I"m still not sure about how the no focus/64 FPS lock occurs but I've found a way to 'unlock' the FPS:
If I'm running another DirectX app such as the standalone Flash player or Media Player Classic or VLC, then the FPS are going back to normal (still when LFS doesn't have the focus, of course). It doesn't matter which other window has the focus.
As soon as I close the other DirectX app the FPS are locked to 64 again.
13:46 CET (11:46 GMT)
Server [CD] ConeDodgers 1
I just got the error message about my skins being not found on LFSW.
Skin names: XRR_Lotesdelere4_NG and FZR_Lotes04_NG4
For some reason it seems to happen more often when the server is populated.
14:00 CET (12:00 GMT)
No error message anymore
Last edited by Lotesdelere, .
Reason : Added more infos
P... = CPU usage
Screenshot 1: LFS has the focus. CPU usage is about 30% average.
Screenshot 2: LFS doesn't have the focus. I still have normal FPS but CPU usage is about 3-5% lower average.
Screenshot 3: LFS doesn't have the focus. FPS are stuck to 64 and CPU usage is 0.
It seems that I got normal FPS with no focus when I've just started LFS but after using Shift+F4 many times, and/or opening/closing other apps, it got stuck to 64 FPS and won't go back to normal FPS again.
Still I haven't yet found a way to reproduce that every time
Although I noticed the 'loss' of a GDI object in screenshot 2.
I'm not sure if it's related to the test patches only but this is a FPS strange behaviour report:
In windowed mode, by using Shift+F4:
Screenshot 1: The window has the focus, normal FPS.
Screenshot 2: The window does not have the focus (clicked on the desktop), normal FPS.
Screenshot 3: The window does not have the focus, but the FPS are stuck to 64.
Screenshot 3 is showing the most usual behaviour I got when the windows does not have the focus. FPS are stuck to 64.
I haven't found a way (yet) to reproduce every time the normal FPS I got in screenshot 2 (no focus, normal FPS).
Now something even more strange when there are no cars on track:
Aucune voiture en course = No cars on track
Screenshot 4: FPS suddenly drop down to about 40 FPS (focused)
Screenshot 5: 32 FPS only if the window doesn't have the focus (Hm that's half the 64 FPS we have seen before)
Screenshot 6: Everything is normal when there are cars on track (focused)
Screenshot 7: Same view with no cars on track (focused)
Screenshot 8: Same behaviour on another track and in full screen mode
Windows XP, DirectX 9.0c (March 2008), Radeon HD 3870.
Catalyst 8.2 video driver only with ATI Tray Tools (Control Center is not installed).
Vsync is OFF in both video driver and LFS. AA is OFF, AF 4x (set in-game, video driver is set to application preference).
Yep, I've noticed that as well during the past two weeks and all the drivers who were on the server got the same message.
It randomly happens, from time to time.
The skins are downloaded and are working fine even when we got the error message.
The message is shown even when we haven't changed skin.
It happened to me with both patch Y and test patch Y14.
I have used the standalone Remote.exe (dated 07/03/2008 12:19) for watching at the IGTC 4 hour race yesterday.
I had to stop and restart it after about 3H30 of the race because it was using a HUGE amount of memory, over 600 MB of what Windows XP calls Virtual Memory and over 578 MB of working space.
FYI there were about 32 connections to the server all race long and we also had several drivers who had bad lag what we could feel and see as well in Remote.
Yep, it's quite scary to see so many slow cars on track while there are still drivers doing qualifying laps.
I hope the FIA won't wait for an accident to happen...
This Q3 is a non sense to me as it's all about race strategy while the battle for pole position should be about pure performance only.
I've noticed some troubles with some nick names which are using special characters:
Screenshot 1: how it should be and how it's displayed in patch Y
Screenshot 2: same nick name displayed in patch Y14
Screenshot 3: this nick name destroyed the whole line including "s'est déconnecté" (has disconnected)
And the screenshot 4 is showing a FXR with a TV screen on the dashboard (Patch Y14)
It's from the default TV cam, the car had stopped on the side of the track after the race.
Not sure what is the cause of that, there was no other strange glitch on screen but it vanished after switching views from TV cam to cockpit view and back to TV cam.
Single player -> on the entry screen change track, wait for the track to load and now select another track,
Once you have selected the new track, click on the Garage button and select a setup or go to the Car selection and change car, say select a GTR,
Click on OK (twice if needed) and if you're fast enough you're back to the entry screen while the track is still loading and bingo! You get the message.
Happens online too if you select another setup during a track change. Works with any track. FYI I'm mostly driving the GTR's (including the 'small' ones) and the single seaters.
Oh I have misunderstood then as I thought LFS was now fully unicode compliant.
OK I got it, thanks for the answer.
BTW there is a little interface annoyance since patch Y:
When you're on the main menu if you hit Esc to exit the game you are prompted for confirmation but if you click on the Exit button there is no prompt.
I sometimes click that fast and once too much that I exit the game while I only wanted to go back to the main menu.
Note aux traducteurs après avoir essayé la nouvelle traduction contenue dans le patch Y14:
Menu Options -> Affichage: Jauge de direction virtuelle. Virtuelle n'est pas au féminin.
Son Marche et Arrêt sont inversés. Ca indique Marche quand je coupe le son et Arrêt quand je le réactive.
Dans le menu F12 quand on est sur la piste:
- Pneus usure: pas de S à Pneus.
- Réparer les dommages: ça sonne un peu bizarre, peut-être utiliser Dégats au lieu de Dommages. Ou tout simplement Réparations tout court.
- Roues sont asymétriques. Il manque le S à la fin de Asymétriques.
xxx vote pour exclure yyy (LFSyyy) [3/8] (pressez 1) : il manque le C de Exclure
xxx a été retiré yyy de la grille de départ : c'est xxx qui retire yyy de la grille, donc le "été" est en trop: xxx a retiré yyy de la grille de départ
Last edited by Lotesdelere, .
Reason : Added more items
Yep, same for me and it happens even with patch Y.
It happens when you select a car/setup while the track is still loading (any track).
Something else now:
I can't paste any of the asian languages into the chat text input box. I only get question marks but sometimes some random character is taken into account.
Example with Japanese text:
I open Commands_Japanese.txt with Notepad and I copy the first line after the title (screenshot 1)
I open the text input box in LFS, I select Japanese and I paste the text (screenshot 2)
Only one character is shown, but I'm not even sure it's the correct one.
Last edited by Lotesdelere, .
Reason : Added bug(?) report