Have to disagree with you there , LFS was sold on the basis that there were going to be three parts , three finished parts the Dev Teams words not mine or anybody else's.
I think the Dev's do have an obligation to inform there customers especially the people that have invested in S3 already..
That said , Thanks Scawen and Co for still working away and making a lot of people happy in the process.
Four tires and fuel in like 7 seconds its amazing that theres not more accidents.
I dont know about the rest of the world but we have warnings printed on the back of the tickets and signs at the track telling us of the dangers of motor racing and you enter the circuit under those conditions and stipulations, if i know motor racing is dangerous as a mug punter surely the fellas driving the things have some better understanding?
And of course Alonso is going to try and make it back to the pits he is a racing driver for Gods sake ..
Ahh GTL the only simbin/blimey sim that feels like its simulating what it set out to.Still a fave of mine i can never tire of the Gt Cortina or the Mustangs.
Its pity Simbin etc kept using the sam tyre model from GTL and applied it to all of there other sims, cross plys ftw..
Especially now he has the UFO thrown anti javelin device fitted to his helmet as standard, i believe it also resists the effects of Black cats, ladders, broken mirrors and the adverse effect of running over men of Chinese origin*...
* non racist remark , in fact its some type of aged married ladies proverb.
Just crank up the new series and they can run the thing exactly as they wish.
There's no real downside , just think you can see Williams or Force India snatch the title away from Campos or USF1 and still get to see real Formula One cars and teams racing.
Twice the fun! Not to mention Prodrive and Lola will probably get a run with real deal show as they should..
You must be aware that we can alter any aspect of LFS as we see fit. Improvements, fixes and/or changes made to the game, are to be expected.
1.4 in the EULA (first one i have ever read by the way )
So hard to talk about S2 with out sounding like a moaner but i expected s2 to be a final product and i understood when i bought the sim that it wasn't finished and one day it would be but when the days turn into years i think its OK for people to start asking some questions and looking for answers ..
Its ok you can keep your head in the sand , if you believe that a new person to LFS sees that there's been nothing to update or even speak about on the official website in more than eight months is ok then cool more power to you.
Btw i am not talking about whats going to be patched or updated in LFS its self as thats another can of worms.
Just some sign of life for the non forum or cbf looking at the forum racers cant be a bad idea?