People don't like "arab drifting" because it's stupid. It's just a bunch of stupid kids driving their parents' cars like maniacs. There's no skill involved, period. The one saving grace of it is that they often crash hard into walls while wearing no seatbelts- thus, removing themselves from a society that they're hurting.
Firstly, there's a drift setup thread at the top of the page. For someone who's been around for nearly a year and has eyes... come on
Secondly, it seems that you're dealing with a skill problem, not a set problem. You could likely solve your problem with some setup changes, but that'd just mask the real issue and probably mess up what works now.
Meh, car accidents are nothing compared to motorcycle racing accidents. Not saying that the guy wasn't shaken or completely safe, but this is really pretty minor stuff by comparison.
That's where the idea of using normal tires becomes less of a tire-life issue and more of a crutch for poor driving, no offense.
I'm pretty sure that, in the vast majority of cases, the benefits of the increased grip of super tires will outweigh the longer life of normal tires- even including pit stops.
It's what I do in LFS. Granted, it's not the best setup but a good setup will not need much tweaking to make it "driftable." For me, I just turned down the negative camber to even out the tire wear and it's a MUCH better drift setup than what I see most drifters use.
Now to why I came to this thread in the first place. Whenever I go drifting in LFS, I see a LOT of drifters using positive camber in the rear. Some of them even try to defend it saying it actually gives more traction than negative camber! So are the settings that drifters are using so bad that positive camber is the only way to get the car sideways or are the people with positive camber just stupid?
Censorship? HAHAHAHAHAHAA. You're using their computers and their internet connection, they can do what they want with it and you'll just have to deal. It just sounds like they just went overboard on the blocked sites list.
Why does it matter, anyway? You should be doing schoolwork at school, not surfing the web.
This isn't new, by the way. Let me know when your ISP starts doing stuff like this, that'll be news.
If you have problems with burning up the clutch in any car, you are simply a bad driver.
While I do think that the clutch burns a little too easily, I also think that constant poor shifting during a "45lap lague race" will lead to clutch failure.
Edit: I'd like to mention that I really like the fact that the current clutch system really hurts those who can't shift properly.
What the hell is a sterotism? Do you mean stereotype?
For the record, I'm not making a judgement on the character or capabilities of anybody by not including them in my definition of "American." Any sense of superiority is purely based on unequal distribution of resources. If anything, I think Americans are getting weaker and weaker and could prove to be weaker when the playing field is leveled.
You said "im not white so i dont care" when talking about the bad rap that you're giving Americans.
Sorry, but the term "American" refers almost exclusively to a citizen of the United States of America in English as well as every other language that I've encountered.
Yep, there's a lot of anti-American sentiment about and people like you cause it.
Don't tell me that somebody isn't American because they're not white. Do you even know who Barack Obama is? I strongly suggest that you lose that idiotic attitude or GTFO, thanks.
It's somewhat difficult to form an opinion given that you were trying to "race drift," which I assume to mean that you were sliding into the corner. That method is not only slower, but also hell for your tires. Dramatically induced oversteer should only be used on the smallest and slowest corners.
Keep the rear tires in line with the front (or close to it) and you'll get much faster.
It can and does.
-TV coverage sucks
-There's a lot of politics that are screwing it up.
-Big names from other motorsports are taking rides away from skilled drivers. Not to mention the fact that some of them bring a bad attitude to drifting.