Your right i dont, i run my own business and i rent the building i work from which would you believe isn't cheap certainly not as cheap as working from home.
Walking away is probably the wrong wording but just looking at the constant "why is it taking so long" and "Whats happening" threads one has to wonder.
And yes extra hands, theres talented people in this "community" that could aidthe devs with the precious.
So your probably right on all counts Tristan, i dont get it and i dont understand the developers.
I just want to purchase there product,there complete product.
Now thats enough of this subject,its getting old...
I admire your enthusiasm but honestly stop talking your making a fool of yourself....
But back to the topic at hand, i hope Rosberg stays at Williams.Doesnt matter who has the second ride at Mcferrari as i think they might have a hard year ahead.
There making it from home and when it suits, i for one cant believe there not making money on it when theres no overheads and only three ppl at the pie (probably only two really).
But back to the topic, its taking too long and there customer base is walking away which is a bloody shame.
Theres a lot of talented people out there , maybe its time for some extra hands?
I dont know if dirty is the word but he is every bit as aggressive and cunning as MS,the guy is driven (please no pun intended)no doubt but i think all the really good ones are.
Its been a national week of mourning in Australia,where there name Vettel has the same sort of punch as the "c" word..
Seriously LH drove a great race but behaved incredibly stupid behind the pace car,to drive that way in those conditions shows little regard for any poor bastard behind him.
MotoGp is not a control class,Ducati had the best package all year
Its up to the other teams to lift not the other way around,we have seen dominance before this season was no different.
Being a long time Rossi fan i have to say i,m torn to see him go down though...
I know that being Australian defending Webber probably counts for nothing, but the guy regularly puts cars that dont deserve it well up the order in qualifying and in the race itself ( if the car doesnt detonate).
He is not a Schumi,Alonso or dare i say it Hamilton, but he consistently outpaces DC ad just about every team mate he has had.
I would love to see him in a good car to see if he has the goods i believe he has.
Yes your right , and i really do understand its just three guys that have made and awesome sim.
And i hear where your coming from talking about Windows and Bf2/2142 etc etc,but they are not charging for an alpha or a beta (even though we all know most software is rushed and patched later)
and S2 has been alpha for a bloody long time.
It makes me laugh how we use that alpha tag to our advantage, we use it to defend the sim when somebody says Rfactor is better and then we say its not an alpha when someone complains (like me i guess) that it is still in alpha.
Still the product is sold incrementally and i dont think its entirely unreasonable to expect two finished parts of the product to be delivered with five plus years of development .
I dont want to sound like an arsehole but tell me where else do you pay in advance for an unfinished product and then wait for some amount of time for it to come out of alpha, beta etc etc,
I hate to put the Dev team down but i honestly cant see LFS ever getting alot better or different that what it is now,the rate of development is just too slow.
I think what the devs have done for a three man team is amazing but you have to be honest that things like, engine temps, brake temps, head lights and real time weather etc etc are not going to happen when its been so long to update the interiors of the GTR cars?
I hope i,m proven wrong and everyone can call me names.
Hamilton is good no doubt, but hes not the Messiah..
I think its pretty funny how ppl keep bringing up "oh he is in the best car and driver X could to the same job" thats utter rubbish,the real fast guys always end up in the best cars.
Always have always will..
As for setups being shared i would bet that neither Alonso or Hamilton have any real say in the final setup of the car anyways,could you imagine it "What camber you running Fernando? Umm like i know Lewis you knob! ask one of those laptop carrying guys"
Well an Alien set does not make an Alien driver thats for damn sure,
Anyone thats says there no such thing as natural talent is kidding themselves,time and time again we see prodigies/genius in all walks of life.
Why is it ppl like Schumacher can make all there team mates look like chumps in the same machinery? ,or carry a car that doesnt deserve to win and make it win?
Mick Doohan was the same..
I too own my own business and as you well know its smart business to cater to your core customer base, that said you also dont want to alienate new customers in the process.
What this patch is doing is giving server owners the tools to run there servers they way they see fit, its not taking away Scaviers customers rights or enjoyment that decision is totally in the hands of the end user..