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S3 licensed
Some extra RAM would not go a miss, either
S3 licensed

Lock please
Last edited by Krammeh, . Reason : no point..
S3 licensed
Quote from nihil :Far as I'm concerned, what I said before still applies: you make a skin that you want to keep private, then don't use it online. Keep it private.

I don't know why people get so hysterical about this... vanity I guess, but encoding vanity into otherwise perfectly functional software is frankly neurotic.

You write a really good blog post, on your blog.

Someone copy's and pastes it, should you be offended? Would you say "if you didn't want someone to 'steal' it, then you should not have put it online"
S3 licensed
Quote from ajp71 :I am strongly opposed to the idea of protecting layouts, it's just silly. Layouts should really be for adding small customisations to racing tracks, and having a bit of fun. The fact that it's easy to save a layout is a good thing about LFS IMO. The fact that people are taking the novelty severs seriously enough to worry about this kind of thing is almost as sad as the fact that people are starting up clone servers, just little kids bitching.

Okay then, if thats the case. I'll go through my skins_x folder, and start using all your skins, edit them slightly in MS Paint, and use them as if they are mine.

Afterall, LFS has added skins, just to add a little bit of novelty to the cars.
S3 licensed
I never said that I wanted to speak to the person responsible for starting the rumour, I was just saying that I wanted to clear it up..

Sometimes Sean, you really do get the wrong end of what people say.

Oh, and I still stand by my thoughts about you from a long time ago - you're a decent guy, but you absolutly love problems. Unless someone is having ago at you, or you're doing something that you know will get a petty little response, you're not happy. But, whatever. Continue posting on the threads that I post on, if it makes your little mind set to rest. Either way, I am not really fussed - I just thought that I would make sure that you knew what I thought.
S3 licensed
Quote from mcgas001 :Feel free, When you get banned for spamming - Dont blame me. I was just stating, Why make a thread. Its like a 2 part thread, Advertising and a little about some problems.

How on EARTH can you call that advertising?

The server was down for two and a half days, and I also heard that there were rumours going around saying that we had not paid for the server, and that we was going to shut down.

This is yet another thread that I have created/replied to, that you have came and stuck your nose in. By the way, yes I am going to point every single one out that you do.
S3 licensed
Quote from mcgas001 :Why even bother posting then? Just PM the concerned people.

The way this comunity works, You get used to it after a while. Think of it like the bullys at secondary school, They keep on then one day you smash **** outta them.

Okay, next time, ill get the list of accounts in the LTC database, and make a bot to send a PM to every single one on the LFS forums.
S3 licensed
Oh gosh, I completely forgot about this, it wil be back up later on today . Just gotta fiddle about with some settings
S3 licensed
I don't hate the LFS community at all.

I also race, so im not a "cruiser" persay.

I just knew that this was going to turn into a flame war, i knew it. always does happen.

Requesting a lock please, seeing as the connection issues are now gone
S3 licensed
No need for that post, try being mature, you fool.

There was absoutly no reason for you to post in this thread, I was just telling a few of the regulars what was going on, as we all know what it is like to be left in the dark.

next time, keep it to yourself, you selfish idiot

Also, the servers are back online
Last edited by Krammeh, .
LTC is having connection issues [FIXED]
S3 licensed
I know I know, you all hate Cruise servers, but please dont post that here.

I am just posting here to let people know that the dedicated server is having some connection issues are the data centre are working on resolving the issue.

I kinda wanted to let everybody know that LTC has not shut down, and LTC is not going to shut down .

There is a backup from about an hour before the server went offline - so there is absoutly no need to worry about losing any of your player stats/profiles.

I will post here once everything is back online!

Sorry for any "problems" that this may have caused. I know its caused me a day or two of boredem so far. and it really could not have happened at a worse time (BANK HOLIDAY!? GAH!)
S3 licensed
Create two layouts, indentical all bar the "bank coverer" lol.

Call one TRACK_bankclosed.lyt, and one TRACK_bankopen.lyt

on !bankopen

send the mst - "/axload bankopen"

on !bankclose

send the mst - "/axload bankclose"

- although this would work - I would not suggest it, for the fact that barriers are penatratable with the current system. Which means that someone could ram their way into the bank to steal the money, when there are no officers on duty.

Instead of that, in your MCI function(s) where the bank robbery scripts are, just do a simple IF command, to ensure the bank is open by using the "bankstatus" variable...

Then on !bankopen set a variable "bankstatus" to open, and on !bankclose, set the variable "bankstatus" to closed.
S3 licensed
That's kinda what I was thinkin, either that or the insim application is not "downloading" the packets fast enough.

But I put some debugging into place, and the script is waiting for the app, not the other way around, so i'm not entirly sure what is causing this.

I'm still looking into it, and ive got logging enabled and such. There doesn't seem to be any similarities between each "crash", which is the rather confusing side of it.

When I find out the reason I shall be sure to post it here
S3 licensed
No patterns at all, no particular command, or any specific packet fired.

Happens sometimes with 5 people in, sometimes with 40 in.
InSim: Suddenly started getting issues with connection
S3 licensed
For some reason, the LTC insim application keeps "timing out", even though its not a time out, as such.

Anybody give me some advise?

Log details

[LTC] GaZ^L connected (pilchje3369^L)
Forwarding from 14 to 32
Forwarding from 18 to 32
Forwarding from 2 to 32
Forwarding from 20 to 32
Forwarding from 21 to 32
Forwarding from 13 to 32
Forwarding from 27 to 32
Forwarding from 3 to 32
Forwarding from 8 to 32
Forwarding from 4 to 32
Forwarding from 29 to 32
Forwarding from 30 to 32
Forwarding from 5 to 32
Forwarding from 7 to 32
Forwarding from 25 to 32
Forwarding from 15 to 32
Forwarding from 17 to 32
Forwarding from 19 to 32
Forwarding from 6 to 32
Forwarding from 31 to 32
Forwarding from 10 to 32
Forwarding from 24 to 32
Forwarding from 26 to 32
Forwarding from 28 to 32
Forwarding from 11 to 32
Forwarding from 16 to 32
Forwarding from 9 to 32
Forwarding from 1 to 32
Forwarding from 23 to 32
Forwarding from 22 to 32
Forwarding from 12 to 32
‹yËv›^rI^luk : ^LCPO <3 DnB - come
INSIM : Cleared emergency store LCS
‹yËv›^rI^luk^L made a pit stop
CPO ^l3 DnB : ^LI just came
InSim closed : LCS

S3 licensed
Its nothing like NFS you retarded monkeys! lol!


Its just a bit of fun.

*puts water on the POINTLESS flames in this post*
S3 licensed
If you can block your own, surly you can unblock your own just as easily...


Just have some self restraint.
S3 licensed
rather than doing a loop, why not check on each transaction the amount of cash the user has.

Ie, if they get fined £1000, check if the user has >£1000, if not, ban.
S3 licensed
Quote from shaun463 :Somehow check if the brake force is negative?

client side only.

and standard brake force can go negative anyway
S3 licensed
was it the LTC servers?

I was doing maintenence to the server, and it caused a few issues. (oops)
S3 licensed
Quote from mcgas001 :LMFAO!


You mean, Bring racing and cruising together? Not gonna happen.

It kinda already has happened when you think about it.

I race. I cruise.
S3 licensed
By the way, I used to use openID in its early stages.

It's a very nice system to work with and also great fun to create the openID server.

Bare in mind, you only send back te information that you trust with that OpenID client - so you could have trusted clients (eg. CTRA, LTC and so on) which you could submit further detailed information.

I think this would be a smashing feature to be added to LFS - and would bring the individual communities that are around LFS, together once again.
S3 licensed
Quote from thisnameistaken :How long have you been sulking for now? A week? It's weird because you look older than primary school age.

Since when has the suggestion section of the forum been for throwing offensive remarks at other users.

Get a life buddy.
S3 licensed
Yet another LFS user, just trying to suggest something (which happens to be a very good suggestion), shot down in an instant.

Well done guys! Way to go!
S3 licensed
I've been getting that error from time to time.

Hit F5, or try deleting temp internet files - seems to solve it for me *shrugs*