To keep us all occupied and at least half-sane during these crazy times, the recently deceased LFS Bangers league has been resurrected for an until-further-notice series of Fun Nights to be held on
LFS Bangers and
20:00 UK Time on
LFS Bangers
Many races in many cars on many small ovals, all with much contact allowed:
You may bump, push, rub, knock and pit-manoeuvre anywhere on the track.
You can follow-in (push a car through through the braking zone and into the wall) and even oppo (wrong-way driving/crashing) at corners, but, you should not cause another car to be destroyed completely or leave the track on purpose. You may not drive the wrong way on the straights.
Please note: The point is to take people out for long enough to get past, not for the whole race

It's a lot more fun - and requiring of a lot more skill - to push past a car without taking them out completely, and then defending against them returning the favour. Grudges are perfectly fine, just keep them within the rules - another reason to only use the force you need to pass
Saturdays and
20:00 UK Time on
Many races in many cars on many stunt-type tracks, all with
all contact allowed. "Just win"
On this server if you end up upside-down you can be flipped back onto your wheels by using the command '!flip'. You must be still, and damage will not be repaired.
PLEASE NOTE: These are all at 20:00 UK Time - UK clocks go forward one hour on 29th March! This Sunday's event will be 23 hours after this Saturday's.