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S3 licensed
I've not tried it and of course if it blows up, destroys your wheel, runs your cat over etc its not my fault But having a power supply capable of delivering more millamps than what you need shouldn't harm it. Its voltage that matters, and its 24v same as what you specified. E.g. for charging up my radio controlled truck batteries I use a 13.8v 20A power supply. The charger only actually draws 5-6 amps, but it doesn't harm it because the supply only delivers what it asks for. Means in my example I can run a couple of chargers off it at once. Should be perfectly safe as long as you get the polarity right on the connector.
S3 licensed
Tried changing the fuse?

Could buy one of these: ... ZWD1VQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem

And if the plugs the wrong sort chop the one off your broken supply and solder it on. The difference in millamp rating shouldn't be a problem as the PSU will only deliver what the wheel asks for upto its maximum rating.
S3 licensed
I'd get an external HD. Not just because its easy but also because you can keep a long term backup on it so even once you copy everything back to the internal one you have a safe copy.

Once you shift the data off the HD though definately split partition. I use 8GB for Windows, and the rest as a seperate partition for data, which I keep a backup of on the HD in my server. Saves headaches when you have to re-format and generally makes stuff easier to find as a bonus.
S3 licensed
With P&P its £60 from Watford Electronics..
S3 licensed
2nd hand PS2? Like someone else said the N64 is good fun as well and dirt cheap, I used to love the Turok (FPS) games on it, great split screen as well.
S3 licensed
NFS Underground 1 is good for that, it ends up in my PS2 a lot when mates are around. Does do online play although its a bit touch and go.

Another game I used to play on the gamepad was Tony Hawks (skateboarding game), at least one was released for pc, pretty fun. I think it does online play.

And the all time classic..Worms

No coincidence all 3 games I listed are both PC/console games, if it was released on a console it'll likely work good on a gamepad.

Or you could just spend the £40 or however much it is in Finland for a PS2, most games you can get under £5 off Ebay over here so prob pretty cheap over there too.
S3 licensed
I went out and brought it Friday too, only 20% or so through the career mode - only spent a few hours with it. Its great fun, pure arcade and thats why I love it. Works great with my G25 too, can use the shifter & 3 pedals fine.

What really impressed me was the online play. The netcode is still lagging behind LFS and the like, but it actually works which is a step up from the last one I tried. Very easy to get into a quick pickup race. Some cool modes as well - when doing a lap knockout once your knocked out you come back as a cop with some big powerful car - maybe the SUV not sure, with the goal of catching the guy in 1st and trying to slow them down. Once the race finishes you can mess around for a couple of mins pounding the guy that won in. Really fun when you win, have to be a bit creative to escape a few big heavy cop cars that have more speed than you.

Love the muscle cars in it, when driving one I spend practically the whole race sliding it around corners. Definitely the most fun type. The autosculpt or whatever its called is pretty cool - maybe a bit overrated but definitely cool to play with for a while. You can make some cars look really good without the ricer crap associated with NFS these days. Cops seem a bit smarter than Most Wanted, not played with them much yet but definitely more fun.

Drifting in it is crap though, sorry there's no way around that. Can't use the wheel with it because it turns off the FF, and something just doesn't feel right about it, even keeping in mind its arcade. I liked drifting in Underground 1 & 2 but they screwed it up in this. Fortunately you can avoid most of it.

Graphics are pretty nice on the PC and runs pretty smooth, feels like there's a permanent frame rate cap though, need to check with fraps.

Overall its a lot better than I was expecting, best NFS since Underground 1 IMO, which is still my fav arcade racer. Well worth the money if you like a break from the seriousness of sim racing once in a while.
S3 licensed
Well a few weeks ago I sold my used DFP for £50 inc postage to another LFS user. It had been extensively modified with a real wheel/pedal enhancements. Quite a few months back I sold a brand new DFP to another fellow LFS'er on here for £45 plus postage. I don't think their value depreciates much, you see used ones go for £50 upwards once in a while on Ebay in spite of new ones not costing much more. £35 plus postage sounds fair for yours, you might get more on Ebay but then you have the extra hassle & fees.
S3 licensed
Well it worked good for LX6 - LX4 swap, but not much difference in them cars..probably sound really out of place swapping others around.

I tried the Race demo today, the sounds in it as you say are crap TBH but based on their previous games there should be a few good ones in it.
S3 licensed
Yes renaming them and putting them in the correct vehicle folder will do the job. I did this to change an LX6 soundpack to work with the LX4.

Great work DaveWS btw, I've got your complete soundpack installed, and am loving it. Thanks to all the guys who made some of the soundsets in the first place as well, some of the cars sound brilliant. XFR in particular is my fav at the mo.

Just a thought, Simbin's new WTCC game comes out soon, maybe some of the samples in that would be a good match for a couple of LFS cars as well?
S3 licensed
I've used my G25 with NFS Carbon quite a bit. It does have clutch/H shifter support which I make full use of. Its pure arcade and so you can't turn off the auto clutch but its still good fun.

Settings I use are as per LFS, except main forces at 50% in Wingman, and 320 degree rotation. Feels fine to me, only races I haven't done with the G25 was the crappy drifting ones, which I use the keyboard for.

I downloaded Racer and gave it a go a little while ago. Its better than when I last tried it some time back, but I wouldn't exactly call it complete It does do clutch better than LFS though. Might be fun if I figured out how to change the view to incar.
S3 licensed
With any luck the G25 will hold its value as well as the red Momo did

Is there any sim that actually has a real clutch simulation? I've tried various Simbin ones in addition to LFS and none do it right. Infact I think Simbin's implimentation is better than LFS, you can actually stall the car for one thing.
S3 licensed
Hmm XL Bacon Double Cheese..shame the closest Burger King is ~30 miles away But on the bright side the closest MacD is even further, I'd rather have a salad than eat most things on their menu.
S3 licensed
If only it was possible to have some of the roads where I live modeled into LFS..would be a blast. Overtake spots would be far and few between but it'd be great fun.
S3 licensed
Used a H almost exclusively for months and months now for road going and GTR's. Never really drive single seaters but if I did, I'd use the paddles for them.
S3 licensed
Not sure if its been mentioned before, but I get an annoying sound loop play when I have the pit speed limiter on and I reach it. In some cars it sound a bit like a crap gun going off
S3 licensed
The spring looks like you could switch one out a 1/5 scale radio controlled buggy or truck perhaps. Or you could try not being so heavy footed
S3 licensed
Davo, I'm pretty certain it isn't any stiffer than it should be - I just tightened it up enough to stop it moving side to side, didn't want to overtighten it and cause the bushing to bind and prematurely wear out. The spring tension feels fine anyway, the throttle feels just like the C4 I drive.

If I had to name a single improvement for Logi's next wheel I would say give it more pedal travel. I was much more precise on the throttle with the Act Labs. I love the construction of these pedals though, very shiny inside

Encountered another minor prob as well - after a few hours use it produces more vibration turning left than right. Doesn't effect the FF feel, but it does make keys rattle if they're on the desk.
S3 licensed
I can't brake with my left foot effectively anymore So in the single seaters my left foot doesn't really do anything. But meh, I'm enjoying the high power tin tops too much to care I'm about half a sec off pace at the min but its getting there.

At first I thought the pedals weren't that good, but I'm starting to really like them. Now the springs are "broken in" the resistance feels really good in all 3, they feel built to last as well.

TBH, LFS isn't the only game i've been enjoying with this, NFS Carbon is really fun with it too. Enough so I spent real money on it, first NFS I've brought in years.
S3 licensed
After a few hours use, my G25 is now significantly louder when turning left compared to turning right. Bloody annoying - might have to send it back to Gameseek
S3 licensed
Push the stick down and turn the switch to engage seq mode.

Try being a bit more agressive with the shifter if your only using your fingertips on it - I've barely missed a gear all day between LFS/NFSC I think because I throw it into gear quite firm.
S3 licensed
Got mine this morning from Gameseek..£185 inc next day postage when I paid.
S3 licensed
The highpoint of the whole setup is definately the actual wheel for me. Feels a notch up from everything else I've used. I wasn't expecting a big difference from my old DFP but there's definately one - quieter, more precise, lot easier to catch slides with full rotation. Only having 2 buttons hasn't troubled me in the slightest. Did have to sand down the paddles a bit as one of them cut my finger (sharp edges).

The pedals, well to be honest they aren't as good as I was expecting. The travel is shorter than the Act Labs set I had, the clutch spring is a bit stiffer than I like, and I had to spend 20 mins taking them apart to tighten the throttle arm up as it was very loose from the factory. But once you get going with them they do the job well and feel good. They feel (and look internally) like they should last a lot better than the old Logi's.

The shifter, I think its not bad, could do with being a bit firmer, but you can drive it with a heavy hand and it feels solid enough, doesn't feel like it'll fail either. Nice it clicks when your in gear, otherwise it'd be hard to tell with such little resistance.The shifts are short and take less time than with my old Act Labs one. I can't understand the people who say they can't reach the buttons, I can reach them all fine. I have it mounted down to my left similar to a real car. Didn't like it much when it was level with the wheel. And when in sequential mode, it clicks when downshifting like it catches something, damned annoying.

Pedals cable is way too short, could do with being a couple of ft longer. The rest are good length's though.

Overall well chuffed, it actually lives up to the hype, thats unusual these days.
S3 licensed
Turner89, its wired into the PC yes. Neighbours hate it And the subs great for sitting the keyboard on when racing

Transporter, the angle of the pic makes it look more than it is, the shifter is easy to reach. But yes I do have long arms