The DOF is determined by the camera-to-subject distance, the lens focal length, the lens f-number, and the format size or circle of confusion criterion.
I just want to write something funny and utterly stupid that happened few days ago.
I'm not one of those complaining about patch develop time and such...
Anyway, while driving back home from work I saw a white VW Scirocco parked at the side of a street (there aren't many around here), and I suddenly thought:
"WOW! Patch is finally ouit!"
The trick (so it seemed to me anyway) is to mix different AI's skill level, so after some laps they will (also) fight against each other and they'll won't go in a straight line.
I had some fun with the RAC and this kind of AI setup.
Sorry, I meant that LFS is already installed and working on another hard disk (D:\games).
I have C: and D:, and I had to restore C:, so I lost something in the registry.
I just wanted to restore the LFS registry keys without reinstalling it...I'm afraid of screwing some settings.
I'm trying to gather informations on FTNOIR, but had very little success. Every site or post I find on the subject is rather "obscure" to those who don't know much about "virtual" peripherals and such...
Can you please describe what you did?
Did you install FaceAPI libraries?
And what about PPJoy?