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Quote from DarkTimes :Um, no. Hamilton didn't have radio communication with the pits. It was the team decision to put him on inters, he was told to box but he didn't know which tyres the team were going to put on. He said inters was not his decision. Button was told to come in and queue behind Hamilton to change to inters, but he ignored them and stayed out on slicks. They both said this in their interviews on the BBC post-race show.

Thought he said they told him to stay out at the last minute as they didn't want them queing?
S2 licensed
Quote from Juzaa :If it's true Mclaren makes the decisions about weather to use rain or dry tires they are unbelievably dumb. Mika Salo has said many times that it's the driver's call to make about using rain or dry tires. If you are racing on dry conditions then of course the team calculates you the best possible tactics but the team crew can, according to him, never know just how much water is there on the track and how slippery it is out there if it's raining so they can't make the decisions about the tires. For example when the rain had stopped Vettel was said that it's not going to rain anymore, come pit for dry tires when you feel like it.

Button's tactic to use hard tires and to go with them to the end was designed by the team and Hamilton's pit stop where they gave him wet tires was due to his tires running out but taking the intermediate tires was for sure Hamilton's call. He had to pit anyway because his tires were running out and he decided to take a chance. Blaming Mclaren for giving him intermediate tires is just ridiculous.

Bollox, Hamilton was 1st and got the pitbox, they told him to come in and the radar said it was going to continue to rain so they put inters on. How could it have been Hamiltons call when his radio wasn't working?
S2 licensed
Quote from tristancliffe :You'd drive through a gap that was getting smaller at 100mph? Yes, there was just enough room, but Paul wouldn't have known exactly where Lewis's front wheel/wing was going to end up.

Nobody drives though the gap that EXISTS, but through the gap they think will exist when they get there, so he had to go to the grass.

Can't take anything away from Button for the team making that call though. But Lewis, apparently, made most of his tyre calls, and he's never made a good one yet.

Yes and that's why he got the penalty but he didn't make the situation worse i don't think but it could have ended differently, spinning round was the wrong thing to do and Di Resta was making sure he got out of the way.

Seems to me Mclaren always split the the drivers and hedge their bets in those conditions, just Hamilton always seems to be on the safer stratergy (usually because he's leading) and Jenson on the riskier one due to him being a bit further behind. Jenson won 3 races with changing conditions, 1 was in Australia last year when he took a risk because hamilton passed him, Canada where Hamilton didn't finish anyway so had no calls to make and this one which was due to team decisions so you can't really say Jenson makes awesome decisions and Hammy makes bad ones.
S2 licensed
Quote from Juzaa :The penalty was for Hamilton turning his car around unsafely after the spin. He almost hit another driver and forced the next one to drive into grass to avoid hitting him. He should have waited for them to pass him and then turn around.

Great race from Button though. Deserved the win. The only driver from top 4 who didn't make big mistakes during the race.

The ****? He was rolling back into the first car so he avoided it! And the gap was bigger when he spun round than when he was stationary, don't blow it up into something bigger than it was! Hardly pushed Di Resta onto the grass you could fit a bus through that gap. But yes the penalty was deserved i think and really in that situation you should stay still but he was trying to make the situation better which imo he did.
S2 licensed
Just lowered the pug a little...

S2 licensed
Well ask again without the big words i can't be arsed to look up.
S2 licensed
Quote from DeadWolfBones :So it's your assertion that England is less heterogenous now than it was a few centuries ago?

If what your saying is, is it less divided than a few centuries ago then no, it's more.
S2 licensed
Quote from DeadWolfBones :That has not been the trend whatsoever over the past few centuries.

It's a trend that happens here.

If you go to certain areas here (north west) you really will struggle to see a white face, the shops are all asian, there's a few mosques and what i've notcied recently lots and lots of injury lawyers!!! Then you go two minutes down the road and you'll struggle not to see a white face. I actually went to a school in the middle of a divide which was interesting to see, the cultures don't mix, at all, they (mostly pakistani, some bangladeshi) Sit together in class, have their own games in P.E, don't mix in the playground and were always in one big group, we never tended to go into the predominantly asian area and they never went into the predominantly white area, that's just the way it is, the cultures are too different and you also get the attitude towards each other that's been passed down generations, i don't think i've ever spoken to anyone about the subject that isn't somewhat racist towards asian communities.
Last edited by pearcy_2k7, .
S2 licensed
Quote from The Moose :

Took me a while to see that but when i did lols were had.
S2 licensed
Juzza, Hamilton is ahead of him, that's all that matters, alonso can finish as consistently as he likes but he's still behind Hamilton who apart from a few blips has been pretty good this season.

Yes lible, i'm sure that's the reason.

Small hint - Check the 2007 championship standings.
S2 licensed
Quote from Juzaa :Partly true but it requires skill to beat the crap out of Webber about every race (excluding the last 2) and winning all the time. Vettel has lead something like 70% of all the laps he's driven this year.

I would really like to know where you got in your mind that it would be widely known that Hamilton would be in top 2 best drivers. It's probably just in Britain since I've never heard anything like that. I've seen top 3 and top 5 lists of best drivers which all have included Vettel, Alonso and Hamilton in no particular order. I think you're just upset that your favourite driver Hamilton isn't doing as well as he should have and that he's messed few of this year's races on his own.

Honestly I think it's Hamilton who needs to improve the most. (also see as ''can improve the most'') He's probably the most talented guy of the three but also has a problem with driving to good points constantly. Vettel and Alonso are almost every time in the top where Hamilton is either in the top 3 or somewhere bottom due to crashes, penalties or just some mess he's created. Hamilton also lacs the mentality to look after the drivers championship points and not to think only the race you are currently racing.

Why is he 3rd in the championship ahead of alonso then? Surely if he was making as many mistakes as you say he is he'd be near the bottom?? Your a mental case.
S2 licensed
Quote from Klutch :...yeah, thats why it smells, looks, and feels like oil.
if it was coolant, where did the oil magically disapear to?

the guy rebuilds engines for a living, if he can't tell the difference between coolant and oil id be inclined to never let him near my car, let alone HIS car lol

So what happened to it then?
S2 licensed
What were you doing? Dogging? lol
S2 licensed
The bit i found retarded was it dumped all it's oil so they think the best idea is to clean it up and put more back in it and take it out again? Did you think it would magic away? haha
S2 licensed
These pictures kind of sum the fight up well, was pretty even in the heavy punches, just the jab won it for wlad. ... re=376422422&index=33
S2 licensed
If i was fighting someone i wouldn't tell them i was injured either, still doesn't make it an excuse.
S2 licensed
He was throwing jabs but wasn't getting decent connections. Didn't hurt him did it? If it did he would of put his hands up more. Did look pathetic trying to suck his dick pretty much every round though.
S2 licensed
Quote from DevilDare :That was absolutely pathetic from Haye.

What a tool.

Klitschko, an absolute beast.

? I admit vlad deserved to win but he didn't exactly beast him did he? Different fighting styles, vlad's will always win on points.
S2 licensed
tbh i'd rather have steels.
S2 licensed
Quote from Jakg :Sure I've posted this before, but here goes...

After work I decided I would "get the feel" of the ZT in the snowy conditions (having a large empty car park helps). I got the hang of feeling up to (and over) the limit, practicing stopping, feeling how much grip there was etc. I spent about half an hour doing this, so I had a pretty good idea on the conditions.

Once I'd stopped doing this, I come to leave. Theres a roundabout leaving work, as I come up to it theres a car stopped in front of me waiting to join. I've got miles of room to stop, i'm doing maybe 10 MPH at most. I brake nice and early (nice and early even taking the conditions into account), only for the wheels to lock up instantly, ABS to kick in, wheels lock again all the while losing no speed. There simply was pretty much no grip that my tyres could find.

No warning, no funny looking ice... just some grip to none in a second. I slid straight towards the back of the Mondeo up ahead, and luckily managed to go between it and the traffic island (just enough room) and came to rest in the middle of the roundabout. I was very lucky there was room and not a car coming...

The only way to avoid such a thing would be to do ~3 MPH everywhere "just in case" or to get some decent tyres... I chose the latter.

EDIT - Just to point out again, I wasn't doing any sort of stupid speed and I knew full well how long my car would take to stop in the conditions. I then braked much much earlier than I needed to, there just wasn't any grip there. There was no way any sort of driver skill (or lack thereof) could of got me out of that situation, or stopped me getting into it (unless I decided to take every snowy road at 1MPH just in case).

Your tyres found enough grip to turn sharply and avoid but not brake?
S2 licensed
15" wheels are always going to look rediculous on a car that big, i don't see how you can justify the outlay either, you paid £50 for a set of 2nd hand tyres, 15" ones, then i imagine £40 for the other wheels to be posted, then you've got to get them fitted and at the end of that your stuck with some shitty wheels all so you can drive in some snow for about 5 days a year i know they work better in colder/wetter conditions aswell but most seem to get by with normal tyres. Just seems to me you fanny about alot, not just with these wheels/tyres but in general.
S2 licensed
Instead of paying for 2 sets of shit wheels why didn't you just get 1 half decent set? They're going to look rediculous...
S2 licensed
S2 licensed
I see what your saying but surely you see what i'm trying to say too? You have some people that have just fixated on GT2 for 4 years and never taken the jump into GT1, obviously most people won't be able to compete with that, although it's popular it is samey, it's not going to bring people back into LFS to drive it is it? That's excluding tomhah because he's not really quit and when he hears GT2 he practically spiffs his pants.

But then again i don't think any legague even if it includes a complimentary blowie from CSF would bring majority of the old guys back.
S2 licensed
I've had 3 deleted so far, 2 we're at SO but KY2 UFR baffled me a little :\