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S3 licensed
Hmm 30 mins ago it didn't say instock. Might be the automaticated ticker that changed to that.

I'm sure a couple of people here will let you know if we suddenly get G25's turn up on our doorstep
S3 licensed
Well the countdown on Gameseek has disappeared. Simply says they'll send them out as soon as they arrive. So...more waiting.

In the mean time wants to place a bet on when UK retailers will have them? My moneys on next Thursday, shipped out just before the weekend, so we all have to wait till Monday to recieve them.
S3 licensed
This really is music to my ears, well done mate sound brilliant. Will definately be keeping an eye out for any others you find the time to make.

My only complaint with using CSR is you can barely hear the other cars, because you can't disable LFS's own car sound for just your car, but you don't want it set too high or else it drowns out CSR.
S3 licensed
Wow, I'd be scared to use a FF wheel with a glass desk, for fear of some git hitting me after the race and shattering it.

Nice to hear I shouldn't have a problem heel/toe driving (big feet).
S3 licensed
Let me know what progress you make if you have it apart, still not got mine so I can only plan stuff going on photo's of its internals.

No toy shifter is gonna feel like the real deal though, espically a compact one like the Logi one, where there isn't space to simulate a realistic feel of a gearselector. Fitting a stiffer spring should be easy to do though, assuming you don't mind it being stiffer in sequential mode as well.

About the push-down reverse..unless the spring for that is weak enough that resting your hand on the shifter will cause it to start compressing, it isn't unrealistic. My old Ford Escort had a pushdown reverse, never caused a problem.
S3 licensed
If possible with your desk you could mount the pedals upside down against the back of the desk, this would not only be more realistic, but should also fix the spacing issue? Its almost like Logi designed them for people to be able to do this. Might need to swap the clutch and pedals units or springs around though so you don't end up with a heavy throttle.

Thanks for the review btw. Sucks to hear most everyone thinks the shifter is too light, when mine turns up I look forward to having it apart and seeing what can be done to better optimize it for use in H gate mode (Logi's reasoning for it not having more resistance is because then it'd suck in sequential mode, but i don't ever really plan to use that).
S3 licensed
Look carefully up the side, you can see it is indeed 129.

S3 licensed
Fleet number 125. honest, look at the bumper.

S3 licensed
Well its nice to know they'll have enough for everyone..but I can't help it, I still want it now!

Thanks for posting mate.
S3 licensed
Hehe try going outside of just Google Its getting harder now though.
S3 licensed
I was joking mate, just the last 2 images you used came off the same rally page, was wondering if you was gonna post from there all the way upto 160.

Oops heres the image:

S3 licensed
Someone cheating there Thor?

S3 licensed
Gah silly gallery thing won't let me directly link to it. Find it attached.
S3 licensed
Nice work, looking brilliant. I espically like the appearance of Spar's, they're a common sight in the south of England. And the detail on the curbs etc is impressive.
S3 licensed
So..I won't have mine tomorrow? Another weekend with only an MS Sidewinder..I dare not even race with it half the time, I used to be fast and clean with it, never realised how dependant I became on force i'm rubbish without it.

B11TME, thanks for letting us know btw. If you speak with them again please keep us posted!
S3 licensed
S3 licensed
Gameseek now down to 1 day..if they push it back this late I'm gonna be annoyed, can't wait to get it. Using an MS Sidewinder non-ff just doesn't feel the same after a full DFP/ACT Labs setup.
S3 licensed
I got quite hopeful this morning, I popped outside to the mail box, and my neighbour comes over with a big parcel, I thought "yay G25 is here". Unfortunately it was just some RC bodyshells

I emailed Gameseek a couple of days ago asking if they were still expecting to ship the units by the 13th, no reply yet.

Can't really see the point phoning them yet, if they push it back again I'll give them a ring and ask if they have an actual date from Logi or if they're guessing.
S3 licensed
Captaion Slow, my Savage spends a lot of time in the air, does that count?

Seriously thought I've wanted to get a heli for ages. But always put it off because a) i always figure the wind will knock it into a tree and i'll have a £50 repair bill, and b) I wouldn't have a clue which one to buy.
S3 licensed
I enjoy GT4 quite a bit - a nice break from the seriousness of a full on sim like LFS from time to time. If I buy a PS3, GT:HD and the next GTA will probably be the only games I'll buy at their release dates for it.
S3 licensed
Patience. Not like its going anywhere RC is good fun though, espically when you get a few cars together and have a mess around or race. You can make a track out of just about anything in a carpark or on an unused road. Racing down a club is good fun as well, but I get the impression thats not what your after. Personally I'm more a fan of off-road, so normally when me and a couple of mates are messing around its a case of whose truck breaks first

The car you brought is pretty versatile, I've seen them used for rally before with a few mods. A guy used to bring his down the BMX track, and if he was careful, it'd clear a double jump and land without any incident. Grips decent with some rally block tyres. Good for drifting as well if thats your thing, I used to make "tyres" out of ABS piping from Wicks, on a smooth patch of decent tarmac you can pull off some impressive stuff. HPI & Kyosho sell tyres for it as well.
S3 licensed
Erm..okay..someone lost a race while in a bad mood or something illepall
S3 licensed
Aye the waiting is the worst bit, waiting for the G25 is killing me.

I'm on the verge of ordering one of these..

Can't decide if I can justify adding another car to my collection or not cost inc some decent 8 cell batteries and another brushless setup will run over £150..not sure if I can justify that sorta expense at the sec.
Last edited by Rtsbasic, .
S3 licensed
A peaking charger means it knows when the battery is 100% fully charged because it monitors the battery voltage for a slight drop that happens when its done. This method is known as delta peaking. A problem you might encounter the first few charges is the battery false-peaking, this is where the charger thinks the batteries done and cuts the charge off, just resume if it it happens, unless the batteries warm in which case its done.
S3 licensed
Heh one thing I've always wanted to do is get a speed camera to flash an RC. They're not quite big enough though, maybe one with a peice of carbboard securely sticktaped to it

Just had a look over at the combo package etc on tamiyaparts, looks like it'll get you started pretty good, the chargers a peaking one which is very important. The batteries will be okay to start with - no need for high quality ones with a stock motor.

You may wish to invest in a small roll of servo tape, otherwise known as double sized sticky tape with a foam center, used for holding electronics down. The kit will come with a tiny peice, but its not really enough espically if you have to move bits about once or twice.