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S3 licensed
There's no recent sim that has a recreation of Laguna Seca, you'll have to stick to GT4 for that. But LFS has some very well thought out tracks, and its by far the best sim money can great with the DFP too
S3 licensed
No doubt that would increase production costs though compared to the "regular" gears.

Well if the motors are in parallel at least there is a a way to get rid of the noise. I rarely use more than 40% FF strength in LFS anyway.

Edit: the point I was thinking was explained much better a post above.
S3 licensed
Normally I drive with a bit of music in the background, faded out to ~40-50% volume. But if I get into "the zone" I turn it off, if i've not already gone deaf to it. Even though I enjoy it I perform my absolute best with no distractions.

In "arcade" racing games I always have music on - just seems natural, but in any other type of game I don't play music at all.
S3 licensed
GT5, or HD or whatever its called, its basically a version of GT4 with mega resolution graphics and a crippled car/track purchase system? Think I'll keep my PS2 around for a while yet. PS3 + GT will cost more than what I spent on my current PC - which is definately no slouch, absolutely nuts.

Heck for that price you could build a basic box capable of running LFS, and include a G25.

What do you want to bet us in the UK will get screwed over on pricing of cars/tracks as well. A track that costs $2 will no doubt cost £2.
S3 licensed
If one motor is removed, do you think there'll be a loss in the FF felt? Not the strength as thats obvious, but I mean does the wheel software instruct each motor to do different things and so you'd loose out on some feel with just one motor.
S3 licensed
I crashed an XRT because I hate my life
S3 licensed
Quote from Shotglass :or chinese production quality simply is bad ... which it is to my knowledge

a word of warning as the following is potentially overly critical but imho the g25 has a lot of design and qc issues including the badly deburred metal, bad pedal placement, the acentric wheel axis, paddles that dont have a real pressure point and most of all the noisy gears

Yes, but price:value wise its still the best on the market..can only hope these minor issues are fixed in later revisions or in the next wheel release Either way I still wouldn't have a problem recommending it. The 2yr warranty counts for a lot as well if you get a bad one.
S3 licensed
Good idea I reckon. Similar to what online banks do - when you log into Natwest it shows the last day/time you logged in, so you know if someones been snooping around your account or not.
S3 licensed
Quote from Dajmin :Last time I was in MK was just after the Ikea opened. It was gridlock, irrelevant of what junction method you want

They cocked that part up TBH, the roads there can't support the amount of traffic the extra retail stuff (Ikea, Asda etc) brought into the area. And on the A5 junction roundabout no bugger follows the road markings, everyone just picks a direction and goes. Somehow it works.

I find MK much quicker to get from A to B than Plymouth though. Plymouth isn't any bigger I think, but uses traffic lights everywhere as opposed to roundabouts.
S3 licensed
A nightmare? Clearly you've not been to Milton Keynes before. Give me a roundabout grid system over traffic lights anyday.
S3 licensed
Your $110 translates to about £50, which is a few quid under the current selling price this side of the pond. So I would say its a good price, but they may not be getting them back in stock as surely Logitech have slowed or halted DFP production now.
S3 licensed
Must have been faulty to melt itself, get another one under warranty? Mines pluged in most the time that I'm not playing music on it, no faults to report.

Maybe you could remove the circuit from the housing and see whats wrong with it, but in all honesty its probably not going to go anywhere, you keep backups right? :P

Edit: Just a thought, mine internally uses a removable SD card so if mine failed I could stick it in another one to recover the data, perhaps yours is the same?
S3 licensed
If your careful you'll be fine. Thing to look for are always the obvious ones - feedback, is it not just high, but good as well? Payment method - always use Paypal for international transactions, if they ask for anything else don't pay them. Was the photo used their own or a website rip? Do they make the effort to at least be understandable & polite in their communication? (If an accounts been hacked and its some d*ckhead in whatever random country, odds are they can't speak much english and won't be very helpful).

Insured postage from the UK is a bit pricey compared to regular airmail at times, but always get it insured. That way if you get any trouble you can tell Paypal you paid for insured postage which rules out it going missing in the post, and even if it does its the sellers job to refund you anyway.

Asking a member on here to purchase one then forward it on would work well if you trust the person with your money. Again be careful, and use Paypal for your protection. Just because joe blogs plays LFS and posts on this forum doesn't mean they won't try to rip you off once money gets involved. I've both brought & sold many things with some members of this forum and its worked out great, but you never know.
S3 licensed
Quote from Tweaker :Eghhh, I hope this is just an exagerration, or else I'd be dead from blood loss by now :faint:

No exagerration, I have a nice cut on my finger that kept bleeding for a few mins. I did sand it down after this, but it shouldn't have been like it in the first place.

I think all the problems with mine could be attributed to rushed production. Another one I forgot was the throttle pedal was loose and needed tightening down before I could even use it.

In spite of all this, I don't regret the purchase. Its rare that something's perfect out the box, espically on the first production run of a mass made product. I just hope Gameseek get me a replacement ASAP and don't play silly buggers with it.
S3 licensed
If a PSP, or N-gage or whatever could be used as a fake dash or to display data like fuel load, tyre temps etc I'd be mighty tempted to buy one. Or maybe it could be done with a cheap small LCD screen mounted ontop of the wheel..sorta like how Citroen do the rev meter in their current cars.
S3 licensed
There was a couple of niggling problems with that one to be honest, glad in a way it went faulty in the end. The cap on the gearknob never seated itself just right, the wheel had a couple of bad stitches, the right paddle cut my finger twice, it was loud turning left - and the unit vibrated badly enough I didn't bother drifting the last couple of days because it was too loud to countersteer against the car. Hopefully the next one won't be so ill fated.

Gameseek reckon they'll have a new one out within 48hrs if they deem it faulty so should be sorted in a few days. Feeling withdrawal already
S3 licensed
Ooo shit, 96 GTS's in for it now

On topic though, if you do decide to purchase it off Ebay UK, be very careful who you buy it from. There's a massive amount of mobile phone fraud on there, more so than any other type of goods sold on Ebay. You don't wanna end up buying one thats been blocked, or buy one that won't turn up at all.
S3 licensed
Hmm. Didn't think much to it TBH, good try but it didn't get my vote. And if you talk in real life like you do on the web, maybe thats why belting it out on a street corner didn't go so well?
S3 licensed
Suprisingly good ad. Maybe they could show it on the telly after 10pm when you see all the other "sexy" adverts?
S3 licensed
Warning: Putting nitromethane in your fuel tank will shorten the life of your piston rings

Yes, I did do that to my old Micra the day before it was due to be taken up the scrapyard, yes it did breathe new life into the engine, then promptly shot half of it out the exhaust
S3 licensed
That sounds expensive for a DFP..tried shopping around?

The DFP is the better wheel IMO. 900 degree rotation, plenty of buttons on the wheel, etc. Apparently its FF is better than a Momo Racing, but I can't attest to this as I've not owned a Momo.
S3 licensed
george_tsiros, So what do you do when you downshift, let off the brakes? Must be pretty scary driving behind you at times. Unless I've misread what you put.

I agree though downshifting isn't 99% of the time while braking. My parents Citroen C4 auto is forced to downshift to crawl up most hills, one particular hill on the way back from town is only a 11% incline and yet when you hit it at 50mph in 4th, it has to come down into 2nd to avoid dropping below 40mph. Then it'll jump between 2nd and 3rd a few times unless you put sport on to keep it in 2nd longer. Stupid car.
S3 licensed
Thought you might like an update on my G25:

Yup, its on its way back to Gameseek, after it stopped recognising 1st & 2nd. Hopefully they'll have a quick turnaround, my desk look so empty without it..
S3 licensed
Always a bit amusing when someone doesn't downshift during braking, and ends up trying to take a roundabout at 20mph in 4th gear because they forgot to when they let off the brakes.
S3 licensed
If I'm using all 3 pedals I RFB almost always. If I just need to dab the brakes I'll LFB to save time but thats the only time I really use it. Started doing this almost a year ago, now RFB feels as natural as LFB does. It has affected my driving style though, I don't trail brake as much and always have my foot back on the throttle just before the apex, my laptimes have only improved since going to 3 pedals though.

If I'm in a single seater I switch to the paddles and auto clutch, and thus always LFB. For road cars/GTR's though 3 pedals, H shifter & RFB is always used. IRL its rare I LFB, normally end up stabbing it a bit too hard.