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S3 licensed
Just hover your mouse over it, and read it.

S3 licensed
Quote from IlGuercio :Is there anymore text that needs to be translated from Z?
If so,can you please pm me what it is?

IlGuercio, use the Language Packs forum instead, so nothing gets mixed.
S3 licensed
Quote from Shotglass :you seem to be using extended desktop in windows as opposed to having one large desktop across both screens (with the taskbar going across both and all that) which is what the graphiccard must see for multiscreen to work in lfs

Quote from Ripley :How do you set such a feature with XP & ATI CCC??

If I set my main monitor to be the only active display...well, everything is normal.
If I extend the desktop over the two monitors, the taskbar stays at the bottom of the main monitor, as usual...
I don't get how to make it stretch over the two...
S3 licensed
Are you sure you are making LFS assignments correctly ?

I don't have LFS here, but IIRC you have first to click at the center of the screen (more or less) to select the function (steer, accelerate, etc...) you want to assign, then you have to click (right part of the monitor) on the axis you want to assign to it.
Just press the pedals to see which axis are detected...

Then you can configure Logitech Profiler as you wish.
S3 licensed
Quote from 5-6-ACE :That was the first thing I tried but non of the processes is for wingman..
I know this isn't difficult stuff usually but for whatever reason its being a bitch

The right process to kill is LWEMON.EXE
S3 licensed
Sorry to hear that.
No, I never had such an issue...
S3 licensed
Well, it's all in here: ... tting_up_a_Logitech_Wheel

Then you have to match the degrees between your wheel (in Logitech Profiler) and the specific car you choose (in LFS garage). You can also decide to set it at, say, 900° in Logitech Profiler, and forget about it.
In the end, you have to find what suits you best.

Is your DFGT properly recognized by Windoze ? Does your wheel spin everytime you plug it in the USB ?

Maybe you could try to clean your calibration data with "Clear Calibration Utility"

Edit: maybe some MODS could move this thread to the appropriate wheels & controllers sub-forum.
Last edited by Ripley, .
Test patches and Demoers
S3 licensed
Are test patches available to demo pilots too ??
Do they run as Demo License as well ?
S3 licensed
Quote from Shotglass :you seem to be using extended desktop in windows as opposed to having one large desktop across both screens (with the taskbar going across both and all that) which is what the graphiccard must see for multiscreen to work in lfs

How do you set such a feature with XP & ATI CCC??

I'm experimenting a bit (see attachment), and found that if LFS runs in a window I can of course drag it over both screens.
Besides that, new commands (bezel comp, screens width...) appear on option screen. I don't have them when in full screen, instead I get the message "not wide enough...".

Another thing is that the lower limit for screen width seems to be 1024, and mine is 800, but ok.
Last edited by Ripley, .
S3 licensed
Quote from FL!P :I see. Wouldn't this be a bug in LFS, then? Scawen wrote that LFS no longer saves the changes when it's not necessary, but I would assume that it becomes necessary to save them when the user changes the settings.

Definitely something to mention on the TEST patch thread for me.

Quote from yaper :I added line with /view save at the begining of every fc_runCamX.lfs
And again it is working great.

Good fix!
S3 licensed
Yes, that's what I was afraid to hear...anyway, even with both screens at 800*600, LFS keeps saying "not wide enough for true 2-screen setup".
Time to look for another couple of monitors.
S3 licensed
No, not yet...
S3 licensed
Quote from MrPDR :This a feedback thread. Keep up with the pace and read each post.

Yes, read each post, even that one where Scawen himself said NOT to make him waste time with useless posts like yours.
S3 licensed
Quote from logitekg25 :...EDIT: i just realised i have the same router as you...this could make everything easier. do you know what the user name and password is?

Same IP doesn't mean same router, anyway try with "admin", "admin".

Here some more info: ... nksys-wrt120n-router.aspx
S3 licensed
Maybe old bug, but it's time to grab that lawnmower: Z20, RAC at BL1R, last turn.
S3 licensed
Now we have testpatch Z20 out.

In order to have a 2 screen setup, there's one thing I don't get...Do the two monitors have to be equal ? Same resolution, same physical dimensions ?

I have two very different monitors, 22" wide 1680*1050 & 8" touch 800*600, and one single Radeon.
Apart from the obvious disadvantages (dimension-wise) would it be possible to set a 2-screen LFS for me (just to try) ?

Edit: ok, reading through the thread (as usual) I found the answer about resolutions not having to be the same.
But when I add my second screen on the left, LFS tells me "not wide enough for true 2-screen setup".
Last edited by Ripley, .
S3 licensed
That means:
go to Start -> run and type "cmd" (no quotes).
You have opened a command prompt window (old DOS style).

Type the command ipconfig and hit return. You'll get something like this:

Microsoft Windows XP [Versione 5.1.2600]
(C) Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.

Configurazione IP di Windows

Scheda Ethernet Connessione alla rete locale (LAN):

Suffisso DNS specifico per connessione:
Indirizzo IP. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :
Subnet mask . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :
Gateway predefinito . . . . . . . . . :
.............other stuff deleted............

Your IP is (in this case)
Your router's IP is (in this case)

Open a browser window and type your router's IP in the address bar, like:
hit enter
you get to your router's login page.
go to to find out wich user and password you need to enter, it depends on the make and model of your router.
It could be something easy like "user", "user".

You might need to "open" (forward) a port on your router...
Tell us which menus you see in the router's management window and we'll take it from here.
S3 licensed
Quote from silverfox1973 :Can I run this on second computer, through LAN?

Quote from Erazotropa :Yes you can!
Just type in CFG.TXT the destination IP for OutGauge..
And set port..
Dont forget to open up the UDP port in Windows Firewall!

That's all you need to know, assuming that the LAN you have is already working and properly configured.
The file CFG.TXT is in your LFS folder
S3 licensed
In fact I use FireFox

Downloaded with IE, and problems are disappeared...never thought I'd say something like that !!
S3 licensed
Sorry for bump, but remote download (for Win) from is outdated and wheni I run it keeps on telling me to download the latest one, which turns out to be outdated as well.......and so on........

Nothing vital anyway...
S3 licensed
Yepp, "misc" did the trick. There are still some buttons to be worked out.
Of course "setup" and the others too.

Thanks all.
S3 licensed
So I guess there is not a INI file to copy between folders...ok I'll bite it.
I was thinking I could copy Logitech's profile in some ways...

S3 licensed
Yes, that's the way I was starting...but I remembered a post from Scawen saying to start from a vanilla LFS, to minimize "strange" bugs.

I have tons of changed skins, dds, sounds, that way, if I get a bug, I can't be sure why I got it...
Configuring a test patch
S3 licensed
Ok, I decided to give Z18 a go, and I have the typical nOOb question:
I unzipped the original S2 0.5Z in a "LFS TEST" folder, ran the "Z to Z18" exe, all is well, splash screen says Z18, I unlocked it, but HOW do I transfer all my wheel settings, and axis assignments from S2 0.5Z to Z18 ??

I copied the cfg.txt but didn't do it.

uh-oh...maybe it's stored somewhere in some misterious Logitech folders, and it has nothing to do with the game ??
Last edited by Ripley, .