I know, and we all take criticism differently, I may react with sarcasm but I really do value everyones advice and opinions, so keep it coming and keep it on topic
Well thanks guys... I have still made mistakes on my latest post, that was my largest fail, cellanoid... thats not a real thing, I meant solenoid. It prounounced the same as I spelt it before... hense my own confusion. Kev 100% has me there, that was dumb and unorganized of me. However... Kev, you said, 'Personally I'm not interested in cars' Then, please do critique my grammar, but dont critique the content if you are not interested anyway.
Anyway... I will continue with it if people are taking some general interest,
Dare I do this for fear of being flamed into next week. Yes. Here is A LITTLE more content with considerably less mistakes and commas. It is all proof read, albeit badly because it's me.
Um... can i just drop a mention for emma kimiläinen, she was a stunningly good driver in the FPA this year... so no good female drivers? maybe not, but some that would be a darn sight better than whoever he signed!!!
So jake... let me get this right, not only have you only started this as a 'LLM hate' topic, but you have copied someone elses layout... If I were you, I would start running now, you WILL need the head start.