CD1 is our very first server and it's still very popular, so yes it'll stay like that (GTR's @ AS3, and most important Free For All) as long as possible.
Of course there are good days and bad days, like any other servers. But I'm proud, yes proud and happy, to say that we got many beginners on this server and some of them are now in well known established teams. We always try to help and teach anyone who is showing efforts for doing good. This is also a place where you can see some aliens in action hence you may get good sets and good tips.
However the drivers who got a CD license can select track on the entry screen of CD2 (GTR's only).
You can also select track on CD4 for all GTR's (Big GTR's + XFR + UFR, FFA).
And CD3 is set to XFR+UFR @ AS1 and it's also FFA.
And much more to come soon