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S3 licensed
It's not so different than what we're used to.
File associations aside, the installer just unzips itself in the folder you provide.

The benefit is that it creates a parent folder, so that the average newbie doesn't mix up files.

Edit: well, I right-clicked on it just to try, and it created some weird temp $$$ folders (XP with 7-zip)...I guess game doesn't like that folder structure...
Last edited by Ripley, .
S3 licensed
Thanks Victor & Scawen.
S3 licensed
Installed in default dir and uninstalled with no problems at all in XP32.

So, to sum it up, it just decompress the "installer" in the chosen folder, it creates some default associations, and points the new user to "create account" webpage? That's it ?
Last edited by Ripley, .
S3 licensed
Quote from Macungah :...It seems that when I try to go straight the FFB will oscillate the wheel into turning slightly left and right, constantly switching...

It did it to me also, but not anymore. It happened mostly on straights when I took my hands off the wheel. It slowly started to oscillate, and everytime movement was bigger and bigger until complete loosing of control...
It must be something n Profiler settings.

Here are mine, hope it helps.
S3 licensed
Do you have Logitech Profiler installed ?
5.08 is latest version.

Did you read this ? ... tting_up_a_Logitech_Wheel
S3 licensed
Did you install Silverlight ?
S3 licensed
Well, I remember some good fun racing with AI Raceabouts at Blackwood (normal and reverse). I guess it can be as much fun on the other circuits as well.
Just mix them randomly in - Pros, Newbies, all different levels together and you'll see that they crash, overtake themselves, make "mistakes", and so on...
Maybe the same "mix" philosophy works well with other cars too.
S3 licensed
Quote from tigerboyz :...LFS forum must not have a Autohotkey-friendly virus scanner...

Flipcams is another app in the Unofficial Addons forum, and it also contains an Autohotkey exe.
S3 licensed
Yesterday I found a minor bug.
VLFSD was open on my main monitor 1680x1050 and I was repeatedly clicking on "remove borders"...the window was first maximized and then resized to its previous size...and so on several times...

Every time it resized down, the window was getting smaller and smaller.
S3 licensed
Quote from DragonCommando :I hope you used a non-corrosive type grease

sure !
DFGT noise removal
S3 licensed
I'm really impressed by the noise reduction I achieved by just adding some grease to my DFGT inside cogs!! Wow! Sounds like a different wheel!!

It's a veeeeeery easy "mod", and everyone should take the time to do it.

Just unscrew the 8 small screws on the bottom (they're all the same size).
Take the two halves apart, removing the top one (the shifter comes out with it, the two big plastic "table-screws" remain with the bottom half).
Pay attention that the shifter springs don't come loose (they sit in the bottom half).
Remove the center metal bracing (4 screws).
This will unveal the "noisy" junction, between the big white cog and the little white cog (the one which makes the magneto spin).
Grease between them.
I have greased also the other moving parts. Just move the wheel to see where.
Re-mount the wheel, paying attention to make the cable sit firmly in its "path".

Sorry for the eventually weird technicalities, but I don't know how to better explain myself when it comes to this sort of things.

Here are pictures - not mine (december 2013 - link dead).
http://www.rocketpunchautoblog ... ech-driving-force-gt.html

Last edited by Ripley, .
S3 licensed
Quote from DavidTiger :
Anything more you want, just pop a post here and I'll be sure to add it if I can

Can you make that "make Jenna Jameson ring at my doorbell" button ??
S3 licensed
Quote from DavidTiger :...I have enabled the form resizing, up, down... So you can hide things you dont want... I'll put some options in the setup to enable/disable dials on my next update...

Looks good
Since you are enabling resizing, why don't you put in a few extra button to reset VLFSD at some "fixed" dimensions?
Like "Press this button for 800x600" or other resolutions...

Edit1:...and please add a "reset RPMs to LFS default" one.

Edit2: Anyway, I'm testing it, and it looks as it doesn't "intelligently" resize as before.
With older versions, when I moved the window to my 2nd monitor (800x600) and clicked on "remove borders", VLFSD filled the entire monitor surface, removing the borders and adapting itself. Now it just only "remove borders", showing blank areas of underlying monitor.
Last edited by Ripley, .
S3 licensed
"Shift lights removed from all road cars other than RaceAbout"


I was in fact testing how well they removed it, and I must say, they did it well!!!
Hotlapping shiftlight warning
S3 licensed
Hi, I just found out that when in hottlapping mode (Z25) shiftlight warning lights up only on certain cars.

I was on BL1R, Clear Day weather.
I exited LFS and restarted it to test each car.
Started one hotlap, shifted up to 2nd gear, waiting for revs to be "ready" for 3rd gear, and shifted in 1st gear instead (just to be sure).

Reproduceable every time.
The same pattern looks the same on whatever circuit.

Not working = UF1, XFG, XRG, LX4, LX6, RB4, FXO, XRT, FZ5.
Working = RAC, UFR, XFR, FXR, XRR, FZR, MRT, FBM, FOX, FO8, BF1.
S3 licensed
Quote from PAKETA :here is a link at in-cockpit view of a race at Rockingham 9mins :

Wow!! Twissssssty circuit !!!! Looking forward to.
S3 licensed
Just a heads-up for DavidTiger. The help screen (which still is from orig VLSFD) says default port is 4000, but it is in fact 11111...maybe newbies are puzzled by this.
S3 licensed
Reading about WPF at triggers some thoughts to what somebody wrote a few posts above, about their graphics cards getting hotter...
Last edited by Ripley, .
S3 licensed
Good to hear you're at it !!

Well, let me start.
At the moment I have a little 8" 800x600 touchscreen, so that's what I actually need, but maybe in the future I'll get more (and bigger) monitors, so it could be nice to have some options.
800x600 is kind of prehistoric in 2009.

Or maybe something "stretchable", like it was "elastic", indipendent of resolution.
For example, I resize the Seven window to whatever resolution (dimension), and the output adapts itself. Don't know if it's possible, just a thought.
S3 licensed
Hey keep us updated on Seven development !!
S3 licensed
Quote from logitekg25 :...lemme try one thing

I'm worried...did you finally get that SLEDGEHAMMER in your hands ??
S3 licensed
Quote from Liquid Li0n :.......I'm on Win 7 and have the latest nividia drivers+softTH 3rd party application....

As far as I understood, Nvidia users don't need softTH.
I am ATI myself, so don't know much about it in details...but read this post at page6:
S3 licensed
I attached the updated Italian Z25 version in post #9.
S3 licensed
AFAIK, original VLFSD is hardcoded at 800x600...
Italian: little typo
S3 licensed
In the translation of Options -> Misc -> Shadow generation help screen (Opzioni -> Varie -> generazione ombre) there is a typo: "frate rate" should be "frame rate".
LFS 0.5Z25 final.