Participants in the video are doing 120+ kph in the entry to the first corner. Any faster and you would simply slide into the grass, it's that easy. o.O
Anyways, keep the sign ups coming! We'll figure out a way to qualify as many people as possibly on a 47 slot server, everybody will be on Ventrilo so it will be easy to manage.
You're the only person complained about entry speed so far.
You can only go so fast on that corner entry because of the following right hander in the S-Turn.
We're gonna have a quick test event tonight at 9:20 or so, so try to be there for 9 o'clock Eastern Standard time. If you're not sure what time in your timezone check the main thread and add 7 hours to the starting time, 2PM.
IN OTHER WORDS: Aim to be there in 2 hours from the time this is posted.
Lol? The layout even comes with a readme. There's cancel signs telling you not to drive on the returning lane. There's 5 corners then you turn around, o.O
how's that hard?
Everybody Priority List #1 is filled, we have 47 sign ups. Anybody who signs up after this is on Priority list #2 along with drivers numbered: 23, 993, 868, 66.
Priority list #2 drivers will be called upon at the exact MINUTE the event is scheduled to start if the server is not full. Keep your eyes peeled on this thread the day of the event, October 9th at 2PM Eastern Standard Time. I will post calling upon List #2 drivers, or informing you that the event is full.
D.U.I still needs some League Staff.
If ANYBODY can make it to all of the events but does not wish to compete, we still need people to help out with the series, maybe a judge?
Feel free to send myself or greg_slideways a PM
Keep the sign ups comin'!
We're currently at 35 drifters.
Keep checking the O.P for updates, let's just say the winner won't be leaving empty handed!!!