The online racing simulator
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S3 licensed
Budget ?
Any of these are good ones

Don't forget Ffshifter (turns a FFB joystick into a gear shifter)

...I have a Thrustmaster Cougar but I'm a hardcore flightsim buff
Last edited by Ripley, .
S3 licensed
When I "drive" I set my second monitor right in front of me, between wheel and main monitor. It's a litlle 8" and it sits just in the perfect place.
The big "time to change gear" warning light helps a lot, and no need to watch it at all. I find it quite immersive.
S3 licensed
Just a heads-up. I just attached an updated italian "keys.pdf" in my first post.
S3 licensed
Oh well...I just installed it as with any other Windows program. It didn't give me any problem. I run it on a second monitor.
S3 licensed
Do you have a second monitor where to display VLFSD on?
"Commands.txt" translations
S3 licensed
Hi Scavier.
Here's the Italian version.
S3 licensed
Illegal !?!?!?! I really don't think so.
Why would you think that ??
S3 licensed
Sort of Hyperlobby's "friend list" or similar...
+1 for me
S3 licensed
Click on the "-" (minus) sign at the left of their respective names.
S3 licensed
Quote from MadCat360 :Thirded. The Ebay ones are around 70-80 bucks.

Me thinks you get yourself a DFGT !
S3 licensed
If the phisycal wheel is off center, and the in-game wheel is not (AND the car drives straight) I would suppose you have to unscrew somehow the wheel to correct this few angles. Don't know how, though...
Or return it to the shop.
S3 licensed
I shouldn't really talk about cars handling, as I'm such a noob.....did I say that already ?!?!?

Anyway, yesterday I drove all day long with my lovely Raceabout ( LFS, that is!), and I must say it's definetely not one of the grippiest ones, but I nearly never lost control, and consistently shaved my (louzy) PB on BL1. In my early "LFS days" RAC was just a no-go.

As others have said, it depends very much on setups, but also on understanding and "feeling" the mass of each car, which is not very easily achieved sitting in our armchairs...
It also depends on foot "weight", or pressure. RAC (for example) has its own sweet spot where the accelerator should be for any given turn, otherwise...spin-fest time!

Just something to consider. Of course the original poster has waaaaaay more RL driving experience than me, and I have nothing to teach him.
S3 licensed
And one thing to remember, as a Demo user, put it in Neutral gear while waiting for repairs/fuel/whatever.

When I WAS a noob I found out that FBM fries its clutch very easily !!!!!
DOH !!!!!!!!
S3 licensed
Quote from spyxter :What exactly do you see that way?

Wheels/suspensions moving, on which axis/direction/angle they move, and how much they move...these kind of things, I said I'm a noob
Not everybody knows what caster, toe in, toe out, (put the rest here) mean...
Last edited by Ripley, .
S3 licensed
Quote from MadCatX :...You barely need to rotate the car when you're makig a setup...

Yes, at the current state maybe only "yaw" rotation is enough...I am a supernoob with setups, so I often need to rotate the car in order to see which setup parameter changes what...
When LFS will model the bottom of cars, we'll probably need the "pitch" rotation too (excuse me for using aviation terms).

I only thought of a more practical way of rotating objects.
Maybe the Devs decided for the arrows because car rotation now is only around one axis, but if rotation should take place around more axis simultaneously, you easily see how "arrows system" isn't practical anymore.

And no, it's not for viewing skins.
S3 licensed
Quote from rsnake53 :Not to mention it would be pretty cool to rotate on other axis as well.

Not to "steal" intellectual credits to rsnake53 but of course I meant on the 3 axis too, just like any 3D object in, for example, IL-2 flight simulator...(even if from a "garage point of view" maybe it's not so useful to watch a car from dead top, but hey).

There could also be a kind of snap to some fixed positions feature, so when you approach the front view (or side view), it aids in centering the car.
S3 licensed
Just discovered this game, and it fascinates me!
Tomorrow I'll try it.
garage: car rotation
S3 licensed
Wouldn't it be better to "click and drag" the car in the garage to rotate it and view it from different angles, instead of those 2 arrows ("start" & "stop") we have now ?
S3 licensed
I'm sure Devs are well aware of Lynce's (as well af for other talented artists) detailed work and capabilities...
S3 licensed
Select "Single player" and, after selecting a car and a track, you' ll be able to click on "add AI driver" and on "join race" (assuming the start grid is empty).
At the top left of the screen there is the AI "skill level" slider.

If it is on PRO and you click "add AI driver", that AI will be a PRO.
Change the slider to whatever you like and click again on "add AI driver"...

To remove drivers just click on the relative minus (-) sign.

That's it.
S3 licensed
Quote from !!the king!! :On Z13 i have fps 20 all the time and on 0,5 Z i have about 100. any solutions?

Revert back to 0.5Z
S3 licensed
Now I only race online against humans, but, if it happens, I throw in a long mix of every skill level AIs.
Maybe 3 beginners then 2 pros, 3 average, 2 beginners again and so on at wish...Try that with Raceabout, it can be fun !
S3 licensed
Quote from Zipppy :...The SoundMAX driver I have is called "SoundMAX Integrated Digital HD Audio", a driver from 2006. are there any updates to that driver?...

If it's integrated, you should look for its drivers on your motherboard's manufacturer website.
S3 licensed
1) change attitude, as already said.
2) Try to open a new topic in any sub-forum (doesn't really matter, in order to use the search function)
3) type the magic words "supra sound"
4) hit TAB
5) read
6) come back to this thread and apologize for being rude
7) say thanks
S3 licensed
Do you have some other software running along "intercepting" your keypresses ?
Do you have TrackIR for example ??