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S3 licensed
I've got mine set to use the full 900 deg rotation so that it matches the ingame wheel.

Its difficult to start with, especially if you like RallyX, but over time, you are much smoother with the wheel that you dont create as many tail slides. The major difficulty is if someone tags you and puts you into a spin.
S3 licensed
Just had a quick look at the new web page and found this in the murcky depths:

>netKar PRO DEMO

AIM display doesn't work. What to do?
Actually, the AIM display's functions are locked in the demo and work only in the full-licensed version. They will be unlocked in a future demo release.

This will make the demo more useable, now i'm looking forward to it being released.
S3 licensed
The SEAT's are quick, but on telly, you could tell that Plato was holding up Neal just about everywhere around the track.


Did Plato have the extra ballast at that time?
S3 licensed
Plato treads a VERY fine line between racing hard and wrecking, but obviously this time he got away with it.
S3 licensed
Which corner was it where Neal was broadside, but managed to save it?
S3 licensed
Cracking photos!!
Did you see the argy bargy between Plato and Neal?
S3 licensed
Quote from DTrott :Thanks; I think I'll defenitely buy the DFP.

You'll not regret it. I bought one from some crazy racer within this thread, at first the 900 deg rotation bugged the hell out of me (used to using a standard wheel) but very quickly you get used to it. I don't think I could go back!

S3 licensed
Quote from Gimpster :The other day I was thinking about LFS and how the car types and tracks are starting to appeal to me less and less as time goes on.

I haven't driven all car/track combos yet, so i'm Light Years away from your situation.
S3 licensed
Quote from deggis :

And one question for you... do you think nK Pro's situation (even after this new website - which by the way still doesn't have any mention about upcoming patch releases) is acceptable?

It depends what situation you're in....
For me, i'm not bothered, as I never payed for it, just used the demo.
However, if I paid upfront, I'd be seriously pissed off by now!!

Its going to take quite a while to convince me to pay for this game. Perhaps Driver's Republic will get my money sooner as they are developing the netcode first.

I'll keep an eye on the RSC forums for some BALANCED views on the new online game play, and when it settles down to something near to LFS, I may consider it.

Having said all that, LFS keeps getting better and better all the time, and there is (so far) nothing in NKPro which is jumping out at me to want it, do I need another driving sim?
S3 licensed
I wonder how much content will be in the demo this time....
i.e. will they include the AIM system, or at least give you the revs and gear that your in?
S3 licensed
I'll consider trying the new demo when its released!
S3 licensed
This is as close as 3ds MAX i'm going to get to tho!!!!!!!!!
Using Dan's DXF
S3 licensed
How desperate does this look using AutoCAD.

Please note this render could seriously damage your health if you use 3d MAX.

I've spent ages seperating all the different parts of the car to their own layers, still lots do do eg lights, bumpers etc, and this is the first VERY primative render of mine.
Last edited by mrfell, .
3d studio VIZ 2
S3 licensed
There is no way i can afford to buy 3d MAX, but i do have access to 3d Studio Viz 2.

This is a long shot, i know, but does anyone know if you can import/convert the car models and skins into Viz and render them?


S3 licensed

Looks like its all over for Landis now?!
S3 licensed
FO8 anywhere except BL1
S3 licensed
i've actually found some good logos / decals by using google images!!
S3 licensed
A small collection...
3 are inspired by the Tour De France!
Last edited by mrfell, .
S3 licensed
Simple but effective?
Last edited by mrfell, .
S3 licensed
1st from me.
Thanks to the talented people at Master Skinnerz for the RB4 template and the splitter detail at the back!!!!
Last edited by mrfell, .
S3 licensed
Originally Posted by deggis
And... weird news:

Does this mean that NKPro as it stands now, does not get any further patches, until he sits down with BRD?
S3 licensed
Sorry, i just looked around the OFF TOPIC area......
should have known better.

Thanks for the link
Driver's Republic
S3 licensed
Has anyone here signed up to the online testing for this?
If so how is it?
S3 licensed
Quote from v4forlife :and the famous ducati 'bag-0-nails' sound when on tickover in nuetral, clutch left alone.

yay, going to hartford marina tonight with a load of lads from msn and PB, i have a mate i know whos missus, who is now my mate aswell and owns a rvf, works in the same place as alot of the mags, and writes for BIKE. met dale lomus through her, good bloke, and the ducati he owns, 999 with god its so loud.

I think the translation of termignonis is "no silencing" ie straight thro; full bore etc etc!!!!!!!
S3 licensed
Fair enough, i didn't even bother going that far, i think i did 2 laps then de-installed it. Seen enough to know it wasn't for me.

At least they have some sort of animation though.

The other thing which did make me smile was the loud speakers you could hear outside if you were stopped. Or was that voices in my head illepall telling me to get back to LFS