I have just had a quick mess with some of the cars and im not sayin they sound 100% realistic but just better in general.. i know there is sound clipping on some of the cars.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- The ip and the insim port of the host -->
<!-- Playername -->
<playername>^1STCC ^7- C.Redman</playername>
when i get on a track by my own, i press 't' then '/insim 29999'
then press button 3 under the LCD and it gives me a layed out lcd screen but with no digits or anything.
i just thought i would throw this idea in the pile, i havent read the whole of this topic so i appologise if its been mentioned.
it was regarding the idea of having the training passed before you can join a multiplayer game. well..
how about making it so when you create a server, public or private there is an option to tick 'Training' (or something along those lines) once this has been ticked the server only lets ppl join who have completed the training missions.
this would reduce the number of 'noobs' on them servers.
well to say i can only just hear ppl talkin through the window of my car when the engine is turned off i hardly doubt you would hear spectators 50 metres away with the engine on and having it near redline..