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Quote from felplacerad : ... _the_LFS_cars_based_on.3F

Note: this isn't "an official" list nor "based on list", only observations of what the cars look like by several forum members.

Tell me the rear end doesn't look like this: ... ublish/uploads/milly1.jpg

and also that the front doesn't look like this:
Last edited by luftrofl, .
S2 licensed
The front end looks like it's off of a Porsche 944 and the rear end looks like it's off of an early MKIII Toyota Supra.

I think this has been covered before, so use the search function in the future =)
S2 licensed
Quote from drumefecks :when it says UK pound. is that the same as Eruo money. cause on that one website that converts curency i typed in 24 for Eruo and got 31.85 us dollers.. is that right??

And they call us Americans ignorant! Well we sure proved them...

... right? Darn.

You're killin' me bud.

S2 licensed
Quote from Becky Rose :Hmmmm, not sure I appreciate your position toward STCC admins luftrofl - in your case it was rejoining into traffic without looking, if I recall, hardly lag i'd say... Anyway byegons be byegons, it's about time I took that ban off, if, that is, you're willing to abide by server rules ?

More than willing
S2 licensed
Quote from EmilO :Hello!

i havent had S2 for many days but i sure like it!
But its some of the online players i dont like
This happened some minutes ago i was racing on the STCC New & Bronze server and the race had been restarted. it was the blackwood rallycross turn 4 maybe where the rally track goes out on the straight. theres one guy who drives an XRG and im driving the XFG,he goes wiiiide in the turn so i pass him on the inside quick.then i don't know what happend when i looked in the mirror i saw he had spun and he was screamin: n00b! N000b!! Get of the track!! and so on but i didn't do anything
after that he started to drive into me several times witout reason.
last lap i was in 2:nd or 3:rd place in the last turn he rammed straight into my rear and drove on to the finnish

it has happened several times players have pit manuvered me just for fun

well well enough yelling from me just wanted to say it

Sorry for my bad english!

Actually, I would say that he didn't spin on his own. It is likely that there was a connection problem between you and the server which caused the server to think that your car was going straight(and into his car in the process) while you were, in reality, turning.

In the future:
-Watch out for people spinning and cursing you. Ask what happened and apologize if it's your fault.
-Not much you can really do about lag, it's hard to avoid and many people (coincidentally, the STCC admins are included) rarely believe it was the culprit- they prefer to believe you enjoy ruining their racing experience.

Lastly, your English is great. It's much better than many who have it as their first language
S2 licensed
Quote from Davo :Yep, all the more reason to get S2 where the drivers are better. That's what really convinced me to get S2, plus all the extra cars and tracks.

I'm not sure, I still meet loads of idiots all the time in S2. Some of them even have their own servers
S2 licensed
I think the obvious answer would be that most people (especially on the internet!) are stupid.
S2 licensed
Quote from i30i3i3y :Just playing devil's advocate here, but surely I could unlock the game on as many pc's as I wanted (albeit 2 a month). The deterrent is the fact that no two pc's using the same account can be online at the same time. So I don't see how a login instead of an unlock is bad. If someone wants to share the account, unlocks will undoubtedly slow them down; but is it worth all the problems that come with running out of unlocks (formats, test patches, etc)?

I personally don't have a problem with the current system, I've never run out of unlocks. I've only unlocked the game twice, once at the beginning and once for a test patch. Just wondering why the system is as it is.

Exactly. It's not like you couldn't do it, but with all the patches and updates, it'd be more frustrating than anything else.
S2 licensed
Quote from JTbo :They do use traction control in GP bikes .

Controlling wheelspin is only a minor part of bike racing
S2 licensed
Quote from tristancliffe :Personally, I want motorsport to be about the drivers primarily, and the cars secondarily.

Go to motorcycle racing
S2 licensed
I'm very surprised you don't know the reason. It's quite simple and logical.

Having unlocks instead of a login is a deterrent to people who would want to share accounts.

If we had only logins, then many people could get together and share one account.
S2 licensed
Nice job on the evostar, but why does it have cromo tires in the preview? =)
S2 licensed
You've only just started! Don't even worry about being good at it yet! Nobody was good at drifting right off the bat.

Practice the techniques you know until you get comfortable.

A tip: Go on a hotlap with your car (for speed) on a track before drifting. It helps a lot in terms of your line through the turns.

Another thing to do is to try watching Drift Bible with Keiichi Tsuchiya for tips- You can probably find the whole thing on Google Video.

But the best way that I think you could improve is to go to a drifting server in LFS and ask someone to watch you and see what you're doing right and what you're doing wrong.

Good luck.
S2 licensed
I don't think you should limit to just Canadians, seeing as there are rarely enough players online in North America to get a good race going.
S2 licensed
Quote from obsolete_power :Very good, lad. You have managed to come up with yet another "amazing" post. The fact that you think I am stupid gives you no advantage over me whatsoever It just proves my point...I state my opinion and you call me stupid for it, great. Your simple-mindedness really highlights your immaturity. Again, I am not the one with the personal attacks, chap. I didn't ask for your opinion on my intelligence, I never asked for anything at all.

Don't post if you don't want people commenting on what you have to say. You may have confused this forum with a diary.

When you state opinions that are stupid, people tend to call you stupid for doing it. Just the way the world works.

You act as if I think you're a moron for no reason, despite the fact that you've read why I think the way I do. I'll break it down into a simple sentence for you:
You're stupid because you expect promises that weren't made and you think that your views should be agreed upon just because you say so.
S2 licensed
Quote from obsolete_power :Dude, now that you are done trying to act like you know me, let me tell you something!

1) If you put S1, S2 and S3 together it will all equal a full release of let's say Need For Speed or any other game that is not "a progress-game as you say it" Updates won't be forever, the devs stated that at the beginning that there are no plans to continue content updates past S3 nor does it guarantee that it will reach the S3 stage. This game has been basically cut out into three parts. S1 basic cars plus tracks plus basic physics, S2 more cars plus tracks and updated physics, S3 will probably be weather updates and maybe more physics updates and tracks....if it ever gets there. Monthly charge? For what? NONE of the games released (apart from MMOs) charge monthly because there just isn't enough content to charge for nor is there that much bandwidth used. Since LFS is a client sided game and pretty much the only bandwith used is to keep track of online servers on the master server. The game multiplayer is client based also!

2) I am sure I know that it won't make a difference what I say or not and the fact that it won't affect development and that wasn't my intent, obviously you missed that. Again, the game barely uses any of the developers' bandwidth. That statement you made was purely for personal attacks and I thought you considered yoursef to be the "intelligent" one here. Now come on, mommy and daddy taught you better than that...

3) I have posted on the Suggestion and PATCH TEST threads before and nothing was done of what I wanted. Saying something, as you say in the "real world" won't get you very far. It isn't like the devs are taking requests but for the sake of this discussion I will say what I want: Frequent content updates and I want the feeling of dry to be gone from the game!

4) The graphics DO make the game if you want to have an experience. If all you are interested in is to have the best scores then this game is perfect for you!

5) There are lots of people that care about me. I would tell you about it but now I am afraid of you attacking me for not only using up from precious bandwidth but also would take up quite a huge chunk of this page. This is beside the point though and I don't see what this has to do with live for speed...Oh, you meant that the developers don't care about me...Okay, this is most probably true and why should they? I was never expecting them to PERSONALLY care about me. If Microsoft releases new versions of windows every 5 years that are fresh and new, let's say, does this mean they have to care about you or me or the next person? No, they should, however, care about the customer because, after all, he is the one that makes any company what it is...

1) You bought the game knowing it wasn't done. Don't cry over spilled milk, especially if you did it on purpose.

2) I was letting you know that I think you are incredibly stupid. Great job in figuring that one out.

3) Just because you let others know about your ideas does not mean that your ideas are good.

4) No, the graphics don't make the game. They make it better.

5) Again, you are mistaken. Let me clarify incase you thought I meant nobody at all- nobody would feel the effect of you leaving, and so would not care.

Why are you still hanging around? E-thug much?
S2 licensed
S2 licensed
Quote from obsolete_power :LFS is gone, it's as lifeless as a Dodo and it has been for a long time now! Content and depth are at an all-time LOW and besides the online "experience" this game hardly has anything else. I have moved on to much better and games with much more depth than LFS. I do not care, nor do I accept the fact that there are only 3 developers. They cannot keep up with the demand so they should get more people to work on it. This game has been released for 4 years now and we are still in the alpha stage of the second "major" release. Oh yeah and the nonesense about the developers having "lives" and one gives a turd! They have started something, they have asked for money, so now it is time that we ask something of them! This is their job and I DO NOT CARE what lives they WANT to have. Their job is to sit on their asses and program! It isn't like this is a side project or something!! They get almost 100% of the profits and they should be satisfied by that! This game started out as something truly great and cutting edge but that was like back in 2003 - 2004, they haven't kept up with the rest of the world! LFS still has mediocre graphics and sound, and although the physics are pretty good, I have played games that have much better modeling...I am truly sorry but you have officially lost me as a customer and I do not see myself returning until they get their acts together and release something fresh!!! The right and smart thing to do would be to release something MAJOR before Christmas this year or they will really pay the price. With all this being said, it is a damn shame that it had to come to this!!

Hello, it seems you're an idiot/are not living in reality. Let me explain to you how things work for the non-idiotic/those of us in reality.

1) You don't pay for updates. You paid to unlock the full version, not get continual updates. Welcome to the world of playing in-progress games, be thankful there isn't a monthly charge.

2) LFS didn't lose you as a customer. You bought the game and are forever a customer. It's not like you continually pay to use it. If anything, they save money because you're not using up bandwith. One less person buying the next version won't make an impact on LFS.

3) You say you want something, but don't say what. Would you want the developers to read your mind and magically give you what you want? "something MAJOR" is far from specific.

4) The graphics don't make the game, maybe you should just go race IRL if you're so worried about great graphics.

5) Nobody cares about you. You don't make a difference. You won't be missed. Deal.
S2 licensed
How about a keicar like the Suzuki Cappucino?
S2 licensed
Quote from andybarsblade :This is STCC Server this evening inncident involving me (redline blade) and [MG] Jakg.....


Guess who got banned? illepall

(Note how he out brakes himself then gets back on the gas after)

Atfer this he blames me for taking him out and denies even making contact with me lol

His mates on the server made sure i got banned and he stayed illepall

It's the internet. "E-thugs" with any sort of power or ties to power do this sort of thing all the time. They usually do these sorts of things because they have serious issues with their personal life (antisocial, power issues, couldn't handle being called names at school, etc.).

In the end you should shrug it off- they're trying to impose their lifetime of awkwardness upon you for the 5 minutes that you have to deal with them.
S2 licensed
I think it goes without saying what must be done when one feels like being an Initial D fanboy
S2 licensed
Falcon140- you need to chill out man.

When I said "If nothing else, don't join servers that could result in similar situations as the ones you've mentioned." I meant that you should only join servers that you trust and only join if there are enough people for you to avoid getting banned.

You also didn't answer my question: Are you doing anything that might tick them off?

The likelihood of it happening once is very rare. The likelihood of it happening twice is
S2 licensed
Vote bans are rare, even if somebody deserves it. Are you doing anything that might tick them off?

If nothing else, don't join servers that could result in similar situations as the ones you've mentioned.
S2 licensed
Looks pretty slick.
S2 licensed
Quote from Dajmin :In this country? For 5 mins maybe, then grey, then snowy, the sunny again, then obscured by a blizzard, then light rain, then sunshine, then gale force winds.

Let's see Scawen program that weather system into LFS

And yes, I always knew I was a sex-crazed alcoholic. Where's the shock?

Not much better here- the coldest winter Mark Twain ever spent was a Summer in San Francisco