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S3 licensed
1937 embiricos bentley
S3 licensed
i originally thought it was one of those crazy mercedes from the 30's w154 etc, but can't match it...
S3 licensed
Bentley sports?
S3 licensed
Alvis TC21 Grey Lady Drophead Coupe?
S3 licensed
pointless repeated ad nauseum question is pointless.

+1 to get thread closed/deleted
S3 licensed
use the search feature for these forums, should be heaps of posts on changing it.
Dutch Hydraulic Force Feedback Joystick
S3 licensed ... -hawk-joystick-interview/

Stumbled on this while trying to find a new FFB joystick. Very, very interesting
S3 licensed
never tried tobacco, think i tried pot once and wondered what all the fuss was about.

that was about 11 years ago lol

I'd rather spend my money on other addictions, cars etc :P
S3 licensed
yeah my old carby fed corolla all cable and linkages baybeh hehe dual throat carby induction noise ftw
S3 licensed
Quote from CrAbStEr DrIfTeR :ive read this full thread and not got one without seeing the answer... and this one is just as bad lol...

There's some tricks that will help you get SOME of them. Mainly the era the styling looks like it might be from, what the car is made from, tyre type, suspension clearance, the way the car is made....helps you narrow your search MOST of the time. But you probably don't look at as many cars as some of us
S3 licensed
Quote from PlusP :

I just don't get it. Where do these people come from and since when were graphics the end-all be-all and continous updates demanded more than just expected? What happened to the old addage, "You get out of it what you put into it"? Frankly, I'm often disgusted that so many people (especially my fellow Americans) are missing the point of what a simulation is and why flash and glitz is so far down on the totem pole of importance. It also pains me that they whine so much over the progress of development and then compare it to newer titles of lesser quality and substance. We all paid the devs for LFS as-is. It's been a wonderful title and it's only gotten better. It hasn't cost us a penny more than we originally paid for the license. In my opinion, we need to step back and admit that we've received a heck of a lot more than we paid for and LFS is still truckin' right along. Besides GPL, RBR, and NR2003, most surving racing titles older than LFS, with communities of any respectable size, are few and far between.

I've been dropping in and out of here since I got LFS in 2007. I keep up on the forums but I stay pretty quiet. I don't race online much but I've logged an enormous amount offline laps. For longevity and bang for your buck LFS just can't be beat. Console racers as well as a good number of PC sims fade within a year or two, if not sooner. I've been flying Falcon 4.0 and Allied Force since 1999-2000. I've put weeks of time into IL2. By today's standards, the graphics in those sims absolutley suck. But that doesn't make them bad sim. Like LFS, they're great sims because they do so many things right. It's a crying shame that the hardcore PC flight sim community is dying and it’s not because of the inability of the devs to produce quality titles. It's because of the average consumer's short attention span and lack of patience. It’s also a refusal to actually learn and develop skills to be successful.

Many of my fellow Americans are falling into this category of "pick up and play" and I’ve yet to understand it. Not many people are willing to put forth the effort to understand a sim like Falcon. Having to actually study its 716 page manual that merely scratches the surface of what it has to offer is asking too much for the average Joe. Likewise, take a look at how many people in LFS actually take the time to study the basics of racing or learn how to set up their own car to get the best out of the sim. Logging 291 miles and worrying about how a car's bottom end looks is missing the point of what a sim is. I'm not knocking you jrs_4500. I'm just making a point. Go to almost any dedicated PC sim community and you'll find so of the most helpful people you could ever hope for. Just understand the difference between arcade and sim.

Oh, and if you want to see if a game is aging, check here:

Thousands of people are still supporting many sims developed in the 1990's and they are still going strong. Compared to it's competition, LFS is a testament to the longevity of a racing sim because of it's quality, continued support by the devs, and the great community. NFS-HP2 and the like is never gonna have legs like that.

As my friends across the pond say,

You're making me want to get a replacement joystick...(i should have never given my MS FFB2 with a dodgy cord away)
And i agree with what you say. If people think they can do better than LFS for the price (hell just better, with free updates, dev support etc)
just go. If you decide to come back, we'll welcome you (long as you're civil)

I do enjoy some "mainstream" games, but most of them have been played through once, and left to collect dust. (some of the Valve studios titles are an exception here. They really do make some awesome games, with updates etc)

$56 AUD and roughly 7 years playtime. If you can beat that, please send me the title so i can buy it.
S3 licensed
General public are retards, in any country.
S3 licensed
Quote from GrIp DrIvEr :really? I thought it was to just help the engine get more air. I guess I leared that ir CONTROLS air movement. Pretty cool, thanks!


funnily enough thats what i was taught too. Throttle body is essentially a restriction or control of the motors air intake (which is either physically or electronically linked to fuel input). Without it, would run flat out all the time..
S3 licensed
Ugh damn forum trolls.

Ok you can have different body parts, but unfortunately you have to change car model files to do it, and someone has to have made the model already, unless you'd really good at 3d modelling

Upgrades - There are programs about to modify the power of the cars, but you can only use it online if the host has the EXACT SAME SETTINGS.
Go to and search for LFS tweak Z (it will NOT work with test patches, only LFS version Z stable)

Hope this helps.
S3 licensed
just use that link in the message i sent you. BTW thats not a bad looking ride...very cool
S3 licensed
Check ur PM's pearcy_2k7 i think i have it, but i don't want to spoil it for the others, i've gotten enough today
S3 licensed
I think i can produce a picture of the car. But for the life of me i can't find the name of the manufacturer...
S3 licensed
stab in the dark, its pretty hard to tell with that panel missing, and such a low res image.

Ferrari Testarossa/512TR?
S3 licensed
heh mangled. no wonder your old man sold it..
S3 licensed
yeah someone else can have a crack, i think i need to ban myself from here.
S3 licensed
Toyota 2000GT, and i forfeit. God i have no life LOL
S3 licensed
4 door lambo countach (if i'm right someone else can have my go)

Last edited by senn, .
S3 licensed
LOL omg thats gold..
S3 licensed
i would have like to have seen the person who was driving the chase cars perspective (i'm assuming they saw what went down..)


And much respect to those who test planes/cars/machinery/anything else dangerous, so that we may have safe stuff
S3 licensed
damn u gotta be kidding.....that roof could be off so many cars :P

can't take many design hints from that..