If you want my opinion, the pedals are rubbish. On my set, the brake pedal has a slight amount of play before there's any spring action, the throttle pedal feels too light, and I hit the famous "pedals cutting out" problem in less than a week! Their only redemming features are the carpet grabbing system, and they're comfortable to rest your feet on between races
But the wheel is absolutely brilliant

Very fun, and configurable. I use it in conjunction with my MS sidewinder precision pedals, this combo has knocked easily over a second off my PB's accross the board compared to my old sidewinder wheel (non FF). Its a lot more fun now as well. I've been experimenting with using the DFP throttle pedal as a clutch pedal which is quite fun.
If you hit problems with the DFP pedals you could try some MS sidewinder ones, the wheel + pedals go for around £3 on ebay, and the pedals are solid units that last years and years, nice spring tension too.