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S3 licensed
Just my linux desktop..nothing special, now all I need to do is make my DFP work and I'm set
S3 licensed
When I started getting glitching I took the pedals apart, cleaned & greased everything, checked the pots were fully in, put it back together and they've worked spot on for the last few months. Logitech even sent me a whole new wheel/pedal set with express delivery when I made a fuss about it to them.
S3 licensed
Nice nice, I have a TC3 with a BMI chassis conversion that I use on local tracks. Great car for this, always feel dialed on carpet. I'd love to race buggy or truck offroad but I'm not aware of any track within 15 miles or so of where I live, and I don't drive so can't really travel. My fav is my T2, its got a custom lexan twin plate chassis, designed to run on 6-12 cells with a long can brushless motor. Just about every part is made of lexan, nylon, titanium or alloy. Bit overkill on the power, but hey its fun. Waterproof as well, was ripping around a field with a mate eariler bashing our trucks in the snow. Would be pretty poor for racing though, its overweight, the handling too precise due to parts flexing, and I don't think I'm aloud to run 12 cells brushless under BRCA rules
Last edited by Rtsbasic, .
S3 licensed
I never really saw the point in this sort of thing..sure it goes crazy fast, but I'd rather be controlling a 60mph 1:10 truck around a track than a 200mph "thing" around a circle. Each to their own though, thanks for sharing.

So how many guys around here are into RC as well? I know one or two are as I've encounted names like rc10, losi etc in peoples usernames. Seems like sim driving and rc racing almost go hand in hand, for me anyway. See my avatar for my brushless RC10 T2 truck.
S3 licensed
When I saw the title I was just thinking "not another one..we all know his just about got the kitchen done", but I was wrong

After S2 came out I started playing a bit more seriously than before - and I like to think this has reflected in my racing & laptimes. I can definately handle being in a lot of traffic better than my S1 days. Recently I've not had the time for it much, and I don't actually like the Aston/Westhill tracks which everyone seems to race on these days. I'm sure once my free time is on the up again I'll be playing a lot more. I do think for the most part (with the exception of one or two cars - thinking of the MRT here) S2 does everything S1 did but better. Well except for that handbrake adjustment disappearing illepall
Last edited by Rtsbasic, .
S3 licensed
Christmas normally takes up the morning for me, after xmas dinner though its business as usual. Last year I was racing in LFS half the afternoon, being sociable the other half, this year I will probably be doing the same.
S3 licensed
48mph? Whoa. On my old claud butler road bike I managed to get the speedo to read 44mph while I going was down a 1/2 mile long hill pedling like mad, but I'm not sure how accurate that is.

And things I do other than racing LFS..I'm pretty heavily into RC, more specifically 1:10 TC & electric trucks. This is where a large chunk of my money goes. I bike a *lot*, but I still struggle with the basic mechanical side of things at times
Last edited by Rtsbasic, .
S3 licensed
Bawbag, guess who I got my original DFP from..

When did you buy it? In the last 3 months? If you paid via Paypal tell them the product is faulty and the seller will not co-operate with you and they'll refund you. When I put in a Paypal claim after mine went faulty (within 2 weeks!!) the guy didn't even bother replying to it, so I got an automatic refund.

Then phoned Logitech up (twice, first time I was told to go to the retailer) and eventually got it all sorted out. They were really helpful the 2nd time I phoned up (first time they were absolutely useless).
S3 licensed
Have a good one man Happy Birthday!
S3 licensed
Panic over..Victor just granted me an additional unlock..thanks Now back to racing..
S3 licensed
No, because the licence page specifies you only get 1 unlock per month so I thought it'd make sense to ask here if I'm going to get anywhere or not before contacting the dev's. I have just now emailed them via the page you linked to though, thanks.
Ran out of unlocks..any way to request an additional one?
S3 licensed
I made the mistake of using one copy of LFS on a seperate hard drive between 2 installed versions of windows which i've been switching between while I copy all my data and settings accross. I've used all my LFS unlocks for this month doing this, completely forgetting there's a limit on it. Is there any way I can request 1 additional unlock so I can play the game again? Was S2 racing only 10 mins ago, now restricted to demo Not sure I can live 10 days without LFS..

S3 licensed
The DFP has paddles, but they're more like really big buttons. Still very usable though, I've not had a problem.

The DFP/Momo pedals aren't very good, although apparently they're been fixed in Rev.B, but I still use my old MS SW non-FF pedals as I prefer the feel of them.
S3 licensed
I plan to have a go at fixing the old ones ASAP This new wheel seems to calibrate a lot quicker than my old one, my first one would take ages to calibrate itself.
S3 licensed
They didn't ask for the old ones back, nor did they give me a return address for them, which did suprise me a little.

My DFP throttle pedal is already my clutch pedal Has been for a few weeks, as I much prefer the feel of my MS Sidewinder ones.
Logitech have impressed me..
S3 licensed
I contacted their UK technical support line 3 days ago, but was routed through to an american center, where I explained my DFP pedals were having issues. The guy said they'd sort something out, and to expect a replacement pair of pedals in the next 3 weeks. Well this morning I get a parcel delivered by TNT express, with a brand new DFP wheel + pedals, whole complete unit! Rev B, made in Jul 05. I have to say this impressed me a LOT, not only did I get a whole new unit but they got it here barely 48hrs after I contacted them.

The odd thing is, when I contacted their support line and got through to someone in the UK a few weeks ago, I was told to go to the manufacture for a replacement pair of pedals, and that Logitech cannot provide me with replacements.
S3 licensed
I've never been able to find some Sidewinder drivers that work with XP to give me that option. Going to try and find out what files are used and see if I can load the driver in XP later.
MS Sidewinder pedals seperate axis?
S3 licensed
I've just set up Win Server 2003 as a testbed on my system, for a laugh I checked out the game controllers interface, and it has the pedals for my MS Sidewinder as seperate axis! I've never found out how to do this in WinXP, does anyone know how I can do this in XP, or how to back-port the driver?

On a slightly un-related note, Win Server 2003 is a very nice workstation platform..a tad faster in every way than WinXP, although took a bit of work to get my DFP working correctly oddly enough Performance in LFS seems to be a bit more consistant.
S3 licensed
I'm 19 next May. The last 3 years have gone so quick I have trouble beliving it Dread to think in 18 months I'll be 20
S3 licensed
I'm not sure how to solve it, but that seems very low. I have an Athlon 2000, 512mb DDR400 and a Radeon 9600 128mb (O/C to about a Pro), and rarely does my frame rate drop below 30-40 (all the visual bits are on, with 2x AA).
S3 licensed
Damn my line only supporting 512kbs BT "upgraded" my line to 1mbit in may for free, but it become very unreliable, never being able to connect. Eventually they downgraded it again, so I'm paying £35/month for a pretty slow line.

Thing is I'm hesitant to change ISP's as I don't want any download caps, and I run a streaming music server so I can access my music from college. Any recommendations? I wish NTL cable broadband was available here..
S3 licensed
I paid from my visa electron, via paypal. A lot of online shops can't accept visa electron for some reason.
S3 licensed
All RC springs are progressive for the first two coils due to the way they're made. Think I might take my DFP pedals apart later and see what springs I can fit, got about 50 pairs of various truck/buggy/TC ones from 1:8 to 1:20 scale so something must fit.

Btw Atomic Racing make two-stage progressive springs that fit AE shocks, I picked some up off ebay US for my RC10T3 a few months ago.
S3 licensed
Sorry my bad, there was 23 connections including myself so I assumed they were all on track, completely forgot about the spectators bit.

But them spectators you see, they had rockets, and were firing at me up the straight, or at least thats my execuse for not so brilliant driving at times. No I am quite sane :P
S3 licensed
I've had some great races on Digital Madness's FOX BL server, and on Spdo's server. Shaved 35ms off my PB today there infact with 22 cars on the track.

Will check out your server in the morning, dunno how you plan to keep an admin there all the time though. Gotta get some sleep sometime Unless you've teached monkeys how to kick wreckers like Dendy..:P