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Quote from Gentlefoot :I'm living proof of that!

With regards laptimes and karting I've found that it's the lightest people who are often fastest.

Totally O/T, is this why Dan is buying a BUSA, he's been eating all the pies

Sorry for that.... couldn't resist

S3 licensed
Quote from spankmeyer :It's fairly normal RBR behaviour, nothing to be worried about. Just wait 'till you lose a rally because you hit a tree during the last 100 meters...

I'd need a padded cell.
S3 licensed
Quote from danowat :Basically because I want something a little more laid back (yes, I know the busa is mental, but its not a flighty as a 600).

Basically I want a bike that can go fast, cruise / tour two-up comfortably, my choices are CBR1100X Blackbird, Suzuki GSX1300R Hayabusa, or Kawasaki ZZR1200 (maybe 1400).

Out of those 3 I just love the way the Busa looks.

My 600 was never really more than a bit of fun, and to get me on top two wheels cheaply.


AAHH I see now, I could never get on with flighty bikes, my last bike was a Kwacker ZX-7R, that was heavy but soooooo stable in the corners, especially long A road sweepers, so I can see where you're coming from!!!
(I am quietly jealous as well, wouldn't mind a quick blast/fix on a BUSA!!)
S3 licensed
Quote from danowat :It's not so much a race bike, but a hyper-tourer, its a very comfy bike, even has a decent pillion seat (which is important for me).

You can plod around on it two-up all day, or you can go balls out at 200+mph if you want, great bike, can't wait to get one .


Just out of curiosity, what makes you go for a BUSA, its a bit of a lard arse compared with what you already have?
S3 licensed
I've never known a game like RBR for getting under my skin!!!!!

I'm not the fastest driver in LFS but in a 3 way battle there is a certain amount of pressure, but I can cope with that.


I drive one stage of RBR and I'm at boiling point, ready to tear a strip off anyone who tries to talk to me!!! For some reason the pressure is so much more intense. If I go off the road in LFS it doesn't matter too much, but if I go off the road slightly in RBR I almost turn into the HULK, I'm that mad!!!!

Anyone else have these problems, or should I seek HELP!
S3 licensed
Quote from AndroidXP :In the wingman profiler software (not in RBR).

I thank-you SIR!!
S3 licensed
Quote from tristancliffe :Gonna add Sprint Effect now and give it a test.

TRISTAN where are you finding this "Spring Effect"?

S3 licensed

I don't know if you've seen this, it could cure your FFB problems.
S3 licensed
Quote from Funnybear :The number of cars I've written off is silly. No accident for a good few years now though. Touch wood.

Was that because of the sheep in the valleys?

Sorry for my pathetic sense of humour
S3 licensed
I'm glad i'm way passed 17 now. Who at 17 can fork out over a £1000 to insure some ropey old banger.

And whats this latest scam from the insurance company, you pay according to the time of DAY you go out. IE its more expensive the later in the day you go out?!?!?!?!

Being over 30 certainly helps!!



Funnybear, you can't beat a reasonably good reason!!
S3 licensed
Quote from Funnybear :Nowhere near enough sympathy. Try harder!

How about a patronising pat on the head and a "There There".
BTW build a bridge and get over it.
Heres 10p, phone someone who gives a.......

Hang on its sympathy your after isn't it?

OOOOOOOOOOOOOoooo you poor thing......

Someone somewhere loves you.
S3 licensed
Quote from tristancliffe :This is getting rather far from the topic, but Clarkson can be a bit of a premadonna. He'll get quite cross about the slightest things. But maybe that's the price of being as good on-screen as he always has been.

Going even further O/T
I met Clarkson a during a shoot for Top Gear (Before Hamster and May). He was filming in a village near me.
We stopped and went over to the camera crew. When he finished his bit we had a quick chat about the up and coming Motor Show, in the 2 mins we had he seemed a decent enough chap, he was even up for a bit of banter!!!
However, over the years I expect he has become more demanding as he has become more famous and maybe less approachable.
S3 licensed

Try here

As you can see i've got a DFP and wanted to assign F9 & F10. I hope this explains what I did (with assistance from Scawen)

AAAHHH hang on, i've just noticed you've run out of CTRL keys!!!!
Last edited by mrfell, .
S3 licensed
Quote from Rappa Z :it's been 24 hours and it still looks like it's gonna rain, even though i got 2 inches yesterday.

Thats 2 inches more than I ever want......

Sorry, sorry, very sorry, couldn't resist the silly patheitc playground humour, I am bored at work
S3 licensed
Quote from Funnybear :Woke up at 6.30. And hour and a half before my alarm goes off. Gutted. Had a shower. Missed my bus. Made myself a toasted cheese sandwich with coleslaw for brekky. Had a cup of tea. Caught my next bus. Late for work. But noone noticed. Chatted up cute bar girl whilst getting a coffee. She's 19. Bit young really. Cute though. Trawled the forum. Smoked a fag. Had a bit of a gossip with a work mate about the current political climate of the Oxford Playhouse and why I didn't ge the job I wanted here even though I'm eminatly qualified and experianced. Moved a van inthe car park and parked the Directors car. Poured myself a cup of water. Now getting hungry.

Weather. Bright, but over cast. Could rain.

Man, you lead a hectic life, you need to get away from the rat race and chill out.
S3 licensed
Quote from CSU1 :When I'm not playing I'm chocking my chicken'

you can type and do that at the same time!!!!
you must have a forearm like popeye!
S3 licensed
Quote from duke_toaster :24 quid is around 16 euros.

not quite

£24 is roughly €35.59 as of now from


bugger Jakq just beat me
S3 licensed
Quote from ajp71 :Finished raining here.

Probably why it didnt rain here (Pershore) you had it in Worcester!!
S3 licensed
Black clouds gone, no rain, now blue sky and sunshine.
S3 licensed
Anyone tried their DFP in full rotation mode..........
DAMM that is hard!!!
S3 licensed
Black as the ace of spades here, Worcestershre, but not much rain or thunder yet!!!!

1st day back at work after a week off, just easing my self back into it gently.
S3 licensed
Quote from the_angry_angel :5GB? I've done more than that in a few hours between various bits of traffic, and tbh for £15, you'd be much better off with another company...eclipse for instance

Thats fair enough, but i don't download much, so 5gb is plenty for me. Especially for LFS. What worries me about all these new companies, is that they promise the earth but when it comes to 6 months down the line everything starts to go pearshaped. I'm happy i've got a stable connection which is atm quick enough for me.


Wow, just read your link, but how do you know ECLIPSE is going to be stable when everyone suddenly wants to join them?
I don't have that sort of inside knowledge
S3 licensed
I'm currently with Freedom to Surf.
Apart from a the ODD glitch where the connection drops out (BT end) its been very good, and quite reasonabley priced £15/month 8mb 5gig/month
S3 licensed

not sure you race these, but i've found a KEVVED up version!!!
Last edited by mrfell, .
S3 licensed
DFP are sooo cheap now, its worth getting it!!