wrote something into my plugin to check last time each timer ran, and reinit any that have not run recent enough, ha!
S3 licensed
tut tut, not allowed to publish the .jars on the t'internets!

I've got a catalogue from 1.3 alpha
S3 licensed
you'd need a copy of the 1.8.1 minecraft.jar out of %appdata%/roaming/.minecraft/bin

It is illegal to host these online!
S3 licensed
new physics will make every car feel different again, so it will be like an entire new pack of content!
S3 licensed
Quote from XCNuse :XCNuse

yay I'm almost excited to touch minecraft again for a week or two and then wait for more stuff hahahah

Any list on what's been changed? Or should I just go boot it up and try it out?
S3 licensed
maybe link to a countdown type thinger? Then people can work it out
S3 licensed
I'm hoping this feature freeze and bug fixing will also include lots of optimising, as lets face it minecraft should run on a calculator at 50fps, let alone needing what it does. I know Java sucks for openGL speed, and lwjgl does a great job at bridging them, but come off it. hah!
S3 licensed
dude, pr4 is where it's at :P - a little more optimised chunk generation if you ask me
S3 licensed
wow, didn't even notice the google calendar thing
S3 licensed
Quote from XCNuse :Came across this website, has some cool seeds.

Still want something to do, I'm bored of 1.8

1.9 prerelease 4, hardcore mode - it's keeping me occupied!

The nether is still insanely scary at the moment though! haha!
S3 licensed
multiplayer was soooo last patch! :P, it's all about the hardcore saves .

The seed that I am using at the moment puts me in the middle of an ocean biome on a small island with one tree!

Needless to say, it was hard to start with, but it's great fun. I have made the entire island mob safe, and currently strip mining underneath looking for some nice mine shafts but not found any yet.

My plan is to get to 'The End' on hardcore!
S3 licensed
Quote from Mr_Lonely :no, the whole server was destroyd, even the bedrock spawn..

oh wow. gotta love ****s.
S3 licensed
It might not have been griefers, it might have been a lightning strike on the wool structure
S3 licensed
Dragons has been on his to do list ever since I first bought Minecraft, which was early alpha! Nothing to do with the court fight!
S3 licensed
Quote from DieKolkrabe :You have to update whenever you launch it.

As for ignoring it, if it's tied into crafting, no can do.

it doesn't tie into crafting.

If you dont build an enchantment table and stick your tools/gear/weapons into it, it just isn't used.

If LFS added the option to turn the screen upside down, it wouldn't effect people with normal vision - its no different.

gah, moaners
S3 licensed
send me a lfsforum message when ya need me, ill come along
S3 licensed
Quote from thisnameistaken :Is it true that Endermen can move any block? Sounds potentially very destructive, more frustrating than fun.

I think it only moves non user placed blocks, not sure
S3 licensed
the chunk generation is a lot more intensive, if you're not going into new areas it is a LOT smoother.

If you're going around already generated chunks and you're still getting slow downs, simply reload minecraft and it generally improves.
S3 licensed
I have one running at the moment.

IP: (default port, vanilla - creative mode upon request)