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S2 licensed
Yep it's possible, we did it two years ago when we still had our own servers.

cd ~/.wine/drive_c/lfs
nohup wine LFS.exe /cfg=cfg.txt &

S2 licensed
Quote from chanoman315 :anyone know where i can find the vid of a 747 taking off that airport?... when ppl fly?
S2 licensed
Daily Motion is also experimenting HD:

Flash v9.0.115.0 required.
Half Mario Super Life
S2 licensed
Quote from AndroidXP :Hey guys, I tried making the chicane a bit more cut-proof. What do you think?
S2 licensed
For those who don't know it, Windows XP SP3 RC2 is officially out for two days: ... 2c68a7&DisplayLang=en

Quote :Language: English

System Requirements
* Supported Operating Systems: Windows XP Service Pack 2

Download the script and run it on a machine currently running Windows XP Service Pack 2. The script sets a registry key on your system. The registry key is required for Windows Update to recognize your machine as a valid target for Windows XP Service Pack 3 RC2.

Versions of Windows XP Service Pack 3 prior to Release Candidate 2 should be removed before attempting to use the registry key. Windows Update will not offer Release Candidate 2 to machines with previous versions of the Windows XP Service Pack 3 beta.

It is recommended that you apply the resulting update package to an activated, genuine copy of Windows XP, in a test environment. As with any pre-release software, it is also recommended that you back up files and settings on your machine before applying this update package.

S2 licensed
Quote from SamH :There seems to be a problem with the engine sound trigger with Y. Watching a particular car, the sound keeps ceasing for cars that are closer to your spectating position than the car you're watching.

Yep, I've noticed the same thing
S2 licensed
For Windows only (all versions):

For Windows, Linux, FreeBSD and Mac OS X:
Virtual Magnifying Glass
S2 licensed
I just got myself a HD 3870 and I wonder what are the best drivers to use.
Official Catalyst 8.2 or Omega drivers 4.8.442 (based on Catalyst 7.12) ?
Any advices ?
S2 licensed
Quote from chanoman315 :it would be fun to put an unexpected barrier at the end of the pitlane, and all the cheaters would be trapped

We have done that on our servers, but we haven't blocked the pits because you may fall there by accident during a race so a strong chicane is doing the job.

Here is the layout:
S2 licensed
Quote from SamH :I'm not usually given to begging but I desperately need "XName removed YName" fed into the server debug log at race end screen. With our auto track rotation, we're losing the first race each cycle due to some SOB removing everyone from the grid to cause a premature restart. I need to know who the hell they are, and they need to bloody well stop doing it. Pretty puhleeeze Scawen. This really isn't a feature request, it's core debug info that's missing at the moment, IMO.

Yes, and also a core debug testing option to disallow AI's to join the track of a racing server
S2 licensed
Quote from Robster230 :Could a French LFSer please translate the following pls...

"Thank you for everything.

Miss you this weekend"

Merci pour tout,
Tu me manqueras ce week end.

But it depends to whom you're talking to.
It's OK if you're talking to a friend.

But if you're talking to a woman you're in love with, don't say her "Thanks for everything". I'm quite sure she won't like that. Better to say: "Je n'oublie pas ces merveilleux moments" (I keep in mind these wonderfull moments).
Also avoid the "week end" thingy as she might understand that you'll miss her for the week end only (yes, women are like that, at least the French ones are ). Better to say: "Tu me manques déjà" (I already miss you).
S2 licensed
Same race, same server as in previous post.

According to LFS Remote car #101 (18th position) is having a pit stop but in fact it is on track racing.
S2 licensed
On the current IGTC test race (server name: IGTC By My3id) car #21 and car #06 appear to have the same LFS user name driver 'The Moose' whilst #21 should be 'Scipy'.
S2 licensed
Our silly bling-bling president stealing a pen in Romania:
S2 licensed
A bit late for the launch but you can still watch at the mission live using these links:

Real player:
Windows media:
Quick Time:
S2 licensed
Quote from Scawen :This is only visible on the host, or in the host's log file if logging is enabled.

This is displayed on hosts in two cases :

1) If network debug is switched on
2) If the host is a dedicated host

Ok, got it, thanks for clarification
S2 licensed
Thanks for the patch but there is something I'm not sure about:

Quote from Scawen :Dedicated host and network debug show connecting guest IP

Does this mean anyone using the network debug can see anyone else IP ? Or is it for admins only ?
Or is it an inclusive AND (Dedicated host AND network debug) ?
S2 licensed
Loeb on a french TV channel (approximative translation):

Loeb (after watching at the video): Yep, that video is impressive but it was OK from the inside of the car. I saw the gendarme about 150-200m before the corner and I always had him in sight. And I knew what he was doing and what I was going to do.
TV: What is the distance between your car and the gendarme ?
Loeb: Hm, about 15-20 cm.
TV: Isn't it a bit short ?
Loeb: No, we are always doing that in rally. If it was a rock it would be the same.
TV: What is your speed at this moment ?
Loeb: About 100-120 km/h.
TV: And you were sure it was going to be OK ?
Loeb: Yes, absolutely sure. I was 200% sure.

No typo, he said 200%.
S2 licensed
Hehe congrats to all

Quote from Raybrig :must be smoother!!!

Yep, you got it
S2 licensed
Quote from guzzi97 :i didn't know that i have to login with my "original" acc-name

You didn't have to, you just had to log in with the proper password of your Delgado account because you have never posted with your Guzzi97 account before this post.

Anyway, you can use avatar and signature now
S2 licensed
Quote from evilpimp :I got it on VLC and it buffers a lot.

Increase the default cache delay to something like 1500 or 2000 ms (or even more, test and trial):
File -> Open network stream (Ctrl+N) -> Advanced options -> Tick Caching and change the value.
S2 licensed
Quote from MaKaKaZo :but with the coming of flash 9 there's no standalone player

Here you go:
S2 licensed
We have made some easy to drive, but fast enough, setups for FXR and FZR at AS3. You can download them from this page: ... com_wrapper&Itemid=25

Enjoy Smile