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S2 licensed
How about putting a cap on max fuel at start and at pit stop?
Changing fuel% used per lap might create issues with the settings of many people (In my case, I make settings for tracks and name them with the fuel % used per lap as it might change with different DF settings, tire pressures, etc.).
S2 licensed
Quote from T-6 TURBO :ROFL! ok first off XCNUSe i completly understand the difference between drift and race. So wat u said was basically a 60 second waste of ur time/life. LOL Gunn i hear wat u r saying, but all of what u said i already know except for that dude with the gto/ his car steering...... lol. And I think u got my message wrong. I already have a drift set for the GTR cars / i already know how to drift it. All im asking is to put on all tires for all cars. Especially for GTR cars b cuz im sure with super tires my drifts would last a lil longer and id have a lil more angle. And there are other drifters that cant drift the GTR cars so with the tire options it would be a little easier for them.So in conclusion the tire option for the GTR cars can be at use for every one, not just for racers.Because of besides what the original use for it is its not fair for other drifters who have a hard time drifting it. And for the record luftrofl I absolutely hate that freakin movie fnf. I personally think that its corny, and I give it two thumbs

You said "in drifting you have to be out of control to be in control." That quote is a near copy of a line that I heard in the trailer to FnF3. It's also quite stupid.
S2 licensed
Stop watching FnF.
S2 licensed
Quote from [RX-7] Dale :This is a server for S2. Its basicly a Touge
Its 1VS1
battle 1vs1,
Winner Race's next driver, its kinda like an compation.
So come join us for the fun...

That's sad if you aren't in ESL.
S2 licensed
I have never seen anything like that, ever. This is the most original thing I have seen and nobody has found this out nor posted a picture of it, ever.
Last edited by luftrofl, .
S2 licensed
Slick vid! Nice job
S2 licensed
Thanks for your responses!

I'm a bit reluctant to install it after seeing its copy protection service "SecuROM" received some bad reviews.

"While the use of SecuROM is not regarded as controversial as some other copy protection schemes, it has been known to cause problems. It installs a shell extension that, for example, prevents Windows Explorer from deleting 16-bit executables." -Wikipedia entry.
Last edited by luftrofl, .
S2 licensed
I received my copy of Richard Burns Rally in the mail today. To my surprise, the packaging was... let's say different from what I expected (more description later). It also says "Notice: This game contains technology intended to prevent copying that may conflict with hsome disc and virtual drives."

Does anybody know if my copy of RBR has any DRM software like Starforce in GTL and other such games.

I ask because my copy is from "Sold Out Software," a group that doesn't seem to associated with the game- but instead just a distributor of other games. The packaging looks like this:

I don't mind DRM software, but you can't be too careful with it when companies like Starforce get reviews like this: "On January 30, 2006, Boing Boing, a popular weblog, labeled StarForce as malware, alleging several problems associated with the protection system, including disk drive performance degradation, weakening of operating system security and stability." (from wikipedia).

I couldn't find anything about them online and I just wanted someone's input before I went and installed it.

S2 licensed
So that's the terroists' strategy- put bright lights on their bombs so that we can see where they've hid them! GENIUS!
S2 licensed
Quote from P_Town_Guy :Damn master server, work already! I want to drift too.

As a demo user, you don't get to complain.
S2 licensed
Quote from PL4T1NuM_PR1NC3 :this is gay

That's a brilliant synopsis of the situation. The Master Server is clearly homosexual. illepall
S2 licensed
Quote from mrodgers :
So...... we are into flaming how horrible our 6 year olds are at drifting now? hehehehe.

6 years old or not- it's not good
S2 licensed
Will there be any drifting that lasts for more than 1 second? It really looks like you spun out at every turn and just spliced together moments that looked like you were drifting.

Also- "You have just scene dori kids promo"

That's sad if English is your native language.
S2 licensed
Quote from dropin_biking :Heres the jist of it. I'm 14, grade 9, and been playing LFS for almost a year. I don't fit in at school, they all talk about getting drunk or stoned, and going to parties, and who's the hottest chick.

There's something wrong if you DO fit into that group
S2 licensed
Quote from Riders Motion :Just life that, what type of drifting do you usually make?

Speed= Going at excessive speed with a reduct angle, less smoke.

Show= Going a little slower, create a lot of smoke and angle

"Speed drifting" and "show drifting" are used for different, SEPARATE types of competition.

Just like you probably won't find "speed drifting" at a drift competition you probably won't see "show drifting" at a race.
S2 licensed
Quote from w3dg376 :I've been playing this game both S1 and S2 for years now and i've got to the point where i'm getting bored with the same old tracks...
I figure a track editor should be made with easy to use GUI for the nubs. or a stunt track made similar to the sss tracks for rally cars...
for those who don't know what a sss track is it's a 2 person track that is horriffically dangerous and mainly offroad with small jumps, bridges, etc that is timed however both cars don't actually touch as the cars are seperated by the track formation and the second lap they then swap sides to make it even... (hard to explain)... but jumps and ramps etc is a DEFINATE!!! increased damage, not just better panel damage but loss of "stuff" even as bad a blown gears and diff, wonky wheels (clown wheels), smoke and severe damage to the engine, removal of main panels, all the cool stuff... was one of the main reasons I liked playing 'flatout 2' ... anyway let me know ya thoughts


Demo racer

A demo racer complaining about "getting bored with the same old tracks..." is laughable at best.
S2 licensed
Most original team name and usernames ever.

I should make my own original team name and username: Team Ferrari and Michael Schumacher.
S2 licensed
Quote from Venus :Another suggestion.

How about giving the host the option to allow rolling starts. This is a good way to eliminate the danger of the first corner... plus be a nice variety.


That leaves you with higher speeds, the same online lag, and the same idiots online.

That's a recipe for T1 mayhem if I ever heard one
S2 licensed
I thought that was what the STCC new & bronze server was for...

... at least some of the people act like they're kids...
S2 licensed
It's bad enough that I have to read the text of some of the idiots online. Listening to them would be worse.
S2 licensed
Quote from farcar :Sorry to bring this up again, but can you please justify this comment? It is absolutely not true. The original reason the Bush administration gave for it's premptive invasion of Iraq was a direct and imminent threat to America and 'her allies'.
After the invasion, when NO WMDs were found (and I mean none), the Bush administration did a complete backflip and said the premptive invasion was to oust Saddam and bring democracy to Iraq.

It astounds me that anyone can fall for that crap.

The theory is that if you tell a lie enough times, eventually it becomes the truth. It seems to have worked on some people.

The problem with what you're asking is that America doesn't need to justify anything. The sad truth is that American people are stupid and WILL fall for almost anything.

-They believed that citizens of Japanese ancestry were conspiring against the U.S. in WWII. Not one was ever found to be working with the Imperial Japanese.
-They thought George W. Bush was a good candidate for President (twice). Need I say more?
-They get distracted by minor "family value" political arguments when they should be talking about real issues. Last time I checked, Gay people getting married has less of an impact on the world than our horrible school system.

I'd list more but that'd be too depressing
S2 licensed
Quote from jayhawk :He is a supporter of this, or would you like to live in the days of the PRI again?

Most people against slavery, so can you then say that most people are good?

S2 licensed
I've heard that if you're going over 130mph(210kph?) then the speed cameras can't catch you because you're out of frame before the camera goes off.

Keep it over that and you'll be fine =)
S2 licensed
Just so you know, those links don't work. They go to ""

Edit: Of all hosting options, why did you choose freewebs? It's well-known for its spyware and other goodies.
Last edited by luftrofl, .
S2 licensed
Quote from Matt_Driver :rofl, bearded people usually are good,
unless they are bikies!

on a more serious note

i witnessed the good sportsmanship of this racing game a couple of weeks ago, i was having a huge race with at least 10 people, 70% were xrr and fzr, but me and two other racers wanted to race in mrts. so we had done about 3 laps of really close racing, when i made a small mistake and clipped the dirt, while i was slowly makig my way back onto the track, i noticed an mrt about 200m down the road, and a message saying hurry up!
the dude had actually waited for me to return to the track before racing!!

i was soo impressed by this

mind you its the only time i've seen it happen

the racers username slips my mind, but it might have started with a c.

you wont see this kind of sportsmanship in any other racing game

It's possible he actually wanted to race someone, seeing that the MRT can't really come close to the XRR or FZR