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S2 licensed
BTW it would be nice to have a download link for X33.

I do understand that Scawen wants to test the auto updater but I have some security tools on my computer which are blocking that kind of actions on purpose and I don't want to disable / reconfigure them even for 5 minutes.

So to cut a long story short I am the only updater allowed on my computer
S2 licensed
Quote from steve :"Can not open the restarter program" evertime time I use ingame updater, well try to, can we get link here please?

Bah, too slow
Last edited by Lotesdelere, . Reason : Already answered
S2 licensed
Quote from sam93 :ok cheers, also how do you drive the FBMW because the gearbox always seems to break. I have been racing around the circuit a few times and it just breaks and I was just pitting and when setting off every gear was just going straight to the redline, how do I drive it without this happening.
Quote from Scawen :it's just that there is no autoclutch on gearchange for the FBM. You must pull on the gear lever and while still pulling, momentarily lift the throttle for a near instant clutchless gearchange. Same thing in real life.

S2 licensed
I can't join your 'AI only' server anymore.

I always got this error message:
› [CD]Lotesdelère : JOOS - COUNT MPSYS CONNS

Looks like a restart is needed
S2 licensed
Quote from geeman1 :Sometimes you just can't have the optimal tyres, much like in real life.

No, not for racing where manufacturers will obviously make optimal tyres.
S2 licensed
Quote from Scawen :So if you used R2 before, now you should use R3. That is the intention.

The 'problem' is that as they are now R3 tyres don't heat up enough. As if we needed R2.5 tyres.

So talking about the big GTR's, half of the field is still using R2 and the other half is on R3. Some people are using 'mixed' sets of R2+R3.

People using R2 seem to drive on eggs, being very carefull not to heat the tyres too much while people on R3 can be much more agressive but that doesn't really heat up the tyres enough.
S2 licensed
Quote from the_angry_angel :Any AI driver will stall on the drag strip. Once they restart their engine they start going around in circles! Replay attached.


Replay of the year IMO

Sorry for OT but I couldn't resist
S2 licensed
Quote from harjun :I would like to convert my .avi film from my computer, to be able to play from a CD on a dvd there a software or something to do this?

You can either:

Burn the AVI file directly to a CD. Most DVD players are now able to read AVI files encoded with DixX/XviD + MP3.
You can use any burning software such as the popular Nero or some freewares like InfraRecorder or CDBurnerXP.

Convert the AVI file to a VCD/SVCD Video CD format and burn it onto a CD.
Once again Nero can do that or have a look at the freeware Avi2Dvd.

Convert the AVI file to a DVD format and burn it onto a DVD.
Freewares which can do that: Avi2Dvd or DVD Flick.
But in this case you obviously need a DVD burner.
S2 licensed
Quote from BigTime :The clutch just simply overheats too quickly. After a few spins or stops it begins to slip

Quote from danowat :I have noticed that under "normal" driving conditions, the clutch is fine, but if someone hits you in the behind, it heats the clutch up alot, also, if you spin off you tend to heat the clutch up alot too.

Yep, I've noticed the same.
S2 licensed
Quote from Zachary Zoomy :XP? darn we have windows 98

Then install this generic driver (attached file) and reboot.
It should work with any standard USB stick.
S2 licensed
Quote from Chaos :- DFP users have a problem looking 90 left/right because the hat cannot be pressed on two sides at once
- many people would like to have the posibility to choose if 90 or 45 degree view is the one-touch option

Quote from dungbeetle :I would suggest that in addition to the current method, the 45 left, 45 right, 90 left and 90 right views should each be allocatable to controller buttons and/or hat positions of your choice.

Yes, +1.

Some people have suggested that a script could be used, so if they would mind to post a working one I'd be happy because al of my attempts to make one failed
S2 licensed
Quote from mrodgers :That doesn't allow someone to connect and add AI car instead of joining the track themselves, if I recall.

It does allow it, hence my post
S2 licensed
Quote from Mille Sabords :AIs completely ignore blue flags

In fact they just ignore any other car behind or alongside to them.

That's one of the reasons why I would like to have a server option to disallow the use of AI's.

It's quite annoying to see people adding an AI into the middle of a crowded race, the result is often a mayhem.
S2 licensed

Another suggestion:
A server option to disallow the use of AI's.

It's quite annoying to see people adding an AI into the middle of a crowded race, the result is often a mayhem.
S2 licensed
Quote from uttoro :AI dont pit when practice

They don't pit for refuelling during qualify either.
What is pretty annoying is that they have their own fuel 'strategy' and looks like they don't obey the fuel settings set into the garage.

Anyway they can't pit properly during a race. They are ALL going to pit on the same lap because they are ALL using the same fuel strategy (see above) and if there are more than 3 AI's on track they are going to crash each others in the pitlane.

There are also some issues with overtaking
S2 licensed
Quote from Scawen :Left + right two button look functions now 90 degrees

Is there a way to asssign that to a single button on my driving wheel ?

Because for now it's taking me more time to do the operation than I spend time looking at the side

And/or maybe in a future patch we may have an optiion to define the default angle of vision when looking at the sides (45°-90° or 90°-45°) ?
S2 licensed
Faster than light!

Great, it's working fine now
X30 translation strings
S2 licensed
"Peintures" pour "Skins", sans déconner qui utlilise le mot peinture ?
"Décoration" à la limite mais "Peinture" non, tout le monde parle de "Skins" et tant pis pour la langue française, soyons pratiques que diable.

Autre chose: "Eteint" et "Allumé".
Ca ne va pas. Au passage "Eteint" ne prend qu'un seul T.
Je suggère l'usage de "Actif" et "Inactif" ou "Activé" et "Désactivé".
Parce que "Le son est allumé" franchement ça sonne bizarre...

Keep "Skins" for... skins
I bet no one is using the word "Peinture". It might be "Décoration" but "Peinture" sounds so strange.

Use "Actif" and "Inactif" or "Activé" and "Désactivé" instead of "Eteint" and "Allumé".
"Le son est allumé" doesn't make sense in french.
X30 and LFSW progress window
S2 licensed
The FBM appears as 'undefined' car model in a LFSW progress window.
S2 licensed
Quote from franky500 :b: go into your server with your admin password and type /welcome=welcome.txt

In this particular case the correct syntax is:
/welcome welcome.txt
Without a = like any other in-game command

Quote from hughesie89 :how about if you can't reach the server's file location and are half way across the world and only have admin access, can it be done in anyway there

Create the file then send it to your server support team and ask them to do the update.
Sébastien Loeb and Heikki Kovalainen switching cars
S2 licensed
Sébastien Loeb and Heikki Kovalainen switching cars... for fun

Pics here: ... content=286&Itemid=60

Video here (audio in french):

Another video (but with Loeb driving the Renault F1 only): ... _58589_4_25_3_320x240.wmv

Some quotes:
Quote from :« Il fallait l'arrêter après chaque série de cinq tours, parce qu'il commençait à prendre confiance... » déclarait un Responsable de Renault F1.

"We had to stop him [Loeb] every 5 laps because he became too much confident..." said one of the Renault F1 managers.

Quote from :La R26 de test était en réglages aérodynamiques de type Monaco et pneus « medium », pour plus de sécurité.

The R26 was using Monaco aero settings and medium tyres for more safety.

English version:
S2 licensed
Quote from Macfox :It might be better to weight restart votes based on laps. So someone who has completed 6 of 10 laps has twice the voting influence of a driver who has completed only 3 of 10 laps. Does that sound like a better way?

Yes that or a simple option to block all restart votes after lap x untill the end of the race where at this time the /rstend parameter enters in action.
So we could have three /rst commands:
/rstmin=30 (in seconds, no change)
/rstrace=2 (in laps, votes allowed for the first two laps then blocked)
/rstend=60 (in seconds, no change)

Quote from Macfox :This kind of thing would be perfect for an InSim addon.

Yes, we are actually working on that but the idea is to have it as a server option, hence my post in this thread and not in the Insim requests one
S2 licensed
Update to U30 which is fully compatible with U:

Now you can unlock it
S2 licensed
CD1 is our very first server and it's still very popular, so yes it'll stay like that (GTR's @ AS3, and most important Free For All) as long as possible.
Of course there are good days and bad days, like any other servers. But I'm proud, yes proud and happy, to say that we got many beginners on this server and some of them are now in well known established teams. We always try to help and teach anyone who is showing efforts for doing good. This is also a place where you can see some aliens in action hence you may get good sets and good tips.

However the drivers who got a CD license can select track on the entry screen of CD2 (GTR's only).
You can also select track on CD4 for all GTR's (Big GTR's + XFR + UFR, FFA).
And CD3 is set to XFR+UFR @ AS1 and it's also FFA.

And much more to come soon