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S2 licensed
JO53PHS, you have to be the primary driver and Gino the secondary driver.
S2 licensed
well, in future, please make your mind up before voting. When people keep changing their minds, it makes my job a lot harder.

Your kit has been updated with Gino's name tag and number board
S2 licensed
then why did you vote for 6 PM!? makes no sense whatsoever.
S2 licensed
thank you very much . I got it working now .
S2 licensed
Skin updated. Can be found here.
S2 licensed
AMB, I'll make you a skin but like I said, registrations are full so pearcy isn't included in the registrations until a spot frees up
S2 licensed
Await for revised version of the skin.
S2 licensed
Heres your skin but would appreciate that in future, that you request for them here.
S2 licensed
Guys, I've received a good few votes from people who voted in the other poll but didn't state that they prefer which time more. For this, I've decided to take the earliest time that each person has voted for.
S2 licensed
Sorry pearcy but you'll have to be on stand-by for the next couple days as registrations are full now.
S2 licensed
Guys if you intend on being team mates, please notify me and you MUST use the same skin as each other.
S2 licensed
ok thanks . Sorry for the constant questions but there are just a good few things which haven't been explained in the readme or FAQ. Last thing I want to ask is about the graph program. I've downloaded it but I can't get seem to get it working. I click on the exe and nothing happens . I've found a file called tsv.tpl in the templates folder where I found in the readme that it required it but still, nothing .
S2 licensed
I will test out LFS Stats to see if it shows specific settings but afaik, it doens't, only states "setup work" and thats it. Will check now.
S2 licensed
the skin deadline is the day of the race. If you don't have a skin, you don't race. In terms of theft and copyright, have a look at my skins . I've placed a whole bunch of LKN Designs logos in the background and in the bottom right corner, some credits to who made it so if in the case someone does steal it, other people will know its not theirs .

Besides, you're posting the skin in the FZ50 GT3 Cup section in the skins thread, I'd be very impressed if someone dug that far to get some cool FZR skins
S2 licensed
Sorry but you must provide the actual skin as well. The skin is fine but please, if you are going to modify it, you must notify me directly.
S2 licensed
Added. Will make your skin kit now.
S2 licensed

Very sorry about the setups bit guys, just very hard to tune. I've increased the stiffness of the rebound dampers by 1.5 Ns to stabilise the car.

PB so far: 1:10.32 with the super stiff set.
S2 licensed
I'm having a weird problem. I do get the error msgs for the DriftPB and PB text files but LFSLapper doesn't seem to be creating them. Also, can someone tell me how to activate the drift scoring system? I can't seem to find it in the readme on how to use it. Thanks!
S2 licensed
Ok, thanks, got it working . I just would like to know as well, how do I input the WR time for all the tracks and how can I get the track image to appear?
Last edited by Leprekaun, .
S2 licensed
Privateers, please make sure to have the correct mirror colours as stated here.
S2 licensed
More skin kits:
Last edited by Leprekaun, .
Drivers (or teams) who don't have skins, please read
S2 licensed
Hi all! for those who don't have skins but would like a skin that can be made by me, please reply in this thread.

If you're interested in having a skin in the design found below, please reply in this thread with the colours you wish to use.

NOTE: If a team wishes to have a skin made, both cars will be in the same colour scheme.

Primary: Main car colour (example: first skin below is blue)

Secondary: Secondary colour (example: first skin below is red)

Line: The separating line between the primary and secondary colours (example: first skin below is white)
S2 licensed
Quote from Dizzydarryn :ummm, not sure if its just me... but the nicknames thread is wrong?!?

Shouldnt number come after team?

can delete this post after?

oh yes, anyone gonna be on the server this week?

Post updated .
S2 licensed
Yes, 2 sets are permitted as long as they're within the setup restrictions.
FZ RennSport (FZRS) Skins
S2 licensed
Well, I've finally finished my skins . Say hello to mr. Purple!