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S3 licensed
Since buying LFS i've bought 3 wheels (Saitek R440, DFP and now G25) and added an extra 512mb ram to my PC.

Managed to get RBR for £5 and I think the only other bought game was GTA San Andreas. The other games are demos of NKP and DR, oh and not forgetting RoR!

Had I not been into LFS I would have bought GTR, GTR2, GTL, Toca RD3 and the whole Colin Mcrae 4 5 blah blah blah.

So LFS has definately saved me alot of money!!
S3 licensed
Downloaded the v1.02 version yesterday and configured my G25 to have another go.
(I was one of those who exploited the demo with the wierd replay hack. For some reason i couldn't get on with it before.)
Anyway, after getting the clutch and gears to work, I started to enjoy driving the FF1600 without the AIM display!!

So this hill climb might persuade me to buy the full license!
S3 licensed
Quote from Nathan_French_14 :it's started to snow heavy here as well from about 5am, but it's settling great and coming down really fast, yay!


Yup, in Pershore, which is south of Redditch and its coming down quite nicely ATM. Its not settling tho ............yet!!
S3 licensed
Quote from P5YcHoM4N :I know, it is rather stupid, and people saying "ohmyrod we don't see much snow" is no reason to drive like a douche, we hardly see snow at home but my dad is yet to crash driving on the rare chances we do get it, mostly because he has the brains not to go out in the car if he doesn't have to, but secondly because he has brains, and all we have is a RWD sallon, none of these fancy Chelsea Tractors.

The best of it is though, those people who have Chelsea Tractors, probably have no idea how to use them properly. Worse still are those that think they are invincible because they have one!!!
S3 licensed
Quote from Bean0 :It's a standard feature of the game


The Penny has just dropped from a chuffin' great height!!!!!!!!
Just tried your suggestion using the keys and it does work!!!
I didnt think for 1minute this would work with buttons on a wheel.
Please Please forgive me for having a BLONDE moment.

S3 licensed
Quote from Bean0 :It's a standard feature of the game

I know its a standard feature, but how to assign this to 2 buttons is my question.
S3 licensed
Quote from Forbin :I used to have stuff like look left, look right, handbrake and pit limiter assigned to the various buttons on my Force RS, but after getting a G25 I'm limited to 2 buttons on the wheel. I assigned them to the most important functions: looking around (left and right, hold both for back).

interesting......I didn't know you could do that
did you write a script for this?
As I would love that!!

S3 licensed
As I was slow in the first place, i'm still improving, but the immersion factor has made me faster!! Its just so much fun being on the (my) limit where arms and legs are frantically adjusting and readjusting pedals, gears (h-shift all the way) and the steering wheel. As I said earlier, for me the enjoyment and immersion factor has made me faster!!
S3 licensed
Quote from danowat :Something specific like, Dell (eppp) would be preferable.


Try Dell Outlet!!
Goto main Dell web page but look for Outlet shop, its all their old stock at much cheaper prices!!
S3 licensed
surely this would only be an option for mud only stages?
locking a centre diff, or any diff for that matter may give you better traction, but at the loss of steering/manoevreability.
if you drove round a tarmac stage IRL with a locked centre diff, the chances are you would strip the diffs, gearbox.....etc, etc?

S3 licensed
WOW, the FOX has suddenly grown a massive set of BOLLOCKS!!!
The best sounding car there is so far!!!!!
Puts the F08 in the shade ATM.

Fantastic work

S3 licensed
Just tried the LX6 and love the sound, however when playing a replay back some of the gear changes do sound like rolf harris is under my bonnet with his wibbly wobbly board, know what i mean, i like it but its a bit odd. sorry for my pathetic description, but i couldn't think of another way of putting it. BTW glad you reduced the gear whine, much better!!!


S3 licensed
Unfortunately i'm behind a poxy server at work, how do i update the test patches as i cant get to the master server.?

S3 licensed
I've got a mate who lives close (ish) in American terms.
The other MASSIVE problem is 18 wheelers driving through. They are so long that they have to cut the corner to get round, some even get beached due to the huge elevation changes around the corners. As a biker, I would love to blast along that road, but there is just too many truckers using that route for my liking.
S3 licensed
Quote from RMachucaA :x2, but online i dont use the H shifter or clutch, im not a good looser

Thats a fair point, but i'm a very qualified slow driver, so you dont get any worse than last place....HEHEHE!!
S3 licensed
A bit of an update on using a G25.
I've had mine for a while now, and prefer to drive using the h shifter and clutch more than sequential or paddles. I don't care if I miss a gear or am slower the whole driving experience is so much better. Still loving it and could never go back to 2 pedals and 240 rotation!!
S3 licensed
Just got my Dad into LFS!!
He has also just bought a new Dell Athlon 5000 pc and G25 to go with it.
S3 licensed
Quote from the_angry_angel :Presumably ActiveSync works with it though?

no problem at all with active sync
S3 licensed
Quote from the_angry_angel :Windows Mobile 2002? Does it have WiFi? When you connect it to your PC, do you get an additional network interface?
The reason I ask is that I'm fiddling with some stuff along the lines of what you want - but I'm focusing on Windows Mobile 5.0 (the latest version). I do the facility for other versions Unfortunately I don't have the various models and the emulators don't provide much information when it comes down to connectivity.

Redrunner has also created a similar thing, but using the .NET compact framework - which isn't compatible with earlier versions, without installing the framework. Whereas I'm using the WinAPI - which means it should be more compatible with various versions out of the box.

TBH, once you've got the environment working, its pretty similar to normal windows programming. Theres a few gotcha's - like checking to see if its already running, etc.

If you're totally new to it, then yes it'll be a real challenge, but its not impossible.

I'm done a reasonable amount of research on this, and I'm still interested in persuing this, but there are issues with resolution of updates on most handheld devices (since they don't support technology which would allow data to be pushed to them).

This is a really old piece of kit, no wifi i'm afraid!!
S3 licensed
Quote from nikimere :If your a complete programming n00b that will be a tough challenge alright...
I'm sure some of the programs that have already been written could be changed slightly and re-complied to work on Windows Mobile... but to be honest i dont really know.

JAVA or C would be the best languages to creat a windoze mobile app with. although what kind of info are you looking for?
PHP can produce alot of info for LFS so you could go down the web route and connect to the web on your device to view the info.

something simple like gear indicator, and revs which could be just text based first
Programming an IPAQ
S3 licensed
First off, I know nothing about what i'm about to ask.!!!

I have an old IPAQ Pocket PC 2002 lying around with Windows Mobile on it.

How easy (for a complete NOOB) is it and what do I need to make a little app to get LFS information working on it?

Things like gear indicator, shift light and revs.

Assume I have no knowledge of programming, what language is needed (easiest to learn) to communicate with these?

The chances are i'm runnning before trying to walk here, but I'm curious to know if it can be done by a complete beginner like me.

If i'm wasting my time here, please say so, as I won't be offended!!

S3 licensed
Thanks for the info, I'll try and find the software needed to overclock it and see what happens.

S3 licensed
Quote from AndroidXP :Theoretically it enhances the detail LFS sends forces with, meaning that the higher the value, the smaller the difference in calculated FF before the wheel gets a new FF command.

I'm going to make some tests today if there's really a difference between these two, and if a value of 256 really makes the FF feel better than the default 128.

Look forward to hearing your results!!

5900 or 6600
S3 licensed
At the moment i've got a fx5900xt 128mb.
I have just been offered (free) a geforce 6600 (not gt) 256mb, is this worth upgrading to?

S3 licensed
Quote from Ball Bearing Turbo :FFB Steps =256 is the first thing the happens when I install LFS

Please forgive my noobness, but what does that do?
