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S2 licensed
Quote from CD_Quiksilver :I think I get it, the league 'skill' system is turned on between these times? before then, practise does not count to the skill system?

Yes, exactly. So you can join at any time, the points system is explained in this thread:
S2 licensed
Quote from R.Kolz :I wonder if these botts gives somebody LFSstats milage and mayby podium finishes as well...

No they don't.
S2 licensed
I've reported this bug to the devs via email in November 2007 because we noticed there were three AI's on track from the same player (replays were attached to the emails).

On the 15th of November we had these conversations:

Quote from LFStech :Hello,

It is possible for someone to add an ai to a race. Even if you set it to only allow one car per person, that can be an ai. So it seems most likely that this is what has happened here.

Quote from Lotesdelere :Hm Ok I see.
Then there should be an option to disallow the ability of adding AI's.

And this does make more sense because we are going to start the new version of our league soon and we surely don't want to have to deal with that kind of things as we obviously can't admin the servers 24/7.

No explanation was given about the ability to put three AI's on track instead of only one though.

I've also posted a request to add a server option to disallow the use of AI's here:

Unfortunately this wasn't taken into account for patch Y
S2 licensed
Quote from zeugnimod :Yes, you did miss something.

Victor deleted all online PBs because most of them would have been unbreakable with the current physics/track changes. The old ones are still displayed in grey if you haven't driven online on that combo since they got deleted.

Quote from Mr.Muh :There even was a notice above the server list which said sth. like 'Online PBs have now been deleted'

Aaaah I didn't know that.
And I didn't get the message.

It's a bit useless about the FBM PB's though, but anyway this thread can be deleted, thanks for the answers.
S2 licensed
Haha, Steam...
LFSW: PB missing
S2 licensed
I've noticed one of my PB's has vanished from LFSW and I swear I have never deleted any of my PB's.

My PB with MRT @ FE2 has gone, however the other ones on this track are still there.
The screenshot of my 'old' PB's has been made on the 12/12/2007.

I haven't checked the other ones yet.

Not a big deal though, just to let you know


In fact it looks like it's overwriting any of my PB's when I'm driving again a specific combo.
I don't know if it's done on purpose or if it's a bug. I've been away for some days so maybe I have missed something ?
Last edited by Lotesdelere, .
S2 licensed
I've noticed problems with any track (not only Blackwood and South City) when using on a Y server a layout which has been made with X-X10.

Either it doesn't load at all or if it loads I'll get OOS errors.

I had to rebuilt the layouts using patch X35 or higher.
S2 licensed
Quote from nick5747 :how do i convert it to PCM

It PCM already and ready for use with LFS.
S2 licensed
Quote from dawesdust_12 :Except your comment wasn't worthless?!

S2 licensed
Quote from Scawen :We are pleased to announce... Patch Y!

You should really post something about the colours and setups conversion, I've spent the whole evening explaining to people what to do.

Maybe a link to these tools in the patch Y announcement post might help:

Just my two cents... of €uro
S2 licensed
Not really a racing video but a nice commercial for Shell from Antoine Bardou-Jacquet, the guy who did the Honda choir commercial: ... et_shell_circuit/

Xmas present
S2 licensed
Quote from ajp71 :Erm.. an E6750 should be enough shouldn't it?

I wonder if I've got some dodgey codecs, the new computer won't play DVDs properly either.

Yes a E6750 is enough.

Try with VLC which is using its own built-in codecs so it won't mess in any way with your configuration.
Get the 7Zip of the ZIP package, uncompress and run.

VLC can play both files (MOV and WMV) without any problem.
So if you still experience troubles then there is something wrong with your system configuration.
S2 licensed
Quote from JTbo :This behaviour of autoclutch is what burns clutches of many when they spin, so instead of stalling it slips clutch.

So it might be the reason why the clutch is heating so easily with the FZR + auto clutch ?
Even without spinning it's hard to keep it cold after ten laps. And if someone hits you in the back it's instantly getting red.

The clutch was a bit too strong IMO in patch X35 but now I find it a bit weak. Am I the only one ?
I haven't seen many reports here about the FZR
S2 licensed
Quote from ajp71 :What do I need to play the video, MPC and Quicktime are both stuttery.

A bigger CPU, I'm afraid...
It's H.264/AVC 1280*720 so it needs a fast CPU.

Oh well Deggis already mentionned it.

Quote from ColeusRattus :Huh, that IS the dukes voice, the very same that's also used in Duke 3D. So it's fitting

Quote from wien :It's the same actor, yes, but it doesn't quite have the same flair to it does it?

Yes it's the voice of Jon St. John
He's just ten years older

Attached file contains some samples from the original game.
Come, get some!

Anyway I'll believe Duke Nukem Forever is out when I'll see it.
For now we only have a new wallpaper and 40 seconds of animation which are supposed to be from a supposed existing game.
And they already did that some years ago... Piece of cake!
S2 licensed
Quote from mrfell :All of a sudden, my FPS is struggling to get over 30 whereas before at any other SO track it was very playable at 50+. Is this because of the latest texture updates in SO?

I don't know what is at 'fault' but I've also noticed a huge FPS drop on SO6/R, especially when driving on the main straight and on the bridge.
It's even worse when spectating.
Obviously this is more noticeable on populated races.
S2 licensed
Quote from MyBoss :The last corner is allways the hardest one.

How right am I with this?

Quote from The Very End :First corner is allways worst. Then the last one comes, sadlt first corner seems to be the last corner for me lately

Drive on the reversed track then.
So the last corner becomes the first one. Or the first corner becomes the last one.

S2 licensed
Quote from xaotik :OMG this lfs_restart version ttly sux!
u ruind my luv 4 lfs!

u n00b

I think the grip of the restart is now perfect, it's very realistic
S2 licensed
Quote from Scawen :I need to know which cars (if any) suffer more clutch overheating than others, on road or rallycross tracks, so I can hopefully start to see a pattern.

I've just done some races and free practice with the FZR, which is quite hard on the clutch, and I got the feeling that 25% might be a bit too much, I think something like 15-20% would be better.

I did the tests with FZR @ AS3 (the combo I've driven the most) with a DFP and using auto clutch.
Patch X35 on my side and patch X30 on the server.
Last edited by Lotesdelere, . Reason : Because :P
S2 licensed
Quote from xaotik :I think there already is such an option - just set "number of AIs per guest" to zero.

Unfortunately there is not such an option... yet
The 'carsguest' option is about the max number of cars (real + AI) per guest. So if I set it to 0 no one can join the track...
S2 licensed
Not really bugs but annoyances:

I really hope that something will be done about the restart votes which are not automatically cancelled after a while.
We had a discussion about that in the Server options wishlist thread.

And also a server option to disallow the use of AI's.
Some people are adding an AI into the middle of a crowded race on racing servers and guess what is the result...
S2 licensed
Quote from dawesdust_12 :At Aston Grand Prix, the AI's (XRT, FXO and RB4 I tested) have seemingly huge issues with keeping the optimum line, swerving all over

I've noticed the same swerving issue at the end of the straight of BL1R with the BF1.
S2 licensed
Find the 'Screen Info' line into the cfg.txt file and edit it to match this one:

Screen Info 0 60 1024 768
S2 licensed
Quote from Scawen :I've saved the icon you linked to and will compile it into the next patch.

While you're at it you may want to use an icon for the LFS window as well
S2 licensed
Quote from Gil07 :Other single seaters + XRR + FXR: Sequential (stick or paddles), no need to lift on upshift, as they have ignition cut.

Not true for the MRT which is a single seater.

From my tests the MRT has to be driven like the FBM.