Well, I guess your explanation were a bit far for my current knowledge, but after reading this post several times, I think I finally got it, so thanks for learing me this kind of stuff !
But now, I have another question (yep, again, never stop learning) : If the max object number is fixed, isn't that better to use an array instead of a dynamic vector ?
@Scawen : I think Sleep of VSync is also needed for exit credits screen, CPU is currently at max on core 0 on credits screen (too much power needed for credits ).
Forget about trolls, Internet is full of them. Do this for you and the community that supports you.
BTW, I had time to read what you deleted, so I know how you feel right now, so chill you a bit and come back when you'll be less frustrated.
valiugera : Shadows glich can't be considered as bugs, that's just the way vertex shadows works.
Hopefully, Scawen will work on soft shadow mapping to make LFS looks really nice
Last things now :
- Set font to default system one (very important)
- Use "Show Changelog" and "Hide Changelog" rather than "Details<<" and "Details>>" (that's more accurate).
I think that after that you can do a video and ask what people think about it.
Actually, when I talk about Steam update window, it's not a static thing. Of course your need to ajust it to your needs !
EDIT : Always think that some people are actually afraid of informations, they just want that the app do it stuff and that's it, so UI have to be thinked to please everyone (more or less, from the "show me the new code un changelog, I want to know everything" to the "do your stuff, I don't care" peoples). END EDIT
I was thinking something like writing the download size (in Mo/MB instead of KB, because it's easier to read) where the "Extracting package..." is.
For informations about versions and changelog, I think and adding a button "Detail" witch deploy the changelog, show the current and new version. Here is a representation of it (don't mind the shitty XP theme and please don't reproduce it lol ) :
For the main window I have an idea but I have to go to work, so we'll talk about it later.
You are right, that's a way more subtile change than thought. Thanks for clarification, and you just learn me something (which is totally normal, I'm a newbie in 3D engine developpement).
EDIT : After some thoughts, there is something I want to know : This technique works only for static objects right ? Because dynamics ones need to update their position in the vector and so there is even performance loss or them, right ?
This optimisation makes me goes from 250 to 1499.9 FPS when SHIFT+U at some places, but isn't this a simple Frustrum Culling ? Please don't tell me you succedded to have that much performance without a basic Frustrum Culling ! That would be madness. ^^
If you want to get even more juice, you can check bounding boxes or sphere depending on the object to be even more accurate in which object to draw.
Much better !
That's (most of the time) a bad idea to try to change from the default Win32 apperance, because if it's not done well, then it's embarrassing to see.
Just to be clear, if you want to now what I call a nice update window, check out Steam's one.
I don't get this. System background color is light grey, while text color is black, there is no problem at all with this. Why is the background color changed in first place ? ^^
Bug report :
- this barrier object become shiny parts when close to my car. (first 3 screenshots)
- road triangles becomes clearer when my car is on it (Michael Jackson !) (screenshot 4)
EDIT : Personal thoughts, marshals LODs are really too close (screenshot 5)
Thanks for the clarification, I think I'll have to upgrade mine to DX9Ex too if it can reduce system memory print.
I'd love to see all the track and car parts separated into shaders (roads, grass, walls, tyres, paint, interior, interior shiny, etc.), it will be funny to customise.
Is your reflection rendering system is object based or camera position based (one relfection sphere per car, or one for every objects) ?
EDIT : (Small request, while you are on HLSL and rendering, can you render the game to texture and then drawing the texture on screen with a pixel shader, so we can do some post-process ? )
Why is DirectX version upgraded to DirectX9Ex ? What does it adds (it is for Oculus Rift support) ?
Thanks for finally adding sky on mirrors
Just by curiosity, when can we see the new reflections ?
I really want to see how your rendering technique is in game.