I think you'll find that you're being quite a bit harsher on your clutch in LFS than you are IRL. I'm somewhat guilty of this, but nothing too serious.
It's possible that the clutch damage is a bit exaggerated but I have no problems as long as I don't abuse it.
If you're burning up your clutch, it's because you don't know how to drive stick.
I drive in LFS (albiet a bit more aggressively and without a clutch pedal) exactly like I do in real life. It's no surprise then that I have no problems with the new patch.
Eh... This is a pretty weak piece. It's all been said before- nothing groundbreaking.
Generally speaking, street racing is stupid because the vast majority of these "racers" drive crappy cars and do it where they shouldn't (in the middle of a city, for example).
That said, I really don't have a whole lot against people going fast off in the hills at odd hours where there's no chance (and I do mean NO chance- nobody lives there and nobody's around). It's not the greatest thing ever, but at least nobody but the driver is being put at risk.
1)The damage sucks- there's no frame damage, only silly plastic parts falling off.
2)The controls are impossibly easy- even on the "Street King" difficulty setting, it's so hard to get the car out of control.
3)The physics suck- flooring it in a 500+HP car should send it sliding at low speeds.
You shouldn't have your heel on the brake pedal to begin with. You should be putting the balls of your feet on the pedals, nothing more. If you're pushing 100% down on the brakes, you can easily rotate your foot to stomp on the gas pedal with your heel. Practice will make you more comfortable with heel-toe at lower braking levels.
Practice makes perfect. I use heel-toe every day when I drive so I'd say that I'm rather good at it. That said, it didn't happen overnight.
Hope that helped! Good luck!
(actually, I hope it doesn't help because the last thing that I need is more people beating me in LFS)
It's difficult to say. You should've held your line but the effect of the error here was exaggerated and unrealistic due to the incomplete collision system. Call me a downer but I'd have to say that you don't "deserve" this win. It's clear that you messed up and accidentally hit takaryo into the wall. Your fault, though you didn't do it on purpose.
That, however, is not saying that you wouldn't have held on for the win had you not bumped him. My guess is that if the race was a few laps longer then you wouldn't have held on for very long.
Doesn't really matter but I just thought I'd give my thoughts.
I think drifting is great fun but these "drifters" in LFS like NanG ruin the experience for me. It's so strange that they don't appreciate the skills for racing even though most professional drifters have intense racing backrounds or race concurrently with their drifting championships and the basic idea of car control is the same.