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S3 licensed
you lot are so bloody closed minded....

he never said "open it to modding"... he just said maybe take examples for new cars. sheesh. learn english or something
S3 licensed
Don't forget to monitor the chat, or an admin might use a /cars command, and change it outside of your app
S3 licensed
I don't think there is a way of getting the current list of available actually... you can force them with /cars - other than that, I don't think its possible. but I could be wrong
LFS Relay Option: Alerts
S3 licensed

I was just thinking and I thought it would be a good idea if we could add a few alert options, for example.

If "INSIM CLOSED: APP NAME" appears, we should be able to have a txt alert (using our lfsw balance).
S3 licensed
It could be made quite easily, but the issue would arrive when someone joins the server with a higher latency... as the algorithms would be less exact.
S3 licensed
You're all forgetting the most important ones!

"My G25 came off the desk"
"My peddles slipped backwards"
S3 licensed
yeah, its just not shown in the logs - I got fed up with seeing \r\n .
S3 licensed
MSN Protocol: CAL - failing on switchboard
S3 licensed
Hey guys,

I'm currently making myself a nice little MSN bot for twitter, but I have come up against a problem.

I have managed to make it retrieve messages, and respond to a message at that point -that works all fine and dandy.

The issue that i'm having is if my client has to connect to a switchboard (it completes the connection), then it sends a USR to the switchboard to authenticate myself (which goes through fine, responds with an OK message). The next step is to send a CAL, but that seems to fail. Here is my log data after the connection made to the switchboard....

>>> SB: USR 1 [email protected] 153097018.13013717.325224
<<< SB: USR 1 OK [email protected] Testing%20dont%20message%20me%20please
>>> SB: CAL 2 [email protected]
<<< SB: Received no data!
S3 licensed
It felt the wrath of my bad memory!

I've added it to my to do list now though!
S3 licensed
Quote from AndroidXP :Post random advice that is useless without knowing the faulty code in question....

With my experience of C, if you've got a case, you need to have a case else or whatever the syntax for it is...

and this was a known issue in one of the early open-source models...
S3 licensed
Try making an exception....

in the case command, make a default....
S3 licensed
you have to send a button to each user.
S3 licensed
Thanks for the speedy release Scawen - shall report back
S3 licensed
It's done in a different way this time, 'cause I was still logged in as admin after reconnecting.

I've had a word back from the dev's that it's being sorted
S3 licensed
This guy came in as "rooofl" to start with.
Another Server Hack (no acc name and logs in as admin)
S3 licensed
Had this a long while ago, and it is happening again.

Someone logs in, with any nick that they want ,and no username. They are automatically logged in as admin, and reported as so via the insim protocol.

Send Track :
Send Track :
[LTC] MadScot^L left the pits (FXR)
Alive :
Connecting guest still alive
Connect :
Sent OK to new guest
Sent scrutineering packet
Told guests about new guest
A new guest is connecting
Sent guest list to new guest
Sent new user packet
officer•rooofL^L connected (^L)
/msg | officer•rooofL is logged in as admin

S3 licensed
It's because I've not done it yet. LFS related stuff is a hobby, not a job.
S3 licensed
Oops, yet again.

They will be working tomorrow once I get the time to work on it :P - Will post here again soon
S3 licensed
The issue is a small wire at the front end of the shifter.

It is a very easy fix, so if you are out of warranty then it is not really a problem.

If you need a guide on how to fix it, ask, and I will do my best to explain!
LFS Numbers
S3 licensed

486 Connections at this time of the day? Are you kidding me? That is nothing compared to a year ago.

Something needs to be done. As each and every day passes by that number is getting lower and lower. Really is. As this number is going down, I get the feeling more and more that development of this sim is starting to slide. I know you guys are putting the hours in, but I think the general community needs something to look forward to. You just need to look at the hype that was created over the Scirrocco, one single car, and the post has loads of replies.

In my opinion, you need to give them a nibble of the cake, so they hang around for the main slice. Otherwise you're just going to lose the members, and the business.
S3 licensed
You've just got to look at the screenshot and see that he is running it on his own PC, and from a MSN convo that I've had with him, I know he is trying to send it via his ISP.

I told him to either edit his php.ini or use the ini_set() function, to set it. As I used to do this with my ISP while dev'n sites.

But he doesn't listen. I give up trying to help him now.
S3 licensed
I think it is more to do with the way that browsers display them.

They don't check every single page load for the .ico, or for changes to it, as this would increase the servers payload way too much!
S3 licensed
or ingame just do /insim 29999, no need for the equals sign :P