I agree with you with the "InSim philosophy" part of your post, and that this Shift+T suggestion is a good one, but totally disagree from all the rest.
Nobody ever said that the Shif+T improvement is something stupid, pointless, or whatever...
I don't understand why TeamSpeak couldn't be "an option" (unless you have some speech difficulties), and why it should "need more coordination". For me it's much easier speaking than typing, while driving or flying or gaming in general...
What REALLY needs coordination while driving is typing.
...So, I really don't get your point...not even the "smart assed remark" or the "they are trying to boost the number of posts" parts...you really sound offensive and over the line...
By the way, have you ever used TeamSpeak, because it really sounds you don't even know what it is. C'mon...
To UnknwonMaster21:
Ok, you can have whatever reason not wanting to use a voice chat...Even if microphones are really cheap and TeamSpeak is a free download.
Let me tell you, since this is a serious sim, and since I assume we take it (realtively) "seriously", that nothing beats voice chat programs as long as team coordination goes...But I am probably biased by my own experience: I fly in an online squadron, and in order to keep the vital "situational awareness" high, we regularly use TeamSpeak. I could never imagine flying online (with my teammates) without it. Real world WWII pilots had radios to communicate and to coordinate attacks and strategies, plus, in flight sims we move in a full 3D world (as you already know ), so it can be easy to get disoriented.
For all these reasons we use TeamSpeak. It really boosts the "immersion factor" by 100% !!
Edit: I've read the thread again, and even if it's a bit OT, since this is not a "TeamSpeak usefulness" thread, I should add that in my flight-sim group we DO have one member with big speech problems...guess what ? He regularly joins anyway on TeamSpeak and LISTENS to the squad comms, taking advantage from them as anyone else, and typing what he has to say...so TeamSpeak (or whatever chat software) is useful also to this group of people.
Last edited by Ripley, .
Reason : TeamSpeak usefulness
Hi all. I'm relatively new to LFS, and driving sims in general. Got my S2 license in August or so...
I have a DFGT wheel, and I must say it's more than enough for an entry-level driver like me. It really rocks!
From your Wingman-Logitech experience, do you think/guess/know for sure that proper DFGT drivers will be released sooner or later ??
How has Wingman Team response been over time ?
It's not that vital, but why is my name not available in LFSW ?
I entered it in the main website when creating my account. Should I enter it somewhere else ?
Hi all.
Why in the world do I nearly always ruin the clutch when I make a pitstop ?
It happens in the FBM, in the FOX...
Everything goes fine just before the stop, then, when leaving the pits, the clutch is gone...
I only rev a bit up when I read "refuelling"...what else should I do ?
I have a DFGT wheel, no clutch pedal, and I'm nooooooob ;-)
As usual...my bad !!
I haven't checked for the extensions and I just discovered I have some trs files, as you said !! Thanks for explaining.
The knw files are the same in both new and used LFS folders, that is 962.
So my question is still the same: If I get that error does it mean there is not a knw file for that combo, so it must be a bug ??
(it was a UFR on some tarmac track, I'll look for it later).
Are there knw files for ALL the combos even for a, say, BF1 on a rallyX conf? Or the "crazy" ones are left out ?
The only thing I added was "LFS High_Res_Tracks_Volume_1.1.zip" from LFSDatabase.
All I can say is that it was my very first time with that combo (never AI-driven before), and that S2Z was my first LFS installation ever, if this can help.
I was also thinking the increased number of files was due to "experience", or something like that...
Before posting in the bug forum I wanted to know how knw things work.
I found a bug with the UFR on a particular track (I don't remember which one right now): when I press "4" LFS tells me it can't open the relative file.
I was searching for something similar on bugs forum and I've read things like "maybe you deleted the files" and things like that...
So I just checked the original LFS_S2_ALPHA_Z.exe and decompressed it again.
In the fresh, just decompressed, folder they are "only" 962, while in my data\knw folder I have 983 knw files I thought I could have less, but I have more...
Can you tell me why there's this difference ?
Isn't it strange ? I never messed with that folder.
That's beautiful news !
But how do I tell my Firefox to "forget" about the wrong association ?
Edit: Fixed ! It works !!
Just open Firefox, go to Tools -> Options -> Applications, scroll down to "lfs" and select "Use Make LFS-Join links work". Easy ! Firefox 3.0.3 and Join2LFS alpha
Same here.
Firefox 3.0.3 and join2lfs doesn't work, Firefox gives me the error "Invalid command line". The very first time I clicked on a "join" icon, a firefox window popped up asking me which application it should associate with lfs links, I selected LFS.EXE and told it to "remember" it.
Before with IE it was flawless.
And yes, I tried with the lfs2join Alpha version too.
Well, I just bought it and installed, the Driving Force GT that is, and wingman team software.
Wow ! Talk about immersion factor !!! The only thing that disappoints me so far is that I have to go out tonight...you know, social life...
Since I never had a wheel before, and it took me quite a bit to figure out how to make it work in LFS, can someone point me to a setup guide, the do's and dont's, and so on ??
Here's one of my everfirst attempts in making a skin...with Gimp and very little knowledge. It's not finished.
I noticed that the 2048x2048 psd master skinnerz template (all of them) are horizontally "compressed". If I wanted to make some nice round wheel covers (as opposed to now, as I just followed the polygons) what are the proportions I should resize to ?