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S3 licensed
Quote from George Kuyumji :Why do people not use there Real Name when Racing outside there League? Why these Ego-Shooter style Nick Names? In Grand Prix Legends very few people had and have Nick Names

Privacy. I don't wan't any Joe Angry Sixpack to know what my real name is and finding out all sorts of things about me and one day I find paskaa paketissa on my doorstep. Not that I give much reason to any one to do so, I try not to anyway. But enough ruined races and I get pissed and might say something bit too harsh.

And same thing vice versa, I don't want any future employer etc to google too specific info what I do daily and do in situation "x". If you google my name you don't find much but it's very positive and things I want to show up in such situation
S3 licensed
Quote from Woz :I know there is an AI update to do but what else before we get S2 final?

Personally, I hope we get Aston Greenhorn layout and maybe some others as well posted in this thread

And skidmarks while velocity is less than 6km/h would be nice...

Quote from Chris758 :I think updating the graphics would be more important than the physics.

:Eyecrazy: :smash3d: :chairs: :uglyhamme :something :chair:
Last edited by Krane, .
S3 licensed
Most likely it is caused by some background program. Close all programs (except firewalls etc) from the systray near the clock when you play. If it doesn't stop that way there's still the "invisible" programs you can see in the processes tab in task manager that might be the cause.
S3 licensed
And a grim Festivus for the rest of us!

S3 licensed
Quote from horrgakx :I'll put money on the forces required to press the pedals & turn the weel on the ECCUI is incredibly close to those required on a racing car,

I'll give you that when you're on normal conditions. How about driving on grass, gravel, snow or ice? Or when you spin or oversteer?
Quote :with the force feedback being equally accurate.

That I don't believe. How does it have force feedback when all it has is some fluid thingy making resistance to the wheel?

Must be.
S3 licensed
Quote from horrgakx :"The Universal MC2 Racing Wheel is simply the most realistic racing wheel on the market" - Double LOL!!!!!!!!

They've obviously not seen these then;

(IMG tags aren't working sorry)

In a sense it is more realistic (but not by far the most or realistic). That Madcatz wheel after all even vibrates. That Ecci is a ridiculously expensive wheel that just turns and has a spring or some such that makes the turning harder
S3 licensed
I was about to post the following problem about sound distortion, but found out after testing and tweaking that lowering the master volume and wave volume in Windows Play Control fixes the distortion.

Which leads me to the actual problem/bug in LFS, the total volume is too loud? (For my soundcard/usual volume settings anyway)
It's supported by the users of Team Speak saying they can't hear others speaking.

Quote from Problem not posted by me :
I have a problem with BF1, on the default (I think) car volume of 8.0 I get get alot of distortion above 15k rpm and it gets worse as speed increases, but it's very noticeable even under 100kph on 1st gear. I have to lower the car volume to lowest setting of 2.0 to get rid of the distortion. But even then I still get it if drive very close to a wall. When doing that distortion goes so bad that the earpiece on the wall side goes nearly silent. Distortion goes away instantly when I let go off the gas.

Same thing happens on eg Soutch City tracks when there's alot of cars nearby such as as at race start. When I lower the car volume to 2.0, distortion is barely noticeable.

AMD Athlon XP 1800+
384 DDR
Creative SB Live! 1024 connected to some Grundig stereo connected to Koss Sparkplugs. Driver e:\windows\system32\drivers\emu10k1m.sys ( built by: WinDDK, 277,25 KB (283*904 bytes), 7.10.2005 0:06)

No other sound related problems.

S3 licensed

Wow finally, that should have been done ages ago.
S3 licensed
Quote from AtomAnt :You coming to the Christmas Cadet Classic Krane?

I'm not coming to christmas-anything, but if you have a Festivus <STRIKE>race</STRIKE> fight, we'll see...
BUT I'm NOT going to to drive the all-crappy GTI, if you'll let me drive the XR GT I'll consider....
I already have enough high blood pressure from having to drive that POS in the STCC license server
S3 licensed
Quote from Blackout :Mmm..yes, but it's still illegal to get it free as you know, which was my point after all

Yeah, well but that's besides the point
S3 licensed
Quote from Blackout :I've wanted to say this for a long time, isn't it weird that so many people can afford 800€ software like CS2?

The thing is, they don't care about the people that can't afford the software. Only about the companies. People who know PS -> more sales vs. People who know Gimp -> Less sales. More people that know PS than Gimp in a company -> more sales. Simple, my dear Blackout.
Last edited by Krane, .
S3 licensed
Quote from thisnameistaken :look no further than Dr Harold Shipman.

Quote from Link above :He was convicted on fifteen sample charges in 2000 and sentenced to 15 consecutive life sentences.

Would someone explain how's that different from 1 life sentence or 450+ years of prison sentences you get in US? Does the judge or jury expect you to reincarnate or wtf?
S3 licensed
Try pressing shift whilst pressing the arrow keys.

... Or was it control, alt or altgr
S3 licensed
Quote from AndroidXP :Errr, okay, networking never was my strong point :dunce:

Quote from :
A proxy server is a computer that offers a computer network service to allow clients to make indirect network connections to other network services. A client connects to the proxy server, then requests a connection, file, or other resource available on a different server. The proxy provides the resource either by connecting to the specified server or by serving it from a cache. In some cases, the proxy may alter the client's request or the server's response for various purposes.

The keyword being: indirect
"relayed" and "on behalf of" in simple terms means about the same...
S3 licensed
Quote from AndroidXP :No.

But as Jakg suggested, find the line "Port 80 0" in your cfg.txt and change it to "Port 80 1".

That doesn't help in this case. The only thing it does is, it will change the port LFS tries to connect while unlocking (IIRC/AFAIK/ANDALLTHAT). It will only help if all other ports except 80 is blocked. In this case all ports are blocked (except 80 which req. proxy) or all ports req. proxy.

Quote from mcompton69 :What if i was to install on my laptop and then take home and activate and then bring back into work, would all the other people connecting to my laptop be able to use the extra cars and tracks when playing a LAN multiplayer?

I'm not sure, but I think after LFS has been unlocked, it doesn't need Internet access anymore. So that would work provided every one connecting to your server in the LAN has been unlocked for separate usernames/licenses.

If you only have 1 license, the LAN game for all cars/tracks will only work for 2 players (both of them have to be unlocked) - of that I'm 99.999...% sure, as it's supposed to be that way.
Edit:I'm not sure is that allowed...
Quote from :3. Unlock Rules and Regulations
3.1 You may install S1 or S2 on 2 computers for your own use or to race a friend on a Local Network.

I guess that means home, not just any LAN... dunno
Last edited by Krane, .
S3 licensed
When they are going to update the setup selection, it's going to need alot more than that.
When we have S3 (and [please?] user-made tracks) we will once again have more tracks and setups. The whole "problem" with the setups is just going to escalate.

So we need atleast the first 2 features, like pretty much every other PC sim and would-be-sim has.

Show Universal setups, Show all Setups, Show setups for $TRACK and Only show setups for current track.
Set a favorite setup for this track
Not so important feats. follows:
(If no favorite) Remember last setup used on this track
Integrate setup download (with or without help of Team Inferno)
Who made the setup
Last edited by Krane, .
S3 licensed
Since your the/one of admin(s), you could disable the proxy for the port 29339 (IIRC) used for unlocking?
S3 licensed
I use these settings, for normal racing I use 100% strength and when I go drifting I usually lower the strength to 60% or so. (From within LFS that is, buttons < and > for English keyboard layout. For us Finns it's , and . )
S3 licensed
Cart, Shopping Cart.
S3 licensed
Verizon has responded to this issue and once more says the price is 0.002¢ per kB. But somehow the bill is still 71$ (0.002¢ * 35893kB = 71.786¢, Verizon says it's 71$) from which she graciously willing to credit 36$ for his trouble...?

WTH, is it a prerequisite to suck at math to let them employ someone at Verizon? illepall ... t-email-from-verizon.html
Is 1$ the same as 1¢? "No." Is .5$ the same as .5¢? "No." Is .002$ the same as .002¢?
S3 licensed
Verizon USA seems to think .002$ is the same as .002¢. All ladders of customer support up to supervisor's supervisors. ... t_know_Dollars_from_Cents
S3 licensed
On account of your description I would say the planets are aligned funny.
S3 licensed
433€ from Mikromafia. That was one of the models I was looking for besides this, but this was about the only one that has HDCP support.

I only remember that the panel wasn't Samsung's own, but from some asian manufacturer that makes alot of panels for others.

Found it:
CMO M220Z1-L01 - ... /showproductd.jsp?size=22
Also used by your Viewsonic and quite alot of others too - ... php?s=&postid=6813400
Last edited by Krane, .
S3 licensed
Quote from Arrow. :what would the world be like in a 1,000,000 years?

Look up on a clear night there's a very likely example very close to earth.
S3 licensed
Sorry to hear, I too had similar sad event this fall. My common-law mother, or what ever the correct term is, passed away after a serious attack 2 months ago