Hmm. I don't mean to start another flame war against an unarguable subject, I just want someone to expand on an opinion.
I always hear grippers say "What's the point of drifting? You go slow, you burn tyres, what the hell. Waste of resources to go slowly around a track." or etcetera. But what's the big deal? Is it the drifting community? Because that's just prejudist in my opinion, not all drifters are immature 13 year olds. But that's not what I came here to state.
If I ask a grip racer why he enjoys doing what he's doing, what's he going to say? "The thrill of the race, the competition, going fast." but what's that different from drifting? I recently read a topic about somebody asking why drifting even existed, because it was a waste of resources to go slower than you can. But is racing much different? You waste gas and do laps around a track, not much point right?
I think the way to settle the both of them is to realise that both of them have their own appeal, such as excitement, competition, and maybe not going fast, but slamming the e-brake doing 150 into a corner is a wee bit scary, no?
Maybe I'm just dyslexic.