Please, please, please read some history about economic climates under the gold standard. They were absolutely awful, crippled growth, caused frequent panics, and in the end our economy had to leave it to avoid total collapse, as did every other nation. When the economy's growth outstrips the supply of gold, there are major issues.
Now we resemble a merry-go-round. Since y'all seem so entrenched in your opinions that there is no way I can make a dent, I'm out.
DoMA explicitly defines marriage as between a man and a woman at the federal level. There is a significant case that it is unconstitutional, and thus the justice department has said they will not defend it in court anymore... I don't know what you think DoMA is This is a bill he co-sponsored. Not very libertarian to restrict the rights of homosexuals at the federal level... double irony.
The Marriage protection act was a bill that attempted to make it illegal to challenge DoMA at the federal court level... That's just ****ed up and shit, yo.
I would rather guarantee a basic minimum of rights for everyone than allow those who wish to be freely bigoted to do so. I don't want Jim Crow back in our society.
It's a part of the government... The president chooses the leaders of the fed, they have to give periodic reports to congress. But the head of the fed cannot be removed once appointed, until his term is up. And they act independently from the other branches of government. So it's a weird hybrid child... the best way I can think of to describe it is independent within the government.
So am I for more oversight of the Fed? Yeah probably. Our system is based on checks and balances, seems odd to have such a integral part of society with so little oversight. But I'm still deadset against the gold standard.
I posted basically the exact same chart you did, except mine was more up to date... prices have continued sharply up since 2010. The chart is even more telling if it has the years before 1970 on them, when adjusted prices were pretty low. It spiked sharply up, then crashed, and kept losing value for over 20 years until it finally returned to a more historical valuation... Recently, it has spiked up in a similar manner. It is largely manipulated by gold companies, who push up the price of gold for their own profit, causing a bubble.
The causes of the Great Depression still are fodder for widespread debate. There are several confounding factors. The Fed was still a new institution and didn't quite have an handle on everything yet. Tying money into a fixed commodity (gold) caused a massive panic of people trying to withdraw their gold, which in turn led to banks shutting down when they could not meet the demands.
I don't know what your misconception of the gold standard as a nice time is. It was not all fine and dandy. Please read about the Free Banking Era, when there was no federal oversight. The next era had national banks, but that had major problems too... There were frequent panics and depressions because of problems with the liquidity of having currency based in a finite good.
He was responsible for them at the very least. If someone hires a speechwriter, they are responsible for what is said. Likewise, if someone hires a writer, he is responsible for what is said under his name. Second, he did not disavow those newsletters at first, only 'disavowing' them after a large blowback threatened his candidacy for senate.. But I tend to automatically assume that all politicians are lying or telling half-truths. So we can just look at their policies. He was against the Civil Rights Act, on the grounds that it removed the right of white people to discriminate against others. Forget about the rights of the minorities to not be discriminated against... Ron Paul advocates letting states determine for themselves race laws. That's right, states could choose to re-institute slavery. That's not something I can get behind, even giving someone the opportunity to be that blatantly bigoted, and remove human rights from other groups of individuals. He enjoys widespread support from white supremacists because of this.
Besides, I really should have said discriminatory, rather than racist... Because he's far more blatantly anti-gay than he is racist. DoMA and the Marriage Protection Act are two more reasons I can't get behind him. Oh the irony of a libertarian trying to use the federal government to make sure homosexuals don't recieve rights... It boggles the mind.
I still prefer something that can be controlled to some degree by the governemnt, rather than by the rate of gold production and how much people want something shiny, which are mostly random.
Price before '70 was always very low, comparatively... we've only had one spike like this one, which led to a massive crash and a decrease in gold value for 20 years afterwards... No way you can convince me that something that increased in value by 600% over 12 years isn't in an artificially created bubble. Gold companies just love to give the impression that gold value can never fall.
I'd prefer our economy not being based on something so volatile... especially since we are in a gold bubble... I want nothing to do with gold right now.
No, they support him because his policies validate their racism and give them the opportunity to create laws that discriminate against minorities. I am strongly against that, and I will never vote for a candidate with such regressive policies.
As if he hasn't done enough to prove his own racism over the years...
The narrow front end is also extremely light, so that might be a reason the narrow fronts would work... would be really interested in hearing about it's handling characteristics, and am very curious to watch it perform at Le Mans.
I still have reservations about it's effectiveness, but true innovation doesn't come without ideas that everyone else thinks are crazy.
The chemtrails clearly got to you... that's just what the New Zealand government wants you to think. On such a small island, it must be incredibly easy to control the population with the drugs.. There is no escaping. You probably don't even remember a thing about this, because they are controlling your brain even now. WAKE UP Do you not remember being in the re-education camp? You probably think NZ is a nice place but it's not, everyone there is so brainwashed and conditioned to blindly think what the government wants you to think.. truly sad.
Not if you start digging, he's got some pretty out there ideas and support. There are a few reasonable key points that get hammered every single time by some of his supporters, but a full platform is far more than weed and wars. He's not the chosen candidate of Stormfront for nothing He also tends to pick and choose which sections of the constitution to follow, and takes... interesting... interpretations of some other parts.
Also, Obama torched McCain in the debates IIRC... And the selection of Palin was a truly atrocious campaign move. Palin alone was enough to make my mind up.
I don't see any way he can lose this time around. I'm certainly not considering voting for any of the candidates openly preaching America as a Christian nation and that we need to make it into a theocracy...
If someone is sent to the back of the grid because of a car change, does that mean a starting position change on the website? Or does it go strictly off qualifying order?