My prediction is that Windows 9 will be really great for a Microsoft product. I heard that they're doing a tick-tock product cycle over there, and have every intention of building a system that is more "power user" friendly. The guys/gals in Redmond are not completely out of touch. They use this shit too!
From what I've read and heard from people that work there, a lot of the retarded design decisions in their products are a direct result of culture issues. Microsoft has been undergoing a culture shift, and it's going to be more dramatic in the coming years. That's what I hear, anyway.
Until LFS looks like this, we don't need to worry about which version Scawen is using.
This question was addressed in a previous post. Check this out for more information.
col, the hammer metaphor is not valid. I replaced your invalid metaphor with a similarly invalid but more appropriate metaphor. I should have been more clear about what I was trying to do there.
You didn't address the crux of my argument.
Does arguing with people online make you feel like a Bad Mother****er?
It makes me feel like a pretentious douche, so I'm going to stop here. Cheers.
Better: "I don't need to know anything about physics to know when hammering something is a good solution to a problem".
ANNs are not hammers that you can use to beat problems into submission (or wood).
You have to understand some of the underlying theory in order to effectively use an ANN to solve any non-trivial problem. Prove me wrong.
It seems like your primary interest here is winning arguments. I think you'd find a debate forum more enjoyable than this place, especially if the focus is on stuff that relates to your experience and expertise. Should Google around.
Actually there are models that are specifically designed to address non-linear, multidimensional problems. The range of applications is very broad.
Nothing with that many syllables (eight?) can be that simple. I tried to read some studies where AANs were used, and most of the math was over my head (for now). I'm guessing that most people around here would have a similar experience.
Your pretentious antics push my buttons.
To get back to Racon's question:
I'm inclined to agree with col, but I couldn't come to any conclusions in a reasonable amount of time. My guess is that ANNs aren't so great for dynamic systems unless you have a huge amount of compute power at your disposal.
This seems really ambitious.
The last large scale competition I participated in was a total failure, and they weren't trying to professional style event coverage. Their biggest mistake was trying to run the entire event in one session.
A few questions that should probably be addressed in your post:
Who is running this thing?
How experienced are the judges?
How is communication being handled? Do entrants need to have teamspeak etc?
Will there be multiple qualifying/top 32 sessions?
How much time do the entrants need to make available for this?
I can't speak for the physics, but the FFB is pretty dang good. Sounds like that professional driver played AC on a laptop, because the sound is way better.
I get the impression that a lot of DOS attacks are the product of young people getting involved in a self-perpetuating culture of being ****s on the internet.
This culture is largely associated with Anonymous and a handful of image boards, but I think that you can find it anywhere you can post anonymously.
There are also a lot of sociopaths out there that "troll" people for the "lulz". In other words, they make people miserable because they enjoy the suffering of others.
Around here, these DOS attacks seem to be the result of immature people getting butt-hurt about stuff that happens in-game.
I really wish people would stop dragging their retarded internet drama onto the forums. They could at least post it in the appropriate section.
TF2 is a good model to go on. Well, it's good when you have people to build a front-end for submitting and browsing content, build the back-end integration with your game, build the payment system, take care of the legal stuff, curate the content to ensure quality and copyright safety, balance the content for the game and a bunch of other stuff I haven't thought of.
There are a ton of reasons why I think that the TF2 way of including community generated content is the best way, but it doesn't seem feasible for LFS.
I don't know how rTractor 2 is dealing with community generated content, but the original rTractor sucked at it. What other sims have developer supported modding features? I'm not talking skins, either.
The stuff you're talking about seems like a lot of work. Why does there need to be another version?
We already tweak using a separate program, and it is very nice.
You're reaching with the "keeping LFS alive" bidness.
I get the impression that you want LFS and Automation to be combined, and generally let you do whatever you want. I'm right there with you.
I really respect the way you defy expectations and work on the things that excite you. Thanks for getting involved the community again. It means a lot to some of us.
The clutch simulation is inconsistent. I get the impression that they're focusing on other aspects right now.
The graphics are still borked. I have an Nvidia 560ti, and the performance is extremely poor. There was a patch during the tech preview that fixed it, but the problems seem to be back. With the right settings, it runs fine.
I'm pretty excited by the Python API.
It's really hard not to speculate on the time to completion for some reason 1-2 years
Thanks for posting that.
I actually just watched an LFS WR lap, and it didn't look that weird to me.
I remember there being a ton more yaw than that in the replays I watched.
Extremely low tire pressure, with the drivers using very large amounts of yaw.
Maybe I'm not remembering correctly, or am ignorant about going fast. I'm inclined to believe the latter.
If it makes any difference, I'm thinking of the road cars in LFS.
Nah, man. I thought you meant 36000 in North America. That's a touch more than half of what LFSW says. If we're talking global, and your estimate is accurate, the number would have been around 1.3% online.
Your estimate is over a million users off from what LFSW says.
I'm not really sure what you're trying to prove here, other than the same thing that I am trying to prove.
I'd be interested to see some "real" stats, but you know how Scavier is.
It was around 5PM PDT. So in North America it'd be between three and ten, right? There are around 71118 registered users with a north american country on their profile. I checked LFS desktop and there are about 33 people on this continent playing online. When I posted earlier it was about 40.
What I'm saying here is that about .056% percent of registered users in North America can be found playing this game on a Sunday.
I imagine that a pretty big fraction of registered users only played LFS once or twice, but the fact remains that 40 people is a drop in the bucket.
Last edited by Mountaindewzilla, .
Reason : between
S2 is not a good value in today's market.
Compare with RFactor 2, Project CARS and others. Don't get mad, but look at Gran Turismo. That game is less than half the price of S2, and has like 25x more content.
For comparison with more physics oriented sims, look at X-Plane. It's around twice as expensive as S2, but has twice the vehicles, and the entire planet to fly around.
As for boredom, the LFS scene isn't very happening. If you're slow, and/or don't want to do leagues for whatever reason, LFS is essentially a single-player game.
There are about 40 people out of 50 thousand playing LFS on my continent. It is not the middle of the night on a weekday. It's Sunday evening.
In the future, swear filters will be sophisticated enough to distinguish between vulgarity and proper names.
I don't know but I've been told that Scawen hired someone to help with the physics at some point.
Something tells me that Scawen would much rather call an engineering firm or a university than post on here.
I said before "At least he hasn't gone all Phil Fish on us". At least Phil Fish comes back.
Please don't beg, friends. There are plenty of threads saying "Please release this and that. It's already done! It's money". Scawen et al clearly don't care about the money. Either that, or someone is STUBBORN.
This is like a reality show to me. I'm just waiting for Scawen or Eric to get drunk and start posting weird stuff on here in the middle of the night.
Last edited by Mountaindewzilla, .
Reason : If you don't know, now you... still don't know.
That's a really good attitude.
I like your advice about spending energy on positive things. A lot of people around here need that advice.
Anyway, I've found special software that enhances my LFS experience offline, and so have be occasionally enjoying it that way.
Regarding non-LFSW custom tracks: That seems more like misguided bargaining than a well thought out idea. I imagine that adding tracks to LFSW is a trivial matter. An image and some database entries.
Take a look at the LFS mod scene. IP infringement is prevalent, and the quality varies extremely. User generated content would have to be curated. I imagine it'd take a lot of time to get LFS ready for user generated content, and it'd take time to get the content ready for LFS.
The best system for this kind of thing is I know of is DOTA2 on Steam Workshop.