Firstly about the new quali system.
We decided on trying a new format because hotlapping on your own is a bit boring. Giving people the freedom to access a quali server 24 hours, means you can decide to have fun quali-ing with others (by aranging a set time with your friends or team mates), or on your own.
We may well suggest a certain day or time for those who want a semi fixed schedule to quali with others, but, this would be totally non compulsary.
(for example - Wednesday 18:00 to 22:00 GMT for group quali night)
You've got to bare in mind, a full server is much more fun, but other people on track can lose you time and valuable laps (like real life) - if you're a perfectionist and don't want any distractions, you can head to the quali server during off peak hours.
My thoughts about laps - as you can have unlimited practice laps on or offline, only having a set number for the official quali makes it rather exciting, it's much more fun to have some pressure on your quali rather than have an unlimited time to do the perfect lap possible via the old hotlapping method.
12 laps might be too long, or it might be too short, we'll see how it pans out in the next warm up event.
Good work FF Tim!
The warm up race was great - a spinner in front lost me time and gave me damage at the start, and a weird balance slide cost me more time later on. Other than that, a real fun race - looking foward to the next one.